Thats right Gamers, you better listen to marginalized people or else you get bad games!!!

Thats right Gamers, you better listen to marginalized people or else you get bad games!!!

(RE3 and RE5 are great games fuck off Vice)

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Resident Evil 5 was fun, not better than four but still pretty good. I thought that was the general consensus at the time?


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It was, Resident Evil 5 may have not been as important to the series progression as 4 even if I would add its horror between both games are very similar and its main attraction was its action orientated story and gameplay. People still play the coop and mercenaries mode today!

shut the fuck up nigger.

at least 5 wasn't 5 hours.

Vice is disgraceful

Go back to rebbbit or lurk more before posting please. You newfag

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you're right
5 hours of shit > 8-9 hours of shit

The campaign is 7 hours just like the last game with one of its characters. You faglords just eat up whatever youtuber throws at you dont ya.

These people will be out on the street very soon. I'd like to see how they can feed themselves with their politics. How much is it truly worth to look virtuous on the internet? Will they choose to starve for it?

With everything going on in the world right now, this retard is still bitching about racism in a game from 10+ years ago.
Must be nice

There's an achievement for finishing RE5 in under 5 hours


I like both RE 5 and 6

>oh yeah, RE5 had some issues with the bad setpieces, infamous co-op AI and out-of-place cover shootin-
Fucking Vice, I swear.
And you know they didn't play past the white-washed opening because you end up going to a literal spear-chuckers mud village to shoot it up anyway.

Brownie points for not giving these ass-sniffing fucks a link.

N'gai is an absolute idiot. There never was anything racist about RE5, just some Viacom hobo asking the hard questions.

Same! I love the animation films too. I still replay mercanaries time to time on re6

N'Gai Croal really was a horrible sign of things to come

Again this fucking bullshit.
Apparently niggers can't be zombies either. Fucking racist white pigs

>africa has africans
no fucking way!


Patrick who?
That guy that was afraid of nudity in that Sega mafia guy game?

LOL. These "people" actually think their opinions matter or are even close to be right. Fuckin hell

why didnt anyone cry about the spanish being portrayed about the spanish villagers being a bunch of backwater savages? oh yeah because those people still exist. why wasnt anyone upset about every white trash and redneck themed game? jesus christ these "journalists" are so fucking idiotic.

Redneck Rampage was a good game

Wasn't there a diary for one of the villagers that basically amounted to "Oh shit, everyone's going tribal and now so am I" in RE5?

reading/watching vice is the exact same shit as kotaku with gayson schreirer, journous begging for your clicks with their shitty opinions.
granted, VICE, used to have hamilton which was the only decent reporter, but today they are all the same shitheads.

>RE5 bad because you kill africans in africa, potentially as an african woman
>RE3make good because no racisms
gay, turns out RE5 is actually campy kino like RE4 but you're not ready for that conversation

based funchads

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The game is set in Africa.
Do they want the developers to WHITEWASH the African population? How horridly racist. They're literally asking for an african genocide. This so-called journalist should be ashamed and never allowed on the internet again for thought crimes against marginalized people.

Journalists are unironically parasites that produce nothing of value.

They did slightly whitewash the population by adding the odd white zombie in the crowd, which made no sense because this is africa. Chris was only there since he works for an international bioterror task group

>N'gai Croal

WTF how is that nigger race hustler still employed anywhere? I remembered him peddling his "vidya is raycis" bullshit back in 2009 and thought he was retarded back then too. Surprised to see that name show up again.

But RE5 wasn't bad?

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and many of them were white.

Did people collectively forget RE3 was the "why did this survival horror series became an action movie?" of its day? RE5 only had the made up racism angle going.

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>africa is all blacks

um, no sweetie.

RE5 had some weird quirks, and I really don't care for RE5/6's co-op focus, but you have to start getting into outright outsourced crap like Operation Raccoon City to find BAD RE games.

>if you look at it as an action game with exceptional co op, apparently it's good.
well yeah, thats how things work, retard

ORC is a bad one, including that multiplayer game that came out 2 years or so ago that died on LAUNCH DAY. But I can tell you that I know some who really enjoyed ORC for its gameplay despite it not being a RE game

If Sheva was black like chocolate and had a huge afro they wouldn't be complaining.

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a lot of people never played older resident evils, but claim they did for whatever reason. it's where the complaints about remake length come from as well. resident evils were always short.

Black women are fucking atrocious looking. Good god. I can smell them from here

>not 6
Good, 6 is better

Tokenism or racism? You decide.

6 is amazing value, you get like what 6 fucking full campaigns?

RE5 was good, better than the most games in RE series. How the fuck is it racist?


i remember reading an article in a videogame magazine back when RE5 was relevant where they also addressed the potential racism and how fucking absurd it was

if a black and a white zombie is shuffling towards a racist, who will he shoot first? whichever one is closest.

complete fucking non-issue.

Wat'chu tawkin' abowt?

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Imagine the artist who had to make this model. He must of been based, ya know? Making that virtual smelly nigger look atrocious and ugly as possible just like actual niggers.

I liked Resident Evil 5 tho

The closest thing to RE5 being racist is the tribe of ooga booga zombies that wear huge masks and throw spears at you.

I like you, user.

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That isnt racist, that just west Africa

Playing RE5 with a friend is so much fun. I always played as Sheva with the fairytale outfit

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I like that they only mention the beginning sections of the game with the normal majini as being racist, when there’s an entire section with actual tribesmen that never gets mentioned

The only good thing about 5 is Sheva

why would you even bother to write a backstory when it's this generic
>freed from all charges
>not just "she was acquitted"
the hacks that get these jobs I swear to fucking god dude this shit is embarrassing

How soon will REmak3 be cracked?

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mah nigga, i did the same thing. my friend would always zoom in with a scope to stare at shevas tits whenever i went afk and id come back with a gun barrel in my chest

BGE2's is hot though. The others are mostly middle age ladies though.

That's all you have to do, put the saucy stuff behind a pleb filter.

RE5 is fucking garbage

I've never played a Resident Evil game I didn't enjoy. If these SJWs are implying RE5 is 'worse' than RE3, then RE3 is a solid 8.