>nu-Lara could have looked like this
I will never stop being mad, Yas Forumsros.
Nu-Lara could have looked like this
Laras ass in Rise of the Tomb Raider is kino
Who cares what she looks like when the new games play like crap?
Why isn't there any dinosaurs in nu-raider?
was this a real concept?
garbage indicators. thanks for that convenience i guess
Nu-Lara is hotter than this tranny you posted.
>pierced nose
>box head
No. However people were messing with her reboot model and quick makeup and hair change shows she can easily look like old Lara. They even found removed nraid hairstyle in files of Shadow.
Speaking of which Shadow was supposed to have different ending connecting to the first game. At the end she was supposed to get letter from Natla.
i really liked rise lara, as far as looks. shame she was still a horror movie cheerleader cliche
It's a standard white girl ass that you can see anywhere.
This is Yas Forums, there's only waifufags here
>boob window
NuLara is a disgrace.
Still pretty generic face.
Also Yeah, Aryan women have kino ass.
Sure, but it wasn't worth ruining an iconic character design for a generic white girl ass.
why do boomers like shitty bimbos so much?
double dilate.
>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH JOOOOONAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH HEEEEEEELLLLLLPPP MEEEEEEEEE Uahhh Jonaaaahh, my daddy is dead Uaahhh!! *sniff* uhuhu... I-I-I need to find treeneetee I have to get the daggah!
>Woman points an arrow at her catching her by surprise
>"No no no no please don't shoot me miss, pleaaaase I'm not your enemy! I-I'm on your side!" *wheeze* *has panic attack*
Contrast this to Legend Lara.
>Man catches her by surprise with sword piece with magical powers
>"Lara! You're a busy beaver, aren't you?"
>"Oh look, it's Rutland. Fancy dropping down for a chat, then?"
>"Only if you can shoot this far."
>"You know long-distance relationships inevitably come to an end."
Nu-lara is fucking pathetic.
b-b-b-but now she is really human and relatable!
Good asses are never generic.
Legends Lara is perfection. Played the shit out of those games back in the day, even if Underworld was pretty rushed in hindsight.
I dunno about you but I find it really hard to relate to doomguy. How do the devs expect us to find him likeable when he's so confident and manly? He needs to have character flaws to be remotely believable. This is unacceptable in today's industry. It needs to be changed. Anyone else agree?
I loved her in Legend. Anniversary tried to "humanize" her too much by having her kill 1 dude and feel guilty about it in a very cliche way. Literally looking into her blood-stained hands except there's no blood at all for some reason. It was something the original didn't need and neither should the remake. Never really played Underworld.
Her face is just too bland, like a generic poser model.
She's way less fun in Underworld, becomes way too serious. But she is at her hottest there. Worth a playthough I'd say.
I do remember the hot doppelganger. Too bad I also remember the 360 exclusive dlc no one played.
That looks hideous
is there a good adventure game dev out there that could get tomb raider right?
Legend was such a goddamn shit show
>muh mommy
Anyone got that image of all those uncharted and RE female protags looking just like nu-lara? I need it
Her 1-6 personality needs to return simple along with her looks
The gameplay from 1-6 only updated like resi 2 remake key finding puzzle solving and exploring platforming having full control over lara.
we don't want hubworlds interspersed between long narrow cut-scene-ridden set-piece designed, cover shooting corridors
What would be the right formula?
this is the Doppelganger she is like Lara Croft with the flaws removed
Respawn Entertainment honestly. Star Wars Fallen Order legit gave me tomb raider vibes honestly with actual tombs you go into, solve simple physics puzzles and climb shit.
What is with this girl's fans and bestiality?
it's all she's known for!
It's more iconic than her new look or the stupid pickaxe. the bow and arrow is hunger games nu-lara is not iconic for anything and she has only had three games in eight years!
honestly just gieing her back her original skills and attitude would do wonders. then get rid off the cover system stuff.
>in 360 era people complained about the "brown hair gritty white male in his 30s"
>now we have "brown haired next door white woman in her late 20s"
it seems only coomers like the legend trilogy
Looks like a cheap pornstar.
The hypocrisy is intense Lara has to be more "REAL/AUTHENTIC" Ada Wong cocktail dress!
The higher the % of fans that are female nerds, the more likely something is to be associated with dog fucking.
It's not a mans fetish user, you figure the rest out.
Old Lara
>Peak female human body. Perfectly proportioned for raiding of all times, be it tomb or womb.
>Master markswoman and hand to hand combatant. Fluent in 1,000,000 forms of killing people.
>Expert driver. Only crashes when she chooses to tactically crash.
>Strong willed. Not even the least bit phased by taking a life when that life deserves to be taken.
>Tangles with dinosaurs and krakens and ancient Egyptian evils
>Grade SSS sex pot wife material and knows it.
>More money than Batman.
>Does what she does for fun and the thrill of it. Saves the world by accident.
>Perfectly honed survival instincts.
>Speaks every language on this planet fluently. Even that one you just made up to try and prove that she doesn't. She spoke it before you even thought of it you fucking loser.
>Strong independent woman. Doesn't need to say "I don't need no man" like a weak little girl because her actions and lifestyle make that clear.
>Commands respect wherever she goes.
>Doesn't cast aside her femininity. Actively embraces it.
>Dual infinite pistols so she never has to stop shooting. Ever.
>Constantly shown to be altruistic and generous with her massive wealth.
>Every game is a globe trotting adventure. Well traveled.
>Doesn't need to level up. Always at the top of her game.
>Can physically keep up with the likes of Witchblade and The Darkness.
>Movements are deliberately sexual and confident, even when nobody is around to see it. A true alpha female.
>Iconic musical theme that is still remembered to this day. You hear it in your head right fucking now assuming you weren't already just by the mention of it.
>Always makes the player feel like you're coming along with her on an adventure to someplace old and mysterious, not following her along on her own snuff film.
Nu-Lara spends most of her games cleaning up messes she herself causes while crying and bleeding.
Reboots are gritty Uncharted and Assassins Creed clones with TR name slapped on it.
A truly refreshing and well dome TR reboot would:
>keep Indiana Jones inspired atmosphere
>keep Classic/Legend Lara
>ditch "le realistic" and "le human" writing
>rework the puzzles, instead of fixed solutions, player is given tools and can approach the platforming however he wants etc.
>less shooting, more tombs
>open world is shit, exploring different countries is more fun
>fully explorable croft manor with hardest challenges
The stories were of questionable quality but the gameplay was still fun.
Classic lara's fanbase i think was 40% female and there are a ton of homos who love her so i dunno.
But i feel the dog fucking thing happend because nu Lara is quite common cheap vulgar has no class ya know?
and that appeals to a crowd who don't have any of classic Lara's traits or who can't relate to them! lol
I kinda miss the days when male devs would just design whatever their dicks liked and let the widespread popularity of the character amongst the female playerbase be just the icing on the cake. That's exactly what happened for Jill and old Lara and they've also been the most popular characters to cosplay due to an immediately recognizable unique outfits and looks.
i like what this guy said!
>insta-death traps that filter casuals
>combat that's designed to be simple and streamlined but still has a level of depth that veterans of the series appreciate
>can jump, dive, swim, ride vehicles, climb, and swing from ropes, extremely versatile allowing for wildly varying degrees of platforming
>puzzles don't revolve around everything in the room being highlighted while she tells you how to solve it and instead relies on your figuring out what to do
>game will not apologize for you wasting ammo
>enemies involve more than just wolves, bears, and people, expands through the entire bestiary of the world and mythology and creates new ones
>tons of secrets while exploring that takes skill or wit to find
I appreciate what the devs did in keeping the franchise alive, but it's time for them to fuck off with their feminist SJW bullshit.
>less shooting, more tombs
this was the only 'good' thing about shadow but the jungle atmosphere got way too old way too fast.
Its because nuLara is made with some gore/degradation fetish in mind. While Old Lara was classic sexual this one is "cute" but 1000 times more often is in sexually sugestive situations.
The thing is i see girls dress really trampy and wear very whorey makeup in daylight makes Jill look like a nun
the gameplay was the worst part of them though, the only good part of the platforming was in the manor
Was anyone here for those old Tomb Raider reboot threads? There were great recolors of Lara like blonde Lara and redhead Lara, too bad I've changed my computer 3 times since then, those were good images and archive is shit.
Nu-Lara shouldn't have to look like that she should look like this!
I know. Sounds hypocritical when you contrast that to this overall "consensus" there seems to be on male gaze or whatever other bullshit they make up.
built for horse cock
She will, in the next game. This time for sure
Why is Ada the only one who can look and sound sexy?
Are you retarded? Anniversary to this day is peak TR experience. Old ones are good but only if you are used to playing old games with tank controls.
>could have looked worse than what we got
h-haha yeah how horrible
thats what all nu characters deserve. horses and dogs.
trash characters from trash people.