What are your thoughts on Nu-Tifa's design?
What are your thoughts on Nu-Tifa's design?
Bottom almost looks like Anri
Too Asian.
This is improved.
These types of girls act or look innocent but really they're just sluts. Ariths type is what I'm more interested in.
>Japan hates China
>Japanese games always throw in hot Chinese women when given chance like their every fighting games does
>one of the most beloved Jap game, aka FFVII, pulls out Chinese dress from nowhere to dress with its most popular girl
proof they Asianized her, she looks like that dumb Anri bitch!
She's too hot
why contain it?
why does Tifa look asian
Perfect except for the bra. Free Tifa's tifas.
She looks like a bug
Taboo. Same reason English men think Irish women are incredibly sexy, or people in the Deep South of the US like interracial. You are now aware one of the more popular sexual fantasies for Jews is being humiliated by an Aryan dominatrix.
What a fucking bitch.
cute af imo, previous one looked kinda mexican desu senpai
Mexican Tifa was way better
Tifa has literally always been asian coded.
She's going into a brothel with a traditional chink outfit, meanwhile they didn't give her a yukata, only a whore's half kimono with tall boots like a kunioichi prostitute
new Tifa is hideous, I worry for Yuffie
Better without the sports bra.
If Yuffie doesn't have THAT grin, she will be dead to me.
Holy fucking stacked, thank you based Nomura
Because shes asian
whats wrong with her lips and tranny face?
>Tifa Lockhart
Much better.
Eyes looks wierd and the hair looks fake
I think the worst part is her mouth. Why does she have no upper lip?
Which dress option did you pick in chapter 3?
I have no idea why there's so many spergs that are so adamant and obsessed with the idea that Tifa was white. Is it because they were kids and can't shake from the idea that they were somehow wrong for this many years but its too imprinted on them to accept reality?
Asia exists in FF7. Tifa is from a redneck mountain town.
Why the fuck didn't Cloud fuck this.
Cid is also asian by this logic. So is every character in FFX because the artstyle makes them all azn.
That doesn't mean she can't be asian
That's like saying there are no asians in america because they should be in their asian countries.
my first thought as well. FPBP
Why the fuck the default hair is pixelated but this one is so smooth
Her dad is some italian looking faggot and there's no obligatory Tifa relative in Wutai if Tifa's asian..
Did you somehow think Rikku was white?
Because Cloud loves Aeris
Everyone in FFX is asian. Just look at the prerendered models. They're all gooks.
>using AC as a standard for anything when literally everyone looks like a chink in that movie, even Barrett looks like some Mitsurugi ripoff
>Tifa in fishnets
Worse overall, but not surprising since it had to be approved by Shitterfornia faggots. Would be nice if they all collectively died from corona.
She looks like she ate too much bat soups
asian game dude
her eyes don't fit, whatever you think she is it's bout her looks and they went way to off model from her design from the last couple years for people not to complain
No thats my point everyone in FFX is asian.
Tifa has literally always looked like a jap in LITERALLY every appearance she's in so I'm utterly baffled at the thought that people thought she was somehow white.
You're mistaken. No one is asian in FFX. Almost the entire world is either a sand nigger or native hawaiians. OG Tifa was never asian.
He does.
>mutts think they have the aesthetics of the gods
>No thats my point
You're ironically proving the point that the characters only look asian in the third-party pre-rendered cutscenes/movies.
When Yuffie shows up everyone makes a scene about how she's asian, i.e. from Wutai. it's important enough for everyone to be like "Wow, a real Wutai person!" Nobody every mentions that Tifa looks like someone from Wutai, not a single new character to the party comments that Tifa looks asian, which is apparently odd enough to warrant a verbal response. Furthermore nobody in Midgard who patronized her bar ever said anything about it. She grew up in a Germanic themed mountain town, her dad sure as hell doesn't look asian, her surname is Lockheart, and Cloud who has known her his whole life never brings it up probably because it's not true. Obviously they've chinkified her at this point, that's not really debatable, but original Tifa sure as hell wasn't asian, and if she was supposed to be, the developers literally never make that apparent either in her appearance or in-game context clues.
>Imagine looking at an anime drawing and somehow seeing a white chick.
>Tifa with buns
I will never understand japs and their quirky, exaggerated expressions. Literally every rpg they create from when 3D models were introduced always do these ridiculous head tilts, arm waving, weird twisting and turning of their torsos, it's so bizarre. Now that the models have improved to the degree they have it just looks even more absurd.