Do y'all have friends?
Do y'all have friends?
Well this faggot obviously doesn't.
Who are these dirty whores?
I'm browsing Yas Forums for a reason, don't remind me.
me on the bed
Does Tomoko still have really thick pubes or did her friends convince her to shave?
Had friends, have had tons of friends at some points of my life, but also had points where I had none. Currently, I don't really talk to anyone unless I feel guilty for not talking to them.
I get spells of loneliness here and there, but I'm naturally more comfortable with being alone.
>having friends
Why anons hate "y'all"?
Fuck no
me on the right
After you graduate from high school you have no friends unless you make an effort to find some. Once you enter the workforce you have no time to make new friends
Can you call the people you talk to online, friends?
Depends if the feeling's mutual.
it's not
Here's hoping
Technically yes, but realistically my current are really annoying and it feels like I'm not 'part' of them. Really thinking about burning bridges with them.
Why doesn't anyone create threads where we dox ourselves by posting our Steam accounts, favorite games, etc. to help us lonely anons find someone to play with online? Especially now while the social distance quarantine shit is still going. We have stuff like Party Yas Forumsan and Jackbox but those aren't exactly intended for making friends, they're just game sessions that just so happen to be hosted by Yas Forums. Most of us isolated anons have played plenty of online games, yet still struggle to make friends.
Bring that shit back to twitter faggot
But I've always used it.
No my ex gaslighted me and made all my friends hate me . I would have killed myself but you guys talked me out of it.
A few
KF3 is out on PC btw
Because Yas Forums values anonymity. There's some cases where taking up a name/tripcode helps facilitate a discussion but those are far and few between. Also some consider online friends not "real" friends so the definition is further muddied.
there was a time when i had some raid buddies and they were really nice to me. anyways there has been nothing else.
There were threads like this on Yas Forums few years ago, but they were quickly turning is some gay/erp shit. Hell, most people is that threads weren't even playing video games.
>Be Texan
>Always said it my entire life
My life is a fucking sensationalist attention grabbing WHOOOOOOOOORRRRRRREEEEEEEE
because i don't want to hang out with 4channers.
Some of us hardly have any real friends, and struggle even harder in the real world, thus online friends are the best option.
I used to, before the wuhan flu.
Southerners are cancer
I was fine when it was only Southerners. It's part of how the English language uniquely evolved there. Now it seems like every fucking nig and fag says it and it's beyond annoying.
not since grade school
Kill yourself nigger
The south is comfy.
ok yank
Almost everyone here is an idiot. If I made a friend, I'd like them to browse something else, fucking /lit/, /sci/, hell at least Yas Forums.
>Now it seems like every fucking nig and fag says it
Somehow it's not cultural appropriation when they do it
I used to. Now I'm 30 and married and all my friends and I have moved slightly further away.
I actually have a very social job, so I have a lot of "business friends", but I won't see them for months now thanks to corona.
To be honest I would be fine without friends, but social jobs are such easy money as long as you're not insufferable.
Why yes, I do have really good internet friends who I went on a month long trip with, how did you know?
lost the only friend I could talk to about games or other socially unacceptable shit a while back. we're talking again but I'm not under the delusion that we're close friends anymore.
people are obsessed with petty shit. we're all focused on our own self-interest first and foremost. there's nothing wrong with that. but friendship is just a way for people to pretend that they're good and normal. everybody lies and hides their true selves.
so if you don't have friends, don't go thinking you're abnormal. you're just more honest than most people.
Go get new friends user. Maybe explore a second hobby. Gaming has gotten far more insular than it was when we were kids.
they don't, facebookjack posters work for David Brock.
Funny it's only that way because of people who claimed to want to make gaming more "diverse" and "representative".
Yas Forums is filled with even more brainlets than this board. Actually, it's a toss up
It never works out, even if you do get to play vidya for once. Last time I kept inviting the Yas Forumsanon to games but after the first session he kept saying he had other games to play. After the 3rd time I gave up but kept playing the game and after two weeks of no contact, removed him.
Fuck off tomoko
Yeah though most of 'em are online. I've only kept in contact with one friend from school because everyone else I was tight with does a lot of drugs and I'm not about that life anymore
I'm a libtard and even I have to admit it really hurt the sense of community. My gaming friends were ironically the most diverse group in my life until it became a controversial thing that 3 or 4 white women made a career out of complaining about.
tho i wouldn't say it's "only" because of that. Most gamers barely pay attention to blogshit. It's a factor but IRL responsibilities are the biggest factor.
i thought i made a friend a bit ago but all conversations just turned to them giving one word replies. maybe i'm just a retard for thinking online friends are worth any time.
Isn't it weird how when the self-appointed prophets and avatars of diversity show up, the scene always always always ends up less diverse?
Some established fans age out, while new fans are scared away.
Money talks. Organizations solve some problems, but for the most part they keep the problems they're comfortable having. These types of activists do not actually want change, as it would put them out of a job.
what kind of shit would you talk about
hope you have friends user
Yep. They've created an entire cottage industry of diversity experts (of all colors, but every single one from the upper class) who won't go away without a fight.
You're ok Tomoko. Even if you're a Southerner.