Risk of Rain

Risk of Rain

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stop trying to force your reddit meme

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oh btw, you men want the fixed version of dropin?

How are the Switch versions of 1 and 2.

Either drop it or don't ffs.

>Artificer is still dumpster trash.
Just buff her god damnit.

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just as shit as the rest

They could increase her flamethrower range by 1000% and it would would be decent.

Huntress needs more buffs.

Is 1 even on the switch? For 2, its best to get it on PC if you are interested in multiplayer.

Why can't you freeze greater wisps or brass contraptions

They are both on Switch. I want to play multiplayer but don't have a PC until the fall.

What do people see in huntress that I don't?
She has so little hp and mediocre damage, the only thing she has over others is her mobility but that can be rivaled with a couple of items for any other character.
Feel free to prove me wrong as I don't play her nearly enough to understand every nuance of her kit.

meant to quote

Glaives are GOAT, new M1 is GOAT, ballista is GOAT. Couple these with mobility, she's GOAT.

alright, here's the file.
put it in your plugins folder if you're a host, otherwise, you don't have to do anything

coof buff commando dodge with iframes

I'd remove her M1 projectile and just make it a locked on channeling kinda auto attack.

remove direct damage but applies burning twice as fast.


In that case, either wait til you get a PC or pick them up now and learn how to play.

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I main Merc and secondary Huntress, so I can explain why user ranked her so high-
Imagine you just unlocked both of her alternate skills. Play around the fact that each enemy telegraphs their attack, and abuse the hell out of it. You have 3 blinks, each taking little time to recharge, and artillery that allows you to deal pinpoint single-target big dick damage. You'll clear a lot of things fast in the early stages. That being said, you still require damaging items in order to actually fucking work in the later-stages. Chances are if you don't die on stage 4 while getting the guaranteed red item you'll probably be set. Still I wouldn't rank Huntress higher than a C because of how hard she is to use with a payoff that's quite unnoticeable because you're barely pulling through.

Is the ten man still ongoing or should I make one?

Make one, not looking like we're going to get a new one anytime soon

Someone in one of these threads wanted a screen of a Malachite Parent, here it is.

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Aaaaare you sure you dropped the right one? This one only lets me join_as HAND, sniper, and bandit.

Oh! For RoR1, if you don't want to buy it twice pirated copies can connect to MP games if you launch the game through RORML.


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i'll fix it quickly, sorry

10 man still up

All good. I'm just glad you're fixing it at all.
Word, just gonna wait on this fix so we can have mid-game joining.
Waiting on the Sacrifice fix.
No harm in two.

8 days later and the Switch version is still unplayable. Unacceptable

Just got the game, how me get gud?

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You *did* vote for the new survivor, didn't you?

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play the game, slut

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I voted for han-d of course

Should I just play single player till I unlock stuff?

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Miner chad

Today I went on a fun journey.

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I didnt want to use discord. I: would have voted for the miner tho

Looking at the previous new survivors, fuck no.
Enforcer's got my vote.

Make her Ice Wall block projectiles and actually function like a wall
Or, better yet, give her an actual mobility skill.

why did you even post this

I've voted for everyone that isn't sniper or mystery nigga

yeah get a feel for the game, try builds/items

they should just change jetpack into something like baseline ion surge
the no mobility meme dosnt work in this game

He's fucking based for playing how he wants to

I wanted to see if my health could read the tens of thousands.


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never, game's dead

ignore anyone that tells you to start out on monsoon, and generally avoid drizzle, rainstorm is what the game is balanced around and will give you the best experience in the beginning.
learn what items to prioritize and which ones are effectively worthless
focus on unlocking new characters and items, not because they will make the game easier, but because they make the game more fun
lastly do what said

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can I get a non modded host, I don't want to have to install shit

yeah sure

1 or 2? should still be up.

9/10 you just missed us.

What are thoughts on the repulsion armor shard?
when I first saw it I was hyped bc I think the game sorely needed an actual armor or defense white to actually be balanced on vanilla.
I don't know how it stacks tho so I'm curious what people think about it- It's good to see the game have a consistent way to mitigate damage though- really needed it

Don't wana install mods rn

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Glass and Swarm is terrifying.
20 wisps have no fucking mercy whatsoever.

Seems like you can die to your own friendly fire, just died to my own willowisp explosion

you can proc items with fall damage and die as well

remember when risky was on e3 and everyone was happy that hopoo was getting recognition?

yeah well I hope he fucking burns

6/10 get in

what did he do to you buddy
tell us where the discord tranny mod touched you

its 5+5, it works on dots so its not totally useless


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this desu
fuck that faggot hack
I hope randy scams him like he scams everyone he deals with

Someone shop a pointer hand onto this

What made all the success go to his head to the point he refuses to balance the fucking game.

Anybody know what stages besides Scorched Acres Cleansing pools can spawn on? Been hunting for one, but they just won't show up.

try this version
allowUnusedSurvivors is enabled by default because this is Yas Forums

That's toggleable, right?

yes, why wouldn't it be?


its gotta be bots, right? There's no way people want sniper that much

i'd like to know if this works as well so i can add it to the pastebin

yeah she dies like a goat alright

You do realize this is an RNG-based Rogulike specifically made to have higher power scaling spikes based on the fundamental mechanics right?
the game goes on infinite and gets infinitely harder- you either become god or die a scrub. The game provides many different effects and abilities to achieve this in a multitude of ways while still having a semblance of skill required to live.
get good.

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