Did this really happen in medieval warfare?
Did this really happen in medieval warfare?
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Nice bitrate retard
sadly yes
>another American who slept through history class
I bet you can't even tell if this is real or not.
Fuck yeah. People would launch corpses and dead animals at other people to demoralize or make them sick.
This is what happened. Mongols raped everyone
Based and mongolpilled
jesus fucking christ that looks impressive and horrifying. will buy after actual release probably
jesus thats even counterable than the fucking huns/mongols in total war
I wonde what that would look like with friendly fire enabled
wtf how do your dudes not hit you
>blocks your path
no friendly fire
imagine it happens irl
probably way more fearsome. how many dudes could the khan field at once?
Real Mongols would just burn all the fields and raid shit around the countryside until the defenders starved to death.
Or use Chink slaves to build catapults and launch fire pots and diseased corpses into your city/castle.
Wow, horse archers actually fight like horse archers now? Fuck the empress, I know where I'm setting up shop now!
yeah, sometimes
So bannerlord is really good?
Yeah. Their default attack order makes them circle the enemy and fire. Horse archers are fucking OP right now.
Did the game crash every 30 mins in medieval warfare?
It's near-broken mess now, but the foundations seem solid.
Yes, good video compression is a relatively recent invention so pretty much all medieval gameplay footage is unwatchable like this.
Battles are pretty fucking good. The campaign is a broken mess at the moment.
Its decent but with mods/updates its gonna be really fucking Good
if you can tolerate a bunch of bugs. Then its the best game released this year and probably last year.
Horse archers are OP in every possible scenario unless you're defending mountain terrain (and have the right tactics and equipment), or you have gunpowder and pikes. The only reason the Mongols even lost control of their fuckehuege empire was due to infighting and their retarded methods of inheritance.
Whats your specs.
Buggy and unfinished, but it's fucking mountain blade, of course it's good.
8 years. 8 years for this!? Blunder of the century. What a joke
>lost to a bunch of polish peasants and couldnt even get to the fortresses
lol horsefuckers are pathetic
works on my machine .3
or stone fortification with crossbows. Wooden castle were the norm in most of Europe until the mongols showed up. After the first invasions the Europeans noticed they just went around stone castles and didn't bother, while they would light the wooden ones on fire. After that no one built wooden castles anymore.
I hope your controls bugged out otherwise you have the reaction time of a downie.
gg no re
There is plenty wrong with the game but unless you had no control over your character there is nothing wrong with that webm.
>wears rags, no helmet
>say "i'll duel you" to fully armored Chad
pleb filter
fight was realistic
>no friendly fire
shit game
Only, in real life arrows aren't as lethal as they are in this game. Arrows wont go through basic riveted mail. But in this game two or three shots into a mail covered body and they go down. Armor mitigation should be much higher for arrows imo
I am not infected, am I?
It's passable if you love M&B games, developers are doing a good job with daily updates so far.
Seems about right.
1060 6GB, Ryzen 1600 OCd to 3.8
Runs pretty good on medium/high aside from major stutters that everyone gets, mo matter that hardware
what about a javelin to the face?
Oh shit, there's another update?
Is it safe to try the family feud quest yet?
Stop this shitty meme
it also helped that everyone they fought was fucking retarded and fell for the feigned retreat every time.
No, the Mongols failed to get far into Europe specifically because of mountains and stone forts. The geography didnt lwt them abuse their horses and they couldnt adapt. Then their leader died and their culture went with him.
they always have fought like horse archers avoiding melee you newfag redditor
I wouldn't know, you can check the patch notes though.
He's turned it off
I agree it should encourage you to make use of the different arrow types. Right now you can just pick one and use it for everything. It would also help balance the horse archers.
Empire or fuck Empire?
it's real, mongol bows suck against mail, longbows in the other hand punch through like nothing, mongols won through attrition and fatigue not because they were better or anything
resolution =/= quality
It's a mess, but mostly due to bugs and poor optimization. Give it some more development time (and time for mods to appear) and it will be better than Warband.
you're fine
t. doctor
This. You didn't use the same bows riding a horse that foot archers would use. Horse archers had to use smaller bows and focused on rate of fire, rather then accuracy or power.
In real life armour has imperfections, weak joints and various openings, so there was always a chance that aa single arrow could do some serious damage or kill you. Of course it could also simply glance of your armour and do nothing. In game that's averaged out so that each arrow that hits does some damage but far less if you have armour, it works fine.
The only armor that was "arrow-proof" was plate armor: youtu.be
The gaps of the armor were just riveted mail and gets punched through like butter by arrows
Unarmored is obviously dead. Heavily armored I'm actually not sure. could possibly survive if the blow was glancing on the helmet (ie no penetration, but likely a concussion either way). If its a face shot, and its just mail then lol, it might not penetrate but itll fuck your face up anyways and you will not be fighting anymore thats for sure.
dude just drop it most of the retards here don't know the difference between the golden horde, khazars, the huns or scythians, its just a game
Every time I watch this webm, I literally piss myself laughing
They fix the "Breaking the law" crash, yeah. They also made Hideouts not as bad since you don't instalose everything if you die while doing a hideout now.
saying an armor was "arrow proof" is as retarded as trying to call plates "bullet proof" and not realizing the differences in rating and ammo used (tungsten) or the power of the gun itself or the powder
kill yourself
You're kind of both right and wrong. Arrows sometimes will and sometimes won't go through mail. It just depends on the angle of the arrow, it's velocity, distance, etc. It's just luck. Even if it goes through it probably won't do much damage, hell even without mail it's very unlikely an arrow will hit anything vital. They are mostly just painful and annoying.
But the thing is, most horse archer armies would pepper you with so many fucking arrows it didn't matter. When each man in your armor is getting struck by 100+ arrows, a good portion of those are going to get through your armor and eventually either something vital will get hit or the cumulative effect of dozens of fucking arrows sticking in you will cause you to bleed out or be unable to fight.
The other thing to note is that in real ancient/medieval combat, 90% of casualties/fatalities were not during the battle, but the subsequent route. Ancient combat was more about psychologically dominating your opponent and getting them to run so you could stab them in the back.
So, the horse archer rain of arrows might be all superficial damage, but your army doesn't know that, starts running away, and then get's actually slaughtered.
Is there any reason to play Bannerlord over Warband right now? Any objective reason whatsoever, apart from improved graphical fidelity?
Its not a meme you faggot. Go look up 100+ lb bows with arrows usin bodkin points, it doesnt go through actual historically made armor. Dumb nigger.
nice reaction time you fucking grandpa