Other urls found in this thread:
>mysterious voice is the dark one
>samur/seraphim is hayden
>hayden's goal is ultimate power
>still unexplained why doomguy hates demons so much
>what's left of the demons & humans on earth?
>how did doomguy get the first coin thingy before the first mission in DE to kill the first priest (DLC?)
>First buff totem room on Super Gore Nest
I'm going to toss my fucking monitor out of the window
>>still unexplained why doomguy hates demons so much
they killed his fucking rabbit and likely his family too, and they fucked his home so hard it looks exactly like what happened to that girl from emergence except it's a planet.
This seems pretty accurate desu
>mfw it's just me and the Marauder remaining with no other demons to bother us
The Marauder is honestly fucking kino and if you don't agree, git gud
I like how he's giving Yas Forums a run for their money.
The slayer gate with the marauder in it is one of my favorites. I love dodging his ass while taking out the rest of the fuckers before focusing him down.
Kar en fucking kill yourslef you Eternal livening nigger
>mfw it's just me and the Marauder remaining with no other demons to bother us
Literally cannot happen. There will always be 2 fodder demons that spawn as well.
God damn I love this game
I've honestly never seen the internet so collectively casual
Reddit, Yas Forums, youtube comments, I'm legit seeing thousands of young men have the confidence to type "the developers made this game too smart and difficult" and post that into the public
Kar en suk mah balls, bitch
I'm playing on Xbone and Ultraviolence for my 3rd playthrough kicked my ass hard. Also Doom 2016 has been ruined for me I can't go back to not being able to dash.
The game is so good it makes 2016 look more casual.
I still don't get how the demons fucked up Earth in Doom2, then humans rebuilt it, then later the whole demons thing was completely new to everyone in D44M.
Because Doomguy was keeping hell busy during and after the events of 64. After they dropped a tomb on him they probably got more than enough time to plan another invasion.
>still unexplained why doomguy hates demons so much
>Get transferred to Mars because your CO has a glass jaw
>Demons wipe out your squad
>Rip and tear your way through hell
>Demons get sick of your shit and let you back to earth
>JK there are demons here too
>They kill your rabbit
>Have to march through hell again
>Everything's great finally
>JK demons are fucking back again
>Go directly to hell this time to end this shit
>Get stuck in hell
>Wandering for anywhere between a few years and literal eons
>Find some cool crusader dudes
>They let you into their cool little crusading club
>Everything's looking great
>JK there are just more demons
>Go to fight the demons
>JK it tuns out your the guys your crusading buddies were working for were actually siding with the demons
>Keep fighting anyway until Demons trap you in a stone sarcophagus
>God knows how long you're in there
>Finally wake up in a UAC base
>And of course there's fucking demons
Yeah I just can't figure out why he hates them so much.
just destroy the totem retard
Demons didnt completely fuck earth in 2. It was attacks on entrance points which were the UAC facilities. then, the time between 2 and 2016 is supposed to be long enough that people forgot/cover ups led to a general inattention to demons. Plus, the 2016 Demons aren't alone anymore, being led by the Maykrs.
Different earths, the Sentinel homeworld may even be one
>BFGs you
hehe, not today kiddo.
>Demons didnt completely fuck earth in 2
Yes they did. Literally everyone on Earth was evacuated.
Will she be in the DLC, bros?
>Demons didnt completely fuck earth in 2.
So you never played Doom2.
Interesting, but then Doom Slayer is either not Doomguy, or he has nothing to do with this humanity.
I'm not talking about the demons, it's the humans. Everyone just got a fucking amnesia after they witnessed a demon holocaust?
>the time between 2 and 2016 is supposed to be long enough that people forgot/cover ups led to a general inattention to demons.
it's a parallel universe
At this point he's probably exhausted from having to deal with their shit for so long. He's told them to fuck off with his BFG for god knows how long.
>or he has nothing to do with this humanity.
To quote the spooky ghost of King Novak
>-THEY- are not your people to save.
>samur/seraphim is hayden
So this is what I don't get because I've heard the fan theory and the voice does sound similar, but doesn't it seem like there's some redaction/conflicting plot points with Hayden between 2016 and Eternal?
In 2016, Hayden takes the Crucible from you because he doesn't want you destroying argent technology, and during the ending scene he also talks about how he's been studying your motivation, and in general seems to know little about the Doomslayer other than what he could glean from UAC research on him and his sarcophagus.
Then in Eternal, he has no problem in helping you infiltrate the actual factory in Hell where argent energy is created, as well as destroying the symbiotic relationship between Heaven and Hell to produce said energy. He also seems to know way more about Urdak and Argent D'Nur than any human reasonably should, even with access to all of the research the UAC could do before it became a hapless Satanic cult.
Seems like they rewrote the character and hoped the audience wouldn't notice too much.
Legit, but it sounded like Doomguy detached from humanity so much that it's more like they are not his people anymore, while he still feels responsibility. I hope the devs elaborate on that.
I feel it's more got to do with Doomguy swearing allegiance to the Sentinels. He's essentially become one of their people and was expected to act accordingly.
In the credits, they are listed as one character (Hayden/Hooded figure) where as the Icon of Sin and whatever the other fuck voiced by the same guy are listed separately, if that gives any credence.
I've given up on ckesding UN for the time being, the first two missions are way too slow and cultist base is full of bullshit.
When are we getting BLACK DooM Eternal?
>yfw the Dark Lord final boss is literally Doom
Novik didn't exactly try to stop Doomguy or tell him to fuck off, rather he was only telling his straight up that the priests are still of sentinel blood just like him and he's going to start some shit with the maykrs if he gets in their way. I assume that's what he meant by "heaven's wrath".
>In 2016, Hayden takes the Crucible from you because he doesn't want you destroying argent technology, and during the ending scene he also talks about how he's been studying your motivation, and in general seems to know little about the Doomslayer other than what he could glean from UAC research on him and his sarcophagus.
Vega showed him the future, he took the demon crucible so the Khan Makyr wouldn't know about it or get her hands on it when the doom fortress got hacked and invaded.
I know Civvie is kind of a meme but he was right on the money saying the first few levels of the game were frustrating and unfun. As soon as you get the rhythm down and get a few weapons, the game gets fun as fuck, Super Gore Nest is a fucking blast.
He's more right than most e-celebs, if not all of them.
>just beat Doom Hunters on nightmare
god damn these guys are fucking insane but it was so fun. i love this game so much bros.
Honestly yeah, even replaying it knowing what I was doing, it doesn't really become fun until you get the dash and at least get a third weapon in your arsenal. Hopefully we get enough master levels to make an entire campaign.
Samuel Hayden
Sam Hayden
Fuck off coomer
Why did they call Cyberdemons Tyrants?
I guess they wanted to reinforce the idea that there was only one cyberdemon, but why?
Because there was a demon race called tyrants, and when someone enhances a tyrant with cybernetic implants, it becomes a cyberdemon.
Yeah but the Tyrants in game DO have cybernetic enhancements. So they should be called cyberdemons.
Nah, the weird anthro-Daisy fags are far worse
That's no way to treat (the) Doomguy's military instructor
I haven't seen this yet and I don't want to. I'm now turning 4chanX to work mode so you won't assault my eyes.
But they are still tyrants, that's their official demon name, you can call them cyberdemon.
Honestly I can stand the art of Doom Slayer fucking Charlie and Vaggie's brains out but come on don't do daisy dirty like that.
Not until she's back in literally anything. (Preferably Phobos too)
Why didn't they put a gender selector in Doom Eternal? Are the devs problematic?
I think some of the complaints about Doom Eternal are baffling. If you don't like the game, that's perfectly fine. To each their own. The game isn't perfect but I'm curious if some players just don't understand the mechanics.
I don't care if it's Eternal or something else, I just wanna see her in glorious HD
Is there a way to improve the chainsaw/ammo system without a sequel? Its my biggest problem with the game. Its not the lack of ammo thats the issue, its that the chainsaw system is uninteresting as fuck. Saving up 3 gas pips just to kill 1 heavy isn't really worth it. Its better just to use those pips on fodder to get all of your ammo back. Killing a heavy is as simple as using a frost grenade and pulling out the rocket launcher. Also having both the crucible and the chainsaw just seems redundant, they should have chosen one or the other. Its also baffling because with the current system there ALWAYS has to be fodder around. You can never have a true 1v1. The current system feels like a half-baked band-aid solution that should have never made it out of testing.
>literally condemned billions to death because “muh energy crisis”
One more thing, because you always are recharging gas pips, there isn't any risk to just chainsawing fodder everytime your cooldown recharges. It adds nothing to the game and just ends up feeling like busy-work instead of being an interesting choice to make.
>literally brutalize trillions to death because "muh furry rabbit"
Maybe having each enemy drop a specific type of ammo when it dies no matter how you kill it. Arachnotron obviously drop plasma, Revenants and Mancubi drop rockets, Hell knights drop shells, mooks drop machine gun rounds etc. That way you wouldn't have to actually stop to collect ammo, and the level designers could have better control over the flow of the fight by making enemies appear in certain orders.
“So? They aren’t human beings.”
Demons aren't people.
Dare I say, Samuel Baseden?
What if demons had their own rabbits?
Demons deserve no rights.
I think they mean with no heavies to interrupt your fight.
He is not the villain in this story. He did what he did because there was no choice.
>DLC is going to be about the war for Earth
>Arc System complex is going to be the base of operations
>mechs are probably going to be involved and also be controllable
Goddamn by the time all of the DLC is out this game is going to be legendary. I hope we get some post-game content though. I want to go through more levels that are balanced with a fully decked-out slayer in mind.
I think it was more as a form of damage control. The Slayer was far too brutal and destructive for his tastes, like destroying the argent generator. He probably thought he could contain the situation by himself.