Which is the most functional, library aside?

which is the most functional, library aside?

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gog galaxy 2.0 > steam > rest

unironically steam

I don't recognise half of these

Discord doesn't have a game library anymore.

Steam, Battlenet, Discord
Bethesda Launcher, EGS, Origin
Uplay, Itch io, GOG Galaxy

As far as only library and functionality of that library? Based on own personal experience:
Steam>Origin>Discord>EGS>Battle.net>uPlay>Bethesda>everything else

I rarely have issues with origin regarding downloads and library stuff, then everything else I've had issues with.

Why is itch.io on this list lmao

Define "Functional". Because in terms of being able to play your games GOG Galaxy is clearly at the top since all games lack DRM.
The service could shut down tomorrow and you'd still be able to play all your downloaded games.

In terms of other features like achievements, friendlists, multiplayer matchmaking, or extras like controller support and cloud saves Steam wins hands down.

>he buys games

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the only reason piracy can exist is because people do buy games
I pirate shit too but try and buy games i actually liked and don't act like an absolute entitled retard because i can download a game for free

cringe leech

Protag is a mechanic. He kills robots and grabs their parts, only to build his own DIY Mech.



at launch, origin was honestly really far ahead of the pack
gmg was really good too

steam in general is the most functional right now but the new interface is bloated, irresponsive, and just unpleasant all around

seething paypiggies

Bazaar burgling brainlet

oink oink

Bnet is the nicest one. Starts in an instant and has minimal features while having everything you need. Steam is so slow now and I barely use any of the bloated shit they've been adding since the ability to buy, download and play games. On the other hand it works pretty well so it's alright I guess. Origin just feels real shitty to use and has those cringe quotes on top of my library that I do not like. Uplay is messy but functional.



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Steam, everything else is dogshit.

how the fuck do valve-drones still exist holy shit

What happened to the games people bought from them? I'm curious

Because your store has no games and no shopping cart Timmy.

steam has the incredible ability to have fucking MEMORY LEAKS BUILT INTO THE GODDAMN CHAT WINDOW

Yuck. Why are steamies so flipping cringe?

slit your throat console warrior

If GOG reimbursed me for 200 games I have on Steam I'd be using that. But for now Ill have to say Steam is the superior platform. Everything else is for idiots who don't have standards.

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Steam is a bit slow and could use some features from Galaxy and Itch, but the controller settings by themselves make it a much more useful piece of software.
The main problem it has for me is that the way it allows you to do certain things is kind of convoluted and annoying. You can pick where to install games, but it can be only one folder per partition; the controller setup interface is really annoying because it's an offshoot of the Big Picture mode so it defaults to using the controller itself, so if you try to use the mouse it randomly switches back to controller input and becomes unresponsive or makes the controls disappear; you can choose the screenshot folder, but all screenshots get dumped together when Galaxy groups them using folders with the game's title; each game handles where its extra content gets downloaded, whereas Galaxy allows you to pick a custom folder, and so on and so forth.
I know there are some workarounds for these issues, but ideally they should be addressed.

>GOG is inferior because they don't gift me 200 games

Yes. And epic is inferior despite gifting 200 games.

unironically that's the correct functionality order as well

Fpbp. I don't know why steam performs so badly just scrolling through the library. I've switched to managing all my games through gog galaxy. Also gog let's you tag games as finished which is a huge help getting through your back log

You forget which games you've beaten?



Although GOGalaxy is pretty good, even if a bit parasitic.

No. I just want to be able to browse unfinished games by themselves and tagging games as finished is the best way of doing that for me.
On steam I had a Photoshop file to put a Checkmark on every finished games cover and then replace the cover in steam but that didn't let me filter finished games.

Categories and tags exist though...

gog should be #1, but 90% of devs dont put their games on the service because of piracy.

Probably Steam unless there's another one that supports AND/OR for metadata filters rather than just AND.

epic is chink funded garbage that makes billions off of idiotic zoomers who play fortnite.

From my experience, Steam>Ubistore>Origin

GOG since you can just ignore the client. Fuck launchers.

I just checked to make sure and unless I'm being a retard steam only had collections, which theoretically would allow me to browse my unfinished games by tagging every last unfinished game and removing the tag once I beat it.
The other way seems to make a whole lot more sense to me though, only tagging finished games and filtering them from your whole library view, but that is not possible in steam currently

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Sure. Can you also reinstall the games after the service is gone?

Yes. You just run the exe from the folder.

steam and uplay are probably the lesser of all evils. i like gog a lot but i just use the installers instead. origin was okay but i haven't used it in ages

>battlenet on the list
Why, how?
Might as well put R* Social Club up there, cause it's exactly like that, only less retarded.
Fucking games I don't have nor am I interested popping up and moving up the list without my input, flashing Overshit livestream buttons with the livestreams running in background... yeah fuck that.

>if tripleA
pirate, it's gonna be shit 90% of the time and it probably sell a lot anyway
>if indie below 20$
>f indie above 20$
most likely an indie that either already sold a lot or is convinced to be better than it actually is, so i generally pirate to try it out

>origin: shit tier
>uplay: ok tier
>epic: good tier
>gog: good tier
>discord: good only if your friends are using it tier. shit tier otherwise
>blizzard: ironically great tier
>steam: god tier
I dont even know what the other two are so I'm guessing they're shit tier.

bethesda is by far the worst
>you can accidentally buy games twice cause it's slow to recognize your purchease
>3/4 of the options are hyperlinks
>it's pretty much entirely outsourced
>steals more info than any other storefront and also is about as safe from hacking attacks as a hay roof against a tornado
>attaches to steam and forces you into a double login to play games

The blizzard launcher is the only thing they've made that is actually well designed and works well.
There's only like 10 games on it and they're there from the outset so I don't know what you're on about "games popping up" on your list. Are you autistic or something?

TL; Dr you keep any game you bought, but no-one can buy anymore games.


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Are you retarded?
Like very time a new COD comes out, there's a new (flashing) button, automatically on the top, also in the tray menu from whence it can't be removed.
Sure, shit like pre-downloading data or streamed dowloads as you play are nice, but there's too much clutter shoved in for sake of making it seen.
Plus the retarded livestreams and always some flashing button, literally crying "notice me pls, we REALLY need someone to watch this shit".
Fuck that garbage.

>paying for games you can legally get for free and play using dosbox
first post worst post

Maybe upgrade from your 2 GB RAM 2009 prebuilt?
Idk why people are complaining about Steam running badly, i've never noticed anything like that and my computer really isn't anything special.

>works on my machine

>wtf why cant i run google chrome on my 1985 desktop?!? it must be optimized like shit!!

I´m sure Firefox would work just fine though. See the problem now user?

I strongly doubt that.