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>tfw Pat doesnt even have to try and is more successful than Woolie
what a way to go...with a cactus even...
Died from Mahvel withdrawal
rip big nig
Imagine looking at your view count and seeing a leprechaun have 3 times as many viewers as you
Mom catch him playing devil games?
Did he really die or are you just fucking around?
Leprechauns are lucky of course they get more views.
I'm not gonna lie these guys are incredibly boring as fuck and boggles my mind when these threads pop up. It's like king of the hill.
I always see threads talking about "Pat" or "Woolie" or some shit like they. I look at their vids and they barely even go past 50k views.
I've been here more than 10 years and I STILL can't tell if people actually like these 2 bozos or if its just some elaborate troll
Oh no, a dead black guy? What a terrible tragedy...
It's like King of the Hill MMO*
>Hasn't uploaded a single thing in like 3 months
Did he finally an hero?
Woolie is boring as fuck on his own and I haven't watched anything Pat has done. Matt's videos are pretty entertaining.
TBFP was never good.
God I fucking hope so.
Go to bed, Matt
Woolie is a sad man who will never go past pools in a tournament and only streams with ESL vacuums who aren't funny at all. He even admits he needs someone to play off of.
Only reason to watch Pat is to see if he or his girlfriend die on stream
>tfw used to watch every video these retards put out
>now I haven't seen anything they've done in the past year except for the one time I clicked on one of Woolie's videos by accident
Matt is unironically much better without having to play wise guy to Pat.
how will he die?
I see both their twitch channels on their recommended tab and it's funny that woolie can't hit 400 but pat has almost 2k watching.
Corona hopefully.
His girl will die first from her million problems and then he will die from depression and red bull after
Murder-suicide after the cat dies
>Shanique the Nigheg
He will die of death.
I only watch Paige playing souls now. Pat and Woolie are boring faggots.
ad infinitum
He just posted a video seven hours ago. he's probably still alive, unless something awful happened since then.
Pat and Paige are pretty entertaining but Pat alone is just dull. Pat really needs someone to play off of.
>spend at least the first two hours of the podcast yammering on and on about total insipid nonsense now
I never thought anything would make me miss Matt's restaurant and vacation stories.
You forgot
Uploading his brain into john carmack's simulation
>plot twist
>Pat's brain was uploaded into a computerized toilet!
One can say it was a potty twist.
What are the best Matt and Pat playthroughs?
Why are estatic and hysterical the same? They are two distinct emotions.
How did he do it bros?
He's the only one that actually made it
yup. plus theres no one there to call out his bullshit so his ego is inflating indefinitely. I SEE YOU LOOK AT THE CHAT WHEN YOUR STUCK PAT. STOP PRETENDING TO COME UP WITH THE SOLUTION YOURSELF.
Unfortunately not he still fucks around on Twitter
Deadly P is the GOAT
Silent Hill Homecoming and Downpour were good
I liked Chrono Trigger
Best Friends were great when it was just Mat and Pat. Woolie should've just stuck as a background character.
Whens peach going back on rekieta
The cactus had nothing to do with it, they just added that point in for no reason.
Woolie was at his best when he was some kind of mythical Mahvel-creature
>woolie vs vanquish
>it's minh
>he charges into enemies and dies x 10000
Re2 was pretty good.
I genuinely didn't see that coming.
He was the most retarded member with no talent, and a comedy black hole.
Safe, predictable content and click-bait wha happun videos
Do people still watch him? Did Vic still lose the appeal?
Matt actually makes structured content. Pat just uploads his streams unedited and Woolie would do well but he's too stubborn to just see the writing on the walls and make changes.
Connections and scripted safe content.
Honestly if Pat toned down his retard a little bit he'd probably do a lot better but he's all in on streaming. His audience seems to love it though.
Woolie adamantly refuses to make changes and is strangling his own growth.
What is Liam even doing these days?
>Its a woolie or pat get something wrong episode and double down
this by far is the most infuriating thing
Yeah, I have to admit when I'm wrong I'm wrong. I thought Pat would just keep streaming as usual, Matt would fade away since he was clearly bored with video games and Woolie would be the breakout star. Not even fucking close.
coming through with the GOAT
>Friday Night Fisticuffs/Saturday Night Scrublords are some of the best fighting game content for casual watching on Youtube
>Woolie is the most FGC guy on the show
>His only fighting game videos are 1 hour+ long unedited videos of him dryly teaching his boring friend how to play the games
Honestly thought he'd just fade away & live off his wife's inheritance.
isnt this the guy who fell of the brooklyn bridge
Why the fuck didn't Woolie just play original Half-Life, Black Mesa is fanwank trash.
They shoulda stopped after the omikron nightmare. It was their true peak.
Woolie is the most stubborn and close minded person i've ever seen. Ironic how he despises his religious upbringings yet he acts exactly the same just from the different angle.
hes not good enuff'.
>What is Liam even doing these days?
his body pillow.
and be a huge fucking cunt on twitter.
black mesa is way better than OG HL. only Sven is better.
Tranny Liam when?
Dont forget he used a controller too.
Black Mesa is fine. Half Life is shit when you get to Xen.
I fucking miss TBFP.
I like Castle Super Beast but the age of LPs are over. Fuck they need to bring Plague on more. Plague+Woolie+Pat podcasts were always the best.
>wife's inheritance
As many problems as he has, i just cant see him going tranny. I dont think hes that far gone.
>Fuck they need to bring Plague on more
has there even been a CSB podacast that wasnt just pat and woolie yet?
Deadly Premonition, Prison Break, and Ride to Hell are the holy trilogy of jank chaos
I think he's gone back to university.
What does he do on Twitter? I don't use Twitter because my brain functions normally. Does he post passive aggressive SJW faggotry? Complaining about Trump and telling everyone to use preferred pronouns?
That's what I imagine him doing. He's such a fucking wanker.
>age of lps
someone isn't watching V single handedly saving kotor 2
yes but he also butts into e-drama that he has nothing to do with.
I can't blame pat for just doing twitch streams and using youtube as an archive considering the absolute state of youtube these days
I don't think OG halflife has controller support. That's probably unironically why.
I'm glad this sissy sanic autist faggot gets btfo just by knowing pat is still alive and having more viewers and sex
In what way?
what the fuck are you niggers talking about in this thread