Kinoblade bread

Barely done with the game and I already wish I could experience it for the first time again, I really hope they give us more connections between 1 and 2 in the new definitive edition content

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What if Futures Connected doesn't connect 1 and 2 more, but connects it to X?

>Melia turns out to be Telethia, the Endbringer

Easily one of the worst games I've ever played. The setting and world are absolutely squandered by every other aspect of the game from the endless systems onto of systems, awful voice acting, amature hour writing, and horrible technical performance.

Showing a Core Crystal on Alvis is already a sign they will be making changes.
Can't wait, Kinoblade indeed.

I agree with the technical performance aspect and (english) voice acting which is among the worst I've come across but you should play it with the japanese voices anyway. I disagree with everything else
I'm currently farming legendary cores on the ralentless arduran and the frame rate goes so low that it wouldn't surprise me if it hits below 15 at times

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Post some new Xenoblade Art

It's not a Core Crystal, it's just a Zohar Necklace

>Epilogue ends with Alvis giving Shulk a "purple crystal" and asking him to "take care of his brother".
>Alvis also brings a half destroyed "mecha-Fiora" like girl with blue hair and ask Shulk to find "RE ones" as they can fix her.

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Writing is pretty good, a lot of the issues come down to the presentation and some of the particulars of the localization.
Voice acting gets pretty good near the end, and the systems were pretty fun in my opinion
A lot of the actual issues are around presentation and QoL

Of course is not a core crystal as Alvis fucked off before the cores were repurpose into the blade system, but is still a core of the Trinity processor.

>Final boss of Future Connected is Ontos's artifice
>It's red in color like his Core, and resembles Weltall ID
The hype can only get higher, gentlemen

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No, I mean like, the necklace isn't his core. I really think Alvis himself, is just a Homs form that he uses to interact with the world. His true form, is that of a glowing cross (in the original). For Definitive, his true form will probably be retconned into his actual Trinity Processor core.

I thought you wanted to deny with all your strength that Alvis isn't Ontos and that xbc1 and xbc2 aren't connected. It truly was just "one".

Nah, it's really obvious that Alvis is Ontos

Because it's not attached to his chest, right? But Ontos is an Aegis, they don't really follow Blades' rules. Malos was runing around with a broken Core, Pyra/Mythra return, etc.
They might sucker punch us all and make Alvis the Driver, Ontos being someone else entirely. But that's really pushing it.

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I don't think that can happen, why would his artifice be in this dimension?

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Me too. I love all xeno games. I literally replayed xcx again this winter and forgot how good it is. Wish I could play every xeno, except saga 2, for the first time again

I didn't really like xenoblade x but I understand

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>wish you could experience gatcha again
>wish you could experience Tales of tier story/characters again
>wish you could play through the boring ass beginning combat again

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Don't compare tales with kinoblade

At least 2 has a story. If we don't learn what the fuck was up with Mira in some sort of X remaster/sequel I'm gonna be pissed.

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I'll certainly compare 2 to Tales of tier JRPG wish fulfillment waifubait shit.

Dont know how Xenoblade fans became so neutered that all they care about is waifus. Before Fiora vs Melia was a meme and Elma was unquestionably the best girl to even be argued against in X. But 2 bought the waifufags defending every aspect about it.

The gatcha system alone should put it into the shit game list even if the story was worth a damn. Truly the weakest blade game.

>that all they care about is waifus
Prove it

Me too, would be cool. Thinking of going back to Xenoblade 2 a bit more before DE.

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>Writing is pretty good

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There's still well over a month of waiting so you still have time

I hope you dont expect me to go through the archives and pull up every individual thread on all of the blade games and during thier releases (or rereleases).

IAny fan who's been around long enough knows that especially 2017-2018 Xeno threads were filled to the brim with pixiv posters posting waifuart taking up a majority of the posts. Which if case you arent following didnt used to happen.

>B-but they talk about the stories too
Besides Nia cucked memes all anyone ever talks about with XC2's story is from the last 4th of the game where it actually gets interesting.


Xenoblade 2 has top tier waifus and would be amazing even without them, I'd say over 90% xeno threads here are comfy and without your so called pixiv posters.

Please enlighten me on what makes Xenoblade 2 waifu's top tier.

None of them are even as good as Elma (and I'm not even the biggest elma guy)

It's mostly subjective and up to personal taste so it doesn't matter what reasons I may give you but considering the ridiculous amount of people who like xeno 2 girls, it's safe to say they have qualities and traits beside visuals that are likeable, I'm talking about the main blades though.

Would it be worth it to play the original Xenoblade before Definitive Edition? I tend to enjoy seeing the new aspects to a remake. While I've known the Gaur Plain theme for years, I feel like I would enjoy the new rendition a lot more if I had played the original and heard it like a hundred times while playing. I'm just worried about getting burned out before it comes out.

Also, how long would it take to 100% the game? I don't mean New Game Plus, but doing everything I can like completing the Collectopedia and Bestiary and stuff like that.

I like Mordred cus she's cute and strong

Why not but xenoblade can be pretty long to 100% so maybe just going through the main story and doing some of the better side quests would be enough in my opinion

I have finally made the connection that Elma was doing a reverse Avatar the whole time. Her whole dumb plan was probably inspired by her obsessing over pirated versions of that, Dances with Wolves, and Gargantia while she was a cute young alien weeb/teen.

I guess this is why I should never phonepost

I thought for most of the game there was going to be a big reveal and she was in fact a he but guess I was wrong

What made you think that?

God, Pneuma is so beautiful. Have you played Torna, OP? Because you definitely should.

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>Epilogue seems to focus on Melia
>Everyone thinks it's going to mend the wounds of all her suffering in the main game
Takahashi you fucking madman

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>Not even to a distant land but to a whole different planet!
Fuck you user you made me spit out my drink.

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Not yet but I will in a few weeks, I can't wait

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Seriously what game on Yas Forums gets posted without lewd art?
You must be the big gay


Ontos isn't an Aegis, though. That was a term specifically granted to Malos, and Pneuma in XB2 by humans, due to the power they possessed. I just can't see Alvis being anyone other than Ontos either


It's mostly just fun speculation, but there's a possibility that those wormholes in Future Connected will lead to a little pocket dimension like the Memory Space, and his artifice will be laying around there

Thanks for the 99 legendary cores

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lol, retard

>Some people killed that cute little Ardun
Guys, I wonder what goes through your heads sometimes. You have to be a monster to do this. Or be Chinese.

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True, I knew I had to not kill it thanks to that newfag pasta but I would probably have not killed it anyway to be honest

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Just revive him bro

Only to kill him again

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He likes it at this point
Around 1:40
Pure, raw, unfiltered kino and feels

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should I play Torna before definitive edition? I've never played Xenoblade Chronicles 1 before.


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They shouldn't be related, so do whatever, but it would be a great way to past time while waiting for XC1DE. I'd say go for it.

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