why does this happen to good people
Final Fantisy
lol what a retard
>unsure if questionable action harms you
>proceed to do questionable action
>be surprised when harmed by questionable action
how did they even make it this far
lmao owned
I love it when streamers lose out on their free money and then cry about it hahaha
like just make a new account lmao
twitch accounts are free just tell everybody on twitter to follow that one lmao
It's not even a questionable action.
Unless you signed an NDA, they have no legal right to stop you from doing what you want with it.
get a real fucking job faggot
The game isn’t out yet and they specifically said don’t spoil it. They didn’t have to release it early. The least you stupid fucks could do is respect the hard work that was put into the game.
theres probably a clause for not showing shit off outside of permitted time frames buried in the 200 page TOS. those things are longer than stretch armstrong's cock for a goddamn reason
It was released in full in Australia. Twitch bowing low for a developer sets a bad precedent.
It's beautiful when this happens. And it just keeps happening. Like they don't realize their pathetic attempt to get more viewers means nothing to Amazon other than a potential problem.
I think if he considers playing vidya his livelihood and lifes work then its no loss, the guys clearly a delusional zoomer and it's better this happened now than in 5 years.
Good. Fuck Twitch streamers.
thats not how copyright works. Any game company can shut down streams of their games. They used to do that all the time but stopped because it actually makes them more money because of the zoomers. I do think Telltale went out of business because those arent real games, people would just watch Pewdiepie play it and have no need to get it themselves.
>watching a stream of some literally who play a video game instead of playing it yourself
This will never make sense to me
>don't spoil a game from 1997
That's not what an NDA is for dumbass.
Yeah, I'll just play this game that isn't out yet right away.
>user meets basic logic
>not a questionable action
>user, you have to wait for the game to come out like everyone else
Amazon isn't legally forced to let anyone use and make money off of their service either.
>hard work
Fucking kek
>he doesn't move to australia just to play ff7 a week early
what a softcock
How couldn't you think streaming a game before street release is going to be alright? I get going for it, but don't get asspained when your stream gets blasted.
He could just sell his PS4 and get a real job.
Yeah, because of COVID. Nowhere else. They literally said on the notice to not post content/spoil it until April 10th.
No problem watching people who are somewhat decent at an online game as it could make you better. Literally no point watching someone stream and rpg though.
Yas Forums only respect Sakurai's hard work in Smash. Eventhough Sakurai is not really making the game but Bamco is.
>th-the developer s-said
And? It's a breach of consumer rights to prevent an entire customer base from discussing a game.
And yes, streams are a form of open game discussion.
>tells me to play game myself
>point out game isn't out yet
Piracy too is a form of open game discussion. I mean, it's not fair that the person that I'm talking to online doesn't have the game I have when we're discussing.
>The game isn’t out yet and they specifically said don’t spoil it.
It came out in like 1997. What spoilers? Are they going to retcon all of it?
>life's work is playing video games
are also you one of those people that likes to shout nigger into your microphone in multiplayer games then bitches when you get banned
Lord of the Ring came out 80 years ago, what right does Peter Jackson have to not release all the incomplete movies that he made?
>they have no legal right to stop you from doing what you want with it
This is true. Twitch, however has full legal rights to stop you from doing whatever on their platform. If you want to set up your own streaming service and stream on it then yes, nobody can legally stop you. But that's not what happened here.
Based. Fuck the corporate bootlickers ITT.
Why is he angry
A remake is going to have content that is NOT in the first game you absolute retard, its new to all of us how is that so hard to understand? Kill yourself
You mad, you unsuccessful losers? If it's so easy, why don't you do it yourselves? You won't because you can't. The free market determined that streamers have value, and thus they do. It's just as valid a job as any other.
Current state of copyright laws is such a mockery.
You are a retard ShadowSoul720
>Not taking SE warning seriously
SE is VERY protective for their IPs. They dont even want you streaming KH and DQ because they dont want people to rip the music from the stream (lol)
What a fucking retard.
Based twitch. Fuck novelty streamers
It's generally common knowledge not to stream and upload shit from broken streetdate games.
I was joking about how he thinks streaming vidya is some kind of personal achievement or community service, not that he's making money doing it.
Funny you say that because yes, it's all a retcon, not even kidding
If you want to play a game, then you generally have to wait to get the game before you can play it, RETARD
Exactly. But I can't, so there's nothing wrong with watching someone who can. Retard.
I'm looking at his twitter and it's seriously fucking funny. He's angry that he didn't read the rules and keeps tagging EBgames thinking they should help him.
>Less than 200 followers
What a faggot
He's been doing this for 6 years and only has 177 followers on twitter? He's really fucking dog shit at not only reading but his own fucking "job"
Spoilers are a narrative function, that's like saying the color of Batman's eyes in a reboot is a spoiler.
The fact that he makes money doesn't really bother me, i don't care that much. It's more the attitude of thinking this is some sort of super exhausting and important activity that somehow everybody should feel grateful for that gets me. As if losing the ability to stream was some major wrong done to him or some shit
What the fuck guys, someone just told me that the Titanic sank.
Lord of the rings are 3 books that each got their own movie
Everything's wrong with it, RETARD. It's supposed to be a game, you're missing the whole point of it, which is gameplay. You're sitting on your ass, watching a stranger have fun with the game you can only watch from a distance, like the total fucking cuck you are.
>moves goalposts like a retarded nigger to save face
>thinks he has an argument
Fuck console cucks.
>Gets game early
>Streams it
>Account gets suspended
What the hell guys? I thought I could just share post videos of me playing an unreleased game