>Wolpaw LITERALLY saved the game
How could Campo Santo ever recover?
Half-Life Thread
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thank fuck for wolpaw but i wanna see all the cut shit, theres code for combine hoppers and shit in the game. I feel like theres 3 games worth of content in it somewhere
>Wolpaw LITERALLY saved the game
elaborate pl0x
The story was completely different and the playtesters feedback was abysmal. There were cutscenes, longer intro, and you apparently would jump between multiple protagonists.
When they re-hired Wolpaw, he salvaged what could be, and rewrote the story. The ending is his idea.
They quite obviously dumbed it down really hardcore. Game is really easy, even on hard difficulty, I think the only thing that ever actually hurt me was combine soldiers. Zombies seem bugged, when they throw shit at you it doesn't hurt you if you're holding your hands up, which you'll always be doing because you're going to be trying to shoot them.
I still can't believe that we live in the world where Half-life 3 is actually confirmed
source? is this in the IGn stuff?
Daily reminder that they retconned the ending to a 13 year old game for no good reason.
Apart from digging them self into a corner..
You damn well know that its the stuff for DLC and shit.
Have to agree, this new timeline shit they've dug themselves into has brought up so many inconsistencies its embarrassing.
what is it with people using the word retcon wrong when talking about Alyx? It cannot have been retconned since it was the driving force behind Alyx making a contract with Gman. Hell even the game starts with a message telling you that Eli dies 5 years from now.
The new Portal ending is more of a retcon, the intro of HL1:Ep1 is more of a retcon.
>cutscenes, longer intro, and you apparently would jump between multiple protagonists
Jesus fuck, thank god. Those monsanto faggots had no clue what half-life.
so they tired to do fucking GTA V VR in half-life? jesus christ i knew campo santo was bad but i didn't know it was THIS bad
>Portal ending is more of a retcon
They extended it, plain and simple.
>HL1:Ep1 is more of a retcon.
You're mistaken, the Vortigaunts are pulling them out of stasis, plain and simple.
Alyx is a massive retcon because the story for Ep3 was setup 13 years ago and NOW they decide to rewrite it.
It's pathetic and terrible writing.
there IS like 3 games worth of stuff in filenames at least. supposedly a bunch of scrapped L4D3 and HL3 stuff with only their names in directories in the files.
Why do guys keep assuming that a handful of new hires would have the sway to decide the course of Valve's most prized franchise? I saw a Tweet from one of the Campo Santo guys and he talked about how he wrote one of the newspapers that you can find in the game. That's the sort of stuff they have been handed.
Alyx and Eli's VA replaced
Valve is dead
Eli's original actor is literally dead
Why didn't they just fucking make Half Life 3? They clearly have the engine and the talent, why don't they just fucking DO IT already.
How is it a rewrite when that cliffhanger is literally used in the story, as it was? It's OK to not like what they did with the cliffhanger but it is categorically not a retcon.
The engine hasn't been ready actually. In fact you can thank HLA for giving Valve the drive to actually finish it, maybe now we'll actually see HL3.
it's not a retcon because it DID happen, you even see it for yourself in Alyx.
There's actually an IGN video about it. After having a nightmare with HL2 trying to develop an engine at the same time as the game they vowed never to develop an engineer and a game at the same time again. The new engine has taken years to develop, so they didn't start developing games for ages.
Not to mention we don't know and have no way of knowing if Gman has altered events in the past.
Every time you die and reload a save game it's Gman altering the timeline just a little bit
arguably the intention all along. also eli just straight up being killed is kind of lame.
Cutscenes? That doesn't sound like the Monsanto guys.
A retcons a retcon, no matter how its portrayed.
>Eli was also dead
>Resurrect him
>It cannot have been retconned since it was the driving force behind Alyx making a contract with Gman.
spiderman one more day
combine hoppers are just combine mines though
Only large objects hurt Alex when chucked. Bottles do nothing but a barrel does do damage.
Anyone complaining about HL:A is a butthurt campo tranny dev that had their shit story canceled in favor of classic Valve kino
Portal 1 new ending is definitely a retcon. It changes from you passing out after having escaped Aperture, to you being retrieved and dragged back into the enrichment centre. The end status of Chell is completely different.
>the new portal ending is a retcon
Because when they do retards like you will complain that it wasn't what you expected. Functionally speaking, HL:A is HL3.
It was added upon due to Ratman... retcon means removed
And a shitpost is a shitpost, even more when it has no basis.
everybody gets one
Valve see it backwards, videogames are a means to make technology wheres an actual developer sees technology as a means to make videogames
who cares about half life in general or this game
this was just a cashgrab to sell headsets
>Trailer with 8M views
>lol who cares
Yeah, Hard just turned all the three enemies appearing at the time into huge bullet sponges. Just made me chuck grenades at everything.
Everything is a cashgrab, user.
>this was just a cashgrab to sell headsets
You need to learn the definition of a cashgrab
Rewrite? They just resolved the cliffhanger using time travel. Nothing was undone, hell it seems Eli even remembers having died a moment ago.
You could say it was a lame way to move the plot forward and I wouldn't argue otherwise - it's pretty much an elaborate form of deus ex machina - but that's not what a retcon is.
A retcon would be saying that Eli never died and none of that happened, let's just forget about it, without even trying to explain it by in-universe means.
And living in denial is living in denial.
I'm not the one clinging onto a dead franchise, I've accepted it's death and so should you.
The cliff hanger is the main plot, whats inside the Borealis.
Everyone had accepted Eli's death except consoomers.
It's a retcon because they're changing and rewriting what happened, the fact that use used some contrived and ham fisted way to tell is irrelevant.
They would have a made a massive amount of more money had they not released as a VR exclusive. They probably would have gotten the best of both worlds in terms of money generation by making it VR optional, making insane amount of bucks by a selling a new HL game while also boosting the sales of VR.
But I don't think money was first in their mind when they made this game, I mean why would it, they'd never need to make another game again since they already have Steam.
If anything it felt refreshing to me, to play a game that is only interested in telling a story, instead of selling you loot boxes or season passes or artificially stretching out the experience with pointless grinding and open world bullshit. One of the least cynical AAA games I've played in recent memory.
No, you're not, you are the one saying cringy shit like "clinging onto a dead franchise"as if liking a video game and knowing the definition of a word is akin to being an alcoholic or something.
Daily reminder that Half-Life is dead, Valve retconned the ending of EP2.
Let it go people, stop being mindless consoomers and lapping up campy santo tier trash.
Cope more, just let go user, it's over, be at peace now.
source or gtfo
zoomie mczoom-zoom zoomer prime right here.
Look at this absolute consoomer
if they want it for VR it's clearly not ready yet, there's a LOT of stuff to improve on
Sauce: My ass
Kill yourself
Fuck off
>don't think for yourself just parrot memes and buzzwords
kill yourself redditor
Yas Forums needs bogeymen and scapegoats for the Two Minutes Hate. Except it's not two minutes but 24/7.
Joke is I'm the one thinking for myself. The majority of people like you are lapping up this shit, you're a sheep.
Are you saying majority of people have finally bought into VR? That's good to hear
Yeah, what the fuck is everyone talking about?