This thread is for uninfected peanut butters only!!!
This thread is for uninfected peanut butters only!!!
>tfw im not anthony burch
I was a cream and peanut butter is nigger food.
Peanut Butter Leader standing by.
finally, a thread for me
im unsure if im actually infected or not yet, but i will always be peanut butter
isnt the worst april fools already over?
Can a clean choco bro get in on it?
Where's that one team mini girl's nudes
greetings fellow butterlord
Ahh Peanut Brothers, that was a good april fools, not like this one
Immunity check, I've just woken up.
bruh am I still an emoji
Winning every year
I can't tell you how good it feels to be an Immune Chad and a PB Chad. Must be because I live in based Nipon
PB man reporting in. That was a fun event as long as you ignored all of the ERP everyone was doing.
The alliance was the best part of that day.
Mini best girl, Choco/Peanut Butter best bromance.
Funny how, between creme and peanut butter, you're the salty ones.
You are always welcome wherever we go, for we are always brothers.
I was both PB and Immune
I was peanut butter :^)
I remember fighting side by side with my chocolate brothers. We peanut butters may not have taken the day but we made friendships to echo through the ages. But I am weak now. The illness is too severe. Please you must carry on the peanut butter, chocolate brotherhood.
>itt: Newfag General
>inb4 hur dur a small faction of erp fags represent the peanuts as a whole
Don't tell me this is going to keep going until the real coronavirus is kill
>Peanut Brother, biggest underdog comeback story in history and undying loyalty with our Chocolate allies as we wiped out the peep menace
>shed my fleshly form and achieved skellington
>absolute fucking immunity from mongolian basket flu
Reminder that peanut butter and chocolate were bros in the end. attempts to larp as divisive members from both were salty creme niggers
Yeah bro
Peeps were alright. Creme is the only team that deserves no respect.
Im just a bit dizzy. Just a scratch not a bite I swear
Reminder that chocolate were acting in true nigger fashion and boasting when they were winning, but when they started to lose they started ass kissing the winners so they could say "WE did it!" Anything else is a ploy by chocolate members who falseflag.
Buckle up user, this is reality now.
Fuck off peepnigger. Peanut gave Choc the strength to rise and challenge you pink motherfuckers, and they in turn helped us up to the top, where the spirit of friendship and teamwork allowed us to win with them at our side. They never forgot us even as they rose through the ranks, and we remain eternally grateful in the victory that we would not have achieved without them. Best friends we ever had, something a mushy chemical abortion like you would never know or understand.
We didn't even get good lewds out of this one.
Testing. Am I cured?
Waddup my niggas
I'm not responding to you pozzed motherfuckers, but stop either having short-term memory or else being newfags. Last year's shit went well into the AM hours on April 2nd, even by Best Coast time. I think it finally ended at like 4am or some shit. This'll be over by dawn.
I have failed my Mini brethren by not catching the Green
You have to reply to a green post saying "test" to find out
Nice try tyrone, but I remember you dindu's boasting a ton while my team erp'ed like fags. Only good thing your team did was post delicious chocolate women.
You will never break up the Reese's alliance, you low-rent Stay Puft wannabe son of a bitch. Leave our dark compatriots alone, for we will never tire in our defense of them.
Our bond unbreakable
Our alliance unshakable
Salty and Sweet
Impossible to beat
Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs
Eat 'em up Eat 'em up Eat 'em up.
Stay safe and strong my Peanut Butter bros
This. Best team, cutest princess.
This year was so underwhelming holy shit
>Chocolate in first
>Peanute surpasses them and wins
>W-we did it p-peanutbros... R-reese...
Chocofags are bad losers.
I'm glad we all accepted mini for who she is.
The true master race. The chaddest of them all!
Reporting for duty.
The friendship was the best part.
It's not over yet?
where's your flag
Team mini is for trans rights.
Hmmm yes, well done Chocolate... HOWEVER
>Why the FUCK do people care about what format people play on? Fucking brand-worshipping faggots who gives a SHIT
>Just get what graphics card/processor works for your budget don't fall for the memes you retards
>Who the fuck cares about sales numbers for a game get it if you like it that's all that fucking matters bunch of fucking sheep
But I'd happily help one of my peep bros bury a man in a desert or shiv a filthy creamer in easter prison. Peep 4 lyf
Oh, you're one of those erp'ers. Go suck someone else's dick you sissy.
pozzed peeps rise up