Rate this year April Fools

Rate this year April Fools
2/10 They fucked it up really bad

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i hate april fools day
it makes everyone act like animals
but i'm very aware, i don't fall to such degeneracy

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>t. Coofer

awww did the little redditor not appreciate the epic plague bants?

It was okay I guess.

By the way, that's corona speak for cope.

The Nurgle threads here and on /tg/ were fun to post in.

Don't be so negative. It was an alright April fools even though it was only fun at the start.

Nobody understood what the infection shit did or what the emoji shit was for. No consequences for board infection rate or being infected at all. At this point every April's Fools is just an excuse to ERP openly.

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They need to make merged boards mandatory for all April Fools, and then add gimmicks on top of that.


Super boring april's fools.

They should just do board merge every year

I like that it makes the ptg fags seethe out of their minds but otherwise it wasn't particularly interesting, just an excuse for retards to shitpost all day with no moderation

1/10 wasn't /mlpol/ 2: Electric Boogaloo

>haha im violently off-topic
>a-aprils fools!!!

check this 3

i missed most of it from work and sleep.

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I see Owain in there.

why it's the one day in which Yas Forums returns back to how it used to be and every board acts like Yas Forums in some way

10/10 it exposed the wojak posting faggots that infest this board

it was boring
reddit with names was better

i didn't even realize it was supposed to be an april fools joke


Cringe and boring. Likes were unironically better.

I don't appreciate the board being flooded with gay ERP

Was alright could have been more fun tho

I enjoyed it.

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>taking LARPing this serious
Redditors and Yas Forumstards can't take a joke, huh?


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Just another excuse for trannies to have erp threads like last year
Awful 0/10

Replying to infected anons got you infected.
This was proven multiple times on boards with unique IDs.
The emoji shit I'm not sure, but I heard it had to do with either being infected early and recovering or giving a ton of (You)s to everybody.


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the infection was timed, it was based on how long you waited the more time went by the more green you got it didn't matter who you posted to or if you even made many posts.

The erp stuff starting to get grating the joke funny when didn't know what's going on but this was meh/10

The novelty wore off very quickly.
Maybe my expectations were too high.
Well at least the entire site becomes one big shitposting zone for an entire day so I can't complain about that.

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the deus ex posting was fun

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Last year was better.

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was bretty fun coofposting

It's amazing how when they implement anything that can gain attention for an anonymous poster like points or infection the trannies immediately start whoring for it.


yeah but once you got infected once you would only get more infected after the first contact it was on a timer/rails

Yas Forums has been the gayest board on Yas Forums for a very long time

somehow worse than last year's which i didn't think would even be possible

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it was post-related, and could be accelerated by shitposting on multiple boards at once
t. managed to get to biohazard in ~30min every time i lost it by hitting up other boards

It was too topical.

4/10. it was pretty fun for the first couple hours last night at least

It was cool. Should've had more interactivity like ways to protect yourself or spread the disease others

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At least last year I could post skellys and roll dice while you faggots were erping for upboats.

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it was ok


>"Hehe, im just joking around user"
>"*sucks you're cock*"

the jannies are trans it's been proven so many times. they infiltrated moderation and now they hand out bans for anyone who offends them as a trans person by labelling it as trolling outside of Yas Forums


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It was fun for an 1- 2 hours joke but terrible as a whole day one

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If only they made /mlpol/ permanent. The amount of skullfucking that was delivered that day filtered practically all the shitters.
I know about the separate chan. No it's not the same.

>what Yas Forums likes

>replying to bait

I hope jannies get infected with the real thing

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