>tfw actually have COVID-19
>Yas Forums is the only place I get mind off it
>April Fools "joke" constantly reminds me that I might di
>tfw actually have COVID-19
>Yas Forums is the only place I get mind off it
>April Fools "joke" constantly reminds me that I might di
No one is dying of this that doesn't have underlying health issues.
C'mon bro is just a flu...unless it mutates into a fucking pneumonia!!!
omg he died lol
don't worry user, just look at me, I'm fine
no i think he just hanged himself
I’ve always wondered, is it supposed to be “hanged” or “hung”? Or do both work? It seems like “hanged” would be incorrect, like “he runned”.
oh okay
so user is hung I think
painting is hung
person is hanged
completely false. A lot of young people with NO underlying health issues have died because of this.
>so user is hung
bet your mom's pussy I'm
why wait,kys now.
what are the symptoms like?
There's always outliers with biology, but it's not typical.
cough on some rich people pussy
false, they're just undetected underlying issues
Only inbreds die
They had a higher chance of dying in a car accident
serves you right for calling it covid-19 like an npc and not wuhan flu or kung flu
which politically sensitive egghead thought up the name "covid19"?
Covid19 is super infectious, so a ton of people will end of getting it. Sadly, just like if a ton of people got the regular flu, a portion of them will pass away. When a shit ton of people get sick, statiscally, some people will sadly die
lol get rekt fag
How does it feel to have coronavirus user?
Can I get the virus please anons?
COrona VIrus Disease 2019
a lot of young people also get literally nothing and just spread it
It's a far removed, systematic problem for the older generations, for you as an individual the worst case scenario is somehow spreading it to your grandma.
>its a candlejack thread
hoooooly shi
nah, the worst case scenario for him is the literally borderline fatal case of severe ARDS that follows
pff, candlejack can't kill you if you don't say his name you reta
Am I still sick?
Well user, god bless you and see you in hell.
I’m glad that candlejack has the manners to solve the captcha fo
Didn't you just create this same thread on Yas Forums, you dumb amerifat?
So do I, most likely. Stop being a bitch. All I have is a tiny fever and some extra mucus.
If you're too weak and dumb enough to get a bacterial infection on top of it, you deserve to die.
hang in there bro!
What did they mean by this?
What makes you think you don't have undetected underlying issues?
>13 year old boy dies in London
>He was an Arab
There is only 98% chance you will survive...! Soon there will be only 98% of us left!! >n
god forbid we implicate someone for the virus, that'd be racist*
*racist means "china signs the checks"
Yes, because we've taken steps to curb it.
Just like way more people would die in those car accidents you tards like to bring up if we didn't have any of the safety features in them specifically put in to lower the numbers.
Numbers that to you must mean we should remove them and not worry about it, I guess.
No 16 year old is gonna die from this
D stands for December, actually.
I dont feel so good...
its ok bro, at least on here you're an immunechad
Fake news, if you die from this you have health issues.
I wish the rest of you loser virgin gamers would die out like OP
That they knew about.Youd be surprised how many leave with health problems without knowing,some may even have the genetic makeup to die from this easier
If you don't have underlying health issues it's not that bad though.
I've had it. Worst I had was a fever and a headache for two days and that was it. After that I had nothing more severe than a stuffy nose. What's a bit funny though is that I lost my sense of taste for about two days and everything I ate was just kinda bland.
You should be good lad
Stop being such a pansy user.
NEETs will inherit the world sun walker.