Animal Crossing thread

>he doesn't have Able Sisters yet

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Other urls found in this thread:

they're comin tomorrow morning
can't wait for the threesomes

mabel > sable

>b-but muh cute trauma wife

I'm sorry can I use yours?

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>all-hybrid flower island

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when does terraforming unlock

>Had Barbells as hot item
>make up 10, because fuck it
Holy shit. I'm sure I'll regret that 100 iron soon enough, but damn.

Friendly reminder to talk to Sable every day!
She may be a bit prickly at first but she opens up!

I’m liking the 1am music, perfect mix of tired/lazy and energetic.

Enjoy the egg hunting, friends?
Pretty difficult to find, aren't they?
Only 11 more days to enjoy the Bunny Day event!

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do you mean the balloon present sound?

How the fuck do I change a villagers catchphrase? Diana’s default is “no doy” and even though I love Diana I cringe every time I read that shit

I wish i grabbed more than 8 or so flowers from that island instead of loading up on botterflies

get KK to play in your town. It's the very last task tom nook gives, and is about 2 weeks into gameplay if you do everything right

Post em

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Were do you get them?

When do the animal villagers start building their homes? I paid mine off yesterday but they are still shitting it up in a tent.

oh, nook asked me to set things up for kk, does that mean hes coming tomorrow ?

but the way Sable tells me to fuck off and ignores me completely is so sexy

>snake hanging out in Hans' house
nice, some proof villagers interact at least a little

In case requesters miss it. Three new images added. Two more to do then I will take more requests after.

>those birds
very nice

I miss when the villagers had personality.

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Based user

Soon. They take a while, especially if you do yours ASAP


pic related

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Does Nookling drop-off box count towards selling goals for nook miles?

I don't even know how to get them


>been playing all day
>no eggs or zipper whatsoever
>game is updated and everything

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Tom is my bro! I love him so much. I hope I unlock amiibo stuff soon.

Have you gotten a 3 star rating? did nook call kk on his phone? did nook say kk is arriving tomorrow? because the kk quest takes about 3 days or so.

im gonna sic my snapping turtle on you you bouncing fuck

Yes, this breaks up the monotony for me really nicely after spending so much time running stupid errands for Tom Nook and doing all his work for him. Thanks, Zipper, I love your eggs.


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god damnit why did I have to get rid of all my hardwood trees
I need the leaf eggs now

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I have Phoebe and Pashmina coming tomorrow

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But my villagers still pointlessly whine and bitch if I talk to them more than once, what are you talking about? Especially Canberra.

anyone have a site that compiles the best designs to use for roads/sidewalks? i'm trying to decide how many different custom patterns i need for my paths

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Goodnight, anons

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Diana tomorrow, last slot probably getting stolen by something ugly.
Half of them are free to leave if they want, I just want Lolly or a good grumpy.

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That stuff's the only reason to stockpile materials after you've built the three houses, from what I've seen.

but they still do?

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oh damn nevermind, have yet to hear about rating, dunno what that is. nook just asked me to prepare villagers and decorate my islajnd

You could dig up normal trees from islands and replant them on yours to save a couple days to get the leaf eggs.

Based and bunnypilled.

>he knows

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Also, it's killing me not knowing, but how much does it take to upgrade the nooks? usually it's spending a bunch of cash, and happens pretty quickly, but I'm impatient and want to know.

this is so fucking hot, god damn

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april ruining tarantula farms and egg day complicating all resource-gathering is really choking my motivation

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I hope you get that dumpy bear with the snaggle tooth

user, you have 1.1.1a installed right?


Im mad jealous

source? they don't in my game. they just say stupid shit like "hey user I heard you were fishing yesterday. that's cool, [catchphrase]!"

How does April ruin tarantula farming?

>even twiggy is shit talking quillson
Soon, Twiggy.

someone tell me how to make my island pretty
I'm moving the middle house of the three on the left to that empty square and I want to put a ramp there but other than that I'm kind of lost since I don't have have terraforming

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apparently if your still in the first week your "safe" from the event overriding your iron & wood drops

God I wish I could fuck sable

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So do Easter Bunnies lay eggs? Is that the idea? Well, if I don't stop fishing up these eggs I'm gonna shove 'em up Zipper's ass so we can find out.

this son of a bitch can't be scared away, and he'll spawn on any island with freshwater

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nope, I had the KK concert when I played this morning

what are the odds of them adding new multiplayer functionality or minigames in the future? i miss the shit in new leaf
its still fun, and I like to just chill, but since they're already so many limitations, there's not really anything to do with people over

Quillson is the worst villager in the game.

Yeah it’s going to be like another week then. You gotta build the campsite, wait for someone to come, invite them in, have them move in, then you unlock ratings. Then you gotta get a few more people to get 3 star since population is like 80% of the score or something.

very nice

Listen here you dumb bitch. I've been busting my ass in this game having fun n shit. I don't time travel like your bitch ass and the delivery got delayed so I got digital instead. I'll move at my own pace pussy ass nigga.

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>Raymond left his staunch, oppressive, business-suit life to come to your island and become a slutty maid trap who dances around shaking his ass and tambourine like a godless pagan

This is my headcanon for Raymond, and nothing will ever change it.

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fucking petals harder to catch than any other insect. also fuck these tools, they break so quickly

Based Zucker

im on day 12 i think, ive already built the campsite. still though thanks alot for responding


>you can pick up and move your mailbox


I wonder if there's a single person in the world who would geniunely look at this and go "Ah yes, I really want her in my village"

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>one last nook ticket
>got Tipper
Finally got one of my original WW villagers back


2000 is still decent desu

Lobo moving in tomorrow

I would have no qualms with losing shep or clay

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i hate hamlet, everytime isee his faggot face i want to hack him with my axe or drown him

>He doesn't have the multi-coloured egg dress and hat
What are you guys, fucking gay?

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each water bug is worth 1/4th of a tarantula
that still kinda sucks

black guys

I need fruits

No Cherry, eh user?





>Raymond is salty as hell because Marina gifted him a saltshaker

Do we know what the point of petals is yet? Also git gud on all counts
Dear diary, today I learned

>can't be scared away

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Who does crafting appeal to?

I've known Sydney for less than a week but if anything happened to her I'd kill everyone in this thread and then myself.

I wouldn't bother. The automatic smoothing makes them look like shit compared to the in-game roads you eventually unlock.



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100% chance user did you not see the direct,there going to be updates for YEARS m8

w-what is she talking about

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Nah I want Paula

Why are all of the hottest villagers Snooty, with the notable exception of Audie?


holy fuck they can play instruments??

Why do all the animals say "le" a lot in this game?

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Petals are for a bunch of seasonal recipes

are you that spic who came into the island with the mummy clothes and stole all my peaches and flowers then fucked off?

>go check on my first drop in villager who's isolated from the mainland because I can't build more bridges yet
>he's reading a book about flowers while taking care of the flowers I planted near his place
I can already tell this is gonna be a long and beautiful friendship.

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Forgot pic. God, she's so cute. Every time she calls me Sunshine it puts a smile on my face. She might be my new favorite villager.

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fuck I need this

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i have recipes to make a sakura floor and something else i forgot

Well shit, now I know my town square's gonna have a concert stage.

I only heard it once from Apple so far, and no one else. Maybe there's a certain personality type that says it a lot and you have a lot of them?

If I pulled out that toothpick, would he die?

Anons you should really place your campsite on the beach out of the way

they are much easier and quicker to farm which makes up for it for me.

paula the trailer trash wine aunt bear

>hating the most tubular catchphrase trend of the 90's
cringe and bogus pilled dude

Who decided on this name wtf

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>Chop tree with axe
>Character randomly stands still for like 10 seconds and no matter what I do I can’t move

This happen to anybody else occasionally?

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nope. mostly after clothes and nook shops too

I have yet to see this

Also got Diana and Lolly on the way.
Really should have got Roscoe for my last pick when i had the chance.

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>tfw nook is going to fill my last plot tomorrow morning
please don't screw me


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>kickin all males and let only females live in my island for maximum sel insert

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true. welcome amiibo was also really freaking late, so anythings on the table

>people picking flowers
And this is why I don't open up

Amazing line up with the exception of your starters.

I have a few recipes for it- a purse, a picnic set, and a pink bonsai tree. They all came from balloons if I remember right.


I have the following fossils in exchange for miles tickets

>ankylo torso
>brachio skull
>deinony tail
>left quetzal wing
>parasaur skull
>plesio body
>ptera body
>quetzal torso
>shark-tooth pattern
>stego skull

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It would be extremely deadly, it's been stuck in his skull since a horrible accident and doctors are afraid of the ramifications of removing it

>>kickin all males and let only females live in my island for maximum sel insert

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I've only seen it from Snooty villagers.

Just you wait, I’m going to be the best pattern maker the world will ever see, just you wait.

>kicking lucky
not cool

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Online lag.

the fuck is wrong with coach nigger

Trading my blue light house for a BRICK LIGHTHOUSE

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Anyone has KK Disco I can order?

You'd be better off trading rare fish etc

you mean peppy

>>>kickin all males and let only females live in my island for maximum sel insert

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Holy shit, I'm building a fucking stage.
This is amazing

You still have Tom Nook's 13-incher slapping all the females. Nice try, fag

Can't trade fish, unless I've been missing something.

Label > Mabel > Sable

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Are you sure you don't mean peppy? The popstar/idol wannabe character?

I put mine up on a cliff I have no other reason to use

you can't trade fish/bugs

>Can't connect to the internet from phone
This game is so poorly designed it's embarrassing

you can't trade fish and bugs retard

You're right, I got them confused.

You can't trade fish (or bugs) in NH

I'm very blessed. No time travelling/amiboo involved. I got lucky on the island tours for my last 2 villagers

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How are you guys getting the villager line up?

this is cute

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It's just the peppy villagers that do that

bro I don't wanna die bro...

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bro can I steal your shep

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>Dude what about le nineties dood ecksdee xD

Fuck off literal boomer, I was born 2000 and proud, you nineties kids are like late thirties-fourties go to the retirement home lmao

I have all ten villagers, pretty full museum, and a pretty nice outside layout, 2nd story for my home, but I've still yet to do fuck all with my home but use it as a storage shed. I don't know what to do given the items I have are so random it doesn't make sense to design a room out of them when they don't thematically go together.

It's on the phone app.

sable has cute freckles and bedroom eyes though

somebody r8 my layout

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Very boring.

Hopper is goat.
Well, his GCN equivalent was anyway.


Sable is way better but Mabel is way cuter this game with her voice.

Also eyebrows

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fuckin rad

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Not sure if I want this pangolin.

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characters eventually ask you if they should change their catchphrase.

I want Femboi Raymonds precious virgin boipussy.

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does customizing your tool really reset the durability?


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Pretty stoked I got roald right away

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no please I can't be thinking about this I need to go to bed

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Post pattern designs

Where have all the Ranchos gone