Finished Alyx yet?

Finished Alyx yet?

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Yep, on my third playthrough now

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Yeah, like two hours ago. It was good.

Imagine being so butthurt about some glowy space aliens that you trap yourself inside a vault in the past so some 19 year old girl could "prove" herself and retcon the ending to EP2.

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yes, it was good

Why is G-Man inside of a giant virus

Who here doing gnome%? I just got to the northern star with chompsky.

He didn't trap himself, the combine detected him jerking off in a citizen block so they vault'd the whole section of buildings.
He just operates in 4 dimensions so he's able to cut deals outside any perceivable timeline.

What's the point of using a 3D vault on a 4D person?

The giant virus is the G-Man

That's what all the vortigaunts were for, come on lad it's not exactly high literature

Imagine being so butthurt about some glowy space aliens that you give one a brain injury for shits and giggles

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My headcanon is that gordon did it with his grobar

The first chapter in Half Life Alyx is titled "Entanglement". This is also the name of chapter 9a from Half Life 2, the chapter where Gordon and Alyx find Eli at the combine depot and then have to use a combine teleporter to escape.

Both of these chapters get their name from entanglement theory. The theory in which two particles can have correlating states, one being the opposite of the other. Once they escape they arrive at Kleiner's lab and he informs them that they'd had been gone an entire week but for them it had only been an instant. During this period Alyx and Gordon became entangled in an alternate reality, one in which their roles have been switched.

Proof of this is seen when Gman " fires" Gordon, his HEV suit is heavily damaged as if he had sustained some life threatening injuries. Alyx is also seen without any holes in her jacket during the ending sequence and Eli is no longer dead. In this timeline Gordon was the one who was nearly killed by a Hunter and Alyx was the one who saved him. And now Alyx is the one hired by the Gman.

They're all in opposite roles of the ones they had originally assumed in HL2. They're all entangled with their original timeline counterparts.

Huh, that's interesting but I'm more inclined to chalk the lack of her jacket holes as a mistake

Yes and I'm gonna do a gnome run sometime this week.

Do any characters react to the gnome?

Reminder that the Combine are our greatest ally in the fight against Gman. Who actually brought the first Xen crystal sample into Black Mesa, if not Gman? None of this would've happened if Gman didn't carelessly fuck with space and time.

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I like this, because all the anachronistic stuff here makes no sense to me otherwise. Why are there poison headcrabs and no poison headcrab zombies? Why are there hardshell headcrabs when they've never been seen before or after? Why are there the electro facehuggers that have never been seen before or after? How did Alyx, in the past, manage to react to and change a future event that could only occur if she didn't change it in the past? And why did the G-Man get displeased with Gordon and fire him when Gordon has literally done everything the G-Man asked of him without question or disobedience?

That last one irks me the most because I can't find any reason whatsoever for it. The G-Man was pleased with Gordon destroying the Citadel. Gordon escaped via the Vortigaunts, but that wasn't a conscious decision of his. And Gordon safely escorted Alyx to White Forest, as was requested of him. So what happened?

I carried a bottle of vodka from the factory to the end of the game because I thought I'd get a chance to give it to Russell. I wasted 50% of my inventory space for the entire last half of the game because it told me to, and frankly I don't know who I should be more mad at for being so stupid, the game or myself.

Coming from boneworks, the absence of rifles and melee weapons is pretty shit. Also not being able to swap gun-hands on the fly was obnoxious in gunfights because it means you and only really peak from one side. On that note, combat encounters were pretty weak because the game insisted I wasn't competent enough to fight more than 4 dudes at once. It was an okay game, I guess. Certainly not the second coming of christ the media is propping it up to be. Can't really see myself doing another playthrough tee bee aych, but it was fine and mostly enjoyable.

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G-Man knew exactly what the fuck he was doing

The final boss of Half Life is a giant 1d20?

Just remember not to throw him or put him in containers with other objects. He tends to get launched into space if you do that. And if you're going to leave him somewhere make sure you put him in a spot that you know you'll return to. Also, make sure you save regularly. Good luck!

yep, doing my gnome run and trying to get cheevos now.

Theres something about this VR aspect ratio in screenshots that's a new kind of kino.

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gonna do a gnome run myself later. I did the episode 2 gnome run and i remember the physics on it being completely jank, to the point of comedy. If its the same way in Alyx then it has to be intentional at this point.

i'm only up to chapter 4 but it's been much easier this time around, you basically just have one missing hand most of the time

im halfway through my gnome playthrough

Half Life is fucking dead, Valve killed it because they want to avoid Episode 3 and want a new timeline for HL3.


Stop shilling your shitty video you fucknut

Seething consoomer

>muh bacteriophage

They've been retconning their games since Half Life 2 lol

No they haven't, if you're talking about the intro to EP1 you're just trying to cope and clearly weren't following what was going on.

what about portal

That was extended, not rewritten with some hack job time travel fuckery that draws up so many plot holes

fair but is it worse than mgsv's retcon or no?

I haven't played mgsv.

But this Valve were talking about, I never expected shit like this from them.
Why rewrite thee only emotional plot point in the entire series, I mean I was never that attached to Eli but jesus why wait 13 years to rewrite something its hack writing.

>I haven't played mgsv.
It's okay. Ground Zeroes is way better imo.

also reminder that the original writers for half life were still helping the writing for alyx (contractors and consultants)


*steals ur enemy design*

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HL:A takes place several years before HL2 in a quarantined zone of CIty 17. One could surmise that the Combine have successfully made most or all of this previously unseen fauna extinct, or kept it successfully locked away. You don't see any of the Xen spores/fungus/growths in HL2 either, nor did you see bullsquids and houndeyes from HL1

And maybe the poison zombies didn't start to evolve until later. A lot of these creatures seem to be formed from symbiotic relationships, i.e the same spiky shells on the headcrabs are growing everywhere on the walls

Alyx is full of inconsistencies and retcons, don't think just consoom.

Hey, I like the game, it's fun to play and I like the characters and the setting, but it itself suffers the same problem as prequels made years after an original series, with new stuff that isn't seen later, characters that don't appear again and aren't referenced, and a higher level of technology that the original series doesn't have. I'm fine with the hologram puzzles and the fabricators, but that seems like stuff that should be developed after Episode 2, not before it.

My headcanon is that G-Man is a direct liaison between Valve and the Half Life universe, and by extension the player. When he refers to "his employers" he's talking about the dev-team.

Its a pretty cool reference

is his brain, damaged?



>"It is the Freem-" *DINK*
thanks for the giggle

I thought it was a fantastic game, right up until the end.

So in other words it's a fantastic game

i can not fathom anything more pathetic than shilling your own videos on Yas Forums
why haven't you tied the noose yet?

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This is why the game was 10/10

Am I the only person that immediately looked up the ending on YouTube because I'm scared I'll die before the ending of Half Life comes?


a fuckin bacteriophage

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It's a fantastic game, but a shit half life game.
It's pure fan service full of member berries.

I think the icosohedron is a reference to the 600-cell, which is the 4D analogue of the icosohedron. If that's the case they should have made it more obvious by having the icosohedron he was contained in shatter into 5 tetrahedra that make up the 600-cell. Or even the green field that permeates from it should have been a projection of the 600-cell into 3D space.
I'm a geometer BTW.

I'm pretty sure Gordon was fired because of the vortigaunts helping him escape even if it wasnt a conscious decision because he's still their ally

I did and I love Olga!

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But he cooperated with the Gman in EP 2. Doesn't make sense that he was fired at that time if he was still in contact with him, perhaps he is fired after EP2 when he tries to retrieve Alyx and the Gman being 4D knew it already in HL Alyx. 4D opens up the story to anything they want really.

Man, replaying the old HL games after Alyx really shows how static and lifeless the scenery is on a regular desktop fps. Gordon is just a box with a gun taped to it and all interactions are 'press E'.

I hope HL3 will at least have a VR mode.

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He has chips and shit hanging off him. He says the combine drilled in his head.

Can you post a picture please?

Fan service my ass there isn't even a fucking scene where you get to fuck jeff

Tried Doom Eternal after alyx and idk if doom eternal is just shit or if Alyx spoiled me

>full of member berries.
This is the only thing the game doesn't have.
No Kleiner, no Barney. If they wanted they could have jerked us off a lot more.

kill yourself

the absolute state of pcbros

I looked it up, it's the same shit.
Sacred geometry and what not.

I thought eternal was just too confusing. Lemme just shoot shit goddamn.

No, you must be low on ammo the entire game

Pictures don't really tell the story alone. If you're actually interested in understanding and physicality comprehending 4D space this is a nice quick series of videos that give the basics. Usually 2 or more methods of comprehension click with everyone.

Attached: Schlegel_wireframe_600-cell_vertex-centered.png (1000x1000, 805.97K)

The entire thing is member berries
>member city 17
>member striders
>member eli
>member xen fauna
>member advisors
>member dog
>member crowbar
>member freeman
>member gnome
>member snarks
>member when g-man speeches were only a few sentences

The entire thing is forced as fuck

It's nothing sacred, it's just geometry. Sacred geometry is to geometry what Chinese medicine is to modern medicine.