Boring as fuck

boring as fuck

Attached: doom-64.jpg (800x550, 83.41K)

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Best version out of the old games. I'm getting it for Steam.

tried playing it and it's just inferior, weird doom with bad level design. pass.

why yes, i'll not play john romero and sandy petersen levels, and instead play levels made by some nobody gook or something.
>find the key behind a moving wall treasure hunt within the first 2 minutes of the game

I haven't played this since the original release. I just remember it being dark and moody, even for Doom.

Hugo Martin says this is his favorite Doom game and that it's better than 1 & 2. What a retard

i don't know how anyone could like this game over the first two

It might have worked if they spread out tougher enemies better but mowing down mobs of imps and pinkies makes the dark atmosphere seem out of place.

hugo martin's a piece of shit faggot retard

I think DOOM64 has the ability to be the best, I just wish that the cartridge space hadn't fucked it over.
It missing enemies, and some extra gun animations like the super shotgun reload, are because of this pretty much.
The art design, sound design, and level design is the absolute best in the series.
I love how all the enemies look. I just wish it was able to release on PC properly so maybe it could have had the extra stuff it didn't have.
The Unmaker is also the absolute best weapon in the classic games.

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>level design is the absolute best in the series.

garbage opinion

It's scripting that it was able to pull off definitely makes it more interesting to me.

The levels certainly look nice, but they got nothing on Romero's levels design wise

>Best version out of the old games

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>doom 64
>"the real doom 3"

except it's not. in classic FPS level design is everything, and the levels in doom 64 suck

final doom is the real doom 3 I was just trying to help anons with mods

Great for it’s time. I was 22 when that game came out. It was impossible to get your hands on an N64 at that time. All the stores were sold out. Luckily my roommate at the time had one. I picked up a copy at Babbages and didn’t sleep much that weekend.
It’s difficulty to go back to that after all the advances of today.

It has the best level design

False it is great.

Just emulate it. It's a fucking N64 game. Unless they added online multiplayer or something.

>doom1 level consistency
>with doom2 enemy numbers
Sorry Bobby Prince isn't there stealing rifts for his midis I guess

I like the music but don't think it fits a shooter.

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No way fags

Why? Do you enjoy paying Bethesda for other peoples' work?

>real doom 3
How about both?

The original game is the worst version available.

Doom 64 EX exists. It works fine at converting it into more classic doom controls. Word is the Steam version is just that anyways.

why do you fags magically forget all the shit levels in 1 and the cluster fuck that was doom 2?
64 never once has a solid wall that is noclipped you need to pass through to progress, while doom2 does.
Go take you e3m2 and shove it up your ass nostalgia fag

i haven't seen Doom 64 EX but in the pc remake you cannot vertical aim or jump


The levels looked nice but they weren't as fun as most of the Doom levels.

Could you jump in the N64 version? That's not a typical Doom feature.

EX has mouselook if you really want it though.

Doom 64 is better than Doom 1 and Doom 2, 1 is pretty damn close in quality to 64 lacks the variety that was introduced in 2 but 2 has maps all over the place, some of them are just a chore to play through, whereas with 64 you get very unique levels with a much more consistently good quality.
All in all 64 is the best, closely followed by 1 then 2 because it's so uneven in map quality.

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The steam version is EX but ported to the newest KEX engine and with Kaiser making it as accurate to 64 as possible, basically it's EX 2.0.
Best way to play the game imo, just make sure you disable texture filtering.

i'd take the gimmick levels of 2 over the dull switch hunts in 64

1 is mostly good until inferno started to get somewhat experimental
2's level design is notoriously gimmicky and amateurish, but people like the game for its new demons, ssg, and sheer amount of mods
and this is why i prefer the more linear and simplistic ones of the new games

Epic flop

You might as well public domain this shit for all the commercial viability this shit has. 951 users max played this ever. This was a game also included with preorders too. Can you say fucking dead?

>fun as fuck

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I'd be curious to see what real improvements that entails. 64 EX already works fine to me.

From Kaiser himself.


I think it's decently fun but after having plowed through DOOME, it's fairly dull and easy.

I remember playing Doom 64 EX, I stopped after about 12 levels and picked up the game only years later. It was so boring to play through. The switch hunting was almost Hexen-tier, goddamn it. The only upside was the end boss battle, BECAUSE I did NOT upgrade the Unmaker (couldn't find the other parts). Fighting the end boss with normal weapons only was very challenging.

it's just 4 dollarinos and the better version

Everyone knows that "Mr. Smiley Head's Safari" is the true Doom 3.

>The switch hunting was almost Hexen-tier, goddamn it
You can make a point without grossly over exaggerating it. D64 isn't even remotely similar to Hexen. It's Doom 1 with some of 2's toys mixed in.

It is. Not only is the level design second only to Knee-Deep in the Dead but it is canonically the direct sequel to 2.

yeah it's garbage. i only played it because I heard it ties into Doom 2016. unfortunately 64 plays like the garbage ancient boomer Doom games instead of the superior new ones so I dropped it. I wish they would've dropped the old games but they need to pander to nostalgia goggle boomers i guess.

>how much shit can I stuff into a single post?


Be less obvious

more like baron 64
seriously why the fuck does this game like spamming barons so often, it's fucking boring. open door and hey 5 barons for you to slowly waste all your rockets killing

You mean Hell Knights. The game does overuse them but it's not a huge deal.

because they cut out interesting enemies to make up for 64's engine limitations
that's also why the game is noticeably easier when you can actually aim, it was made with 64's shitty controller in mind

red ones are barons, talking about them
though you're right in that it's both really
man it really shows, it's a world of difference going from the vanilla maps to the lost levels

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I know which ones are Barons, I'm just saying they aren't used extensively like Knights are.

Ok... I get revisiting the old dooms for nostalgia. But you guys can't be serious when you say these hold up as fun games.

The games are not challenging at all by modern standards, Enemies just run straight at you, and offer no dynamic game play. Simple strafing makes you nearly invincible. Lack of need to aim vertically makes aiming absolutely trivial.

>engine limitations
I don't think so, given the last level with all the enemies warping in non stop.
The only limitation was the cartridge space.


the doomies solution to this problem is to just spam more and more enemies into the level and call it a day

By that retarded logic, the games you think are good now are actually unplayable shit since future titles will outdo them. Better stop playing anything.

git gud

>nooo you can't partake in an iterative hobby
good job fag