Today's lesson, flowers in the corner

Attached: Lond.jpg (2560x1440, 2.5M)

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Pass is vee

Attached: 39547134_p1.png (600x612, 146.08K)

stay safe out there bros

Attached: hazpho.png (393x309, 100.54K)

no joke this year?

The PC port was the joke.

CLR Netcode was the joke. The PC port is the punchline.

But that's Arcsys' joke
Where's FB's?

Putting thier characters in BBTag

Maybe the real PC ports were the friends we made along the waay

Are they really friends when they stopped playing after the one person who made the lobbies left to play clr on PS4?

Maybe the real lobbies were the friends we made along the way

I thought the true lobby was within our hearts all along?

These cliches are staler than expired french bread.

I just have to remember that I need to do the proper 66B enders if I actually want to test proper 22x corner oki

Kw: pclobby
Get in here you fucks don't pretend like you have other things to do

Maybe the real cliches were the friends we made along the way

Will join after I finish my movie viewing. Hope it's still alive in 15-ish minutes.

broken game

This wald with you, merk?

Throwing a challenge flag I teched that

ye, also streaming btw

whats your stream, bro.

>lose everything
>Orange square
Bad game

Not him but DTH (though process of elimination to find it is pretty easy given how little amount of streams there are for the game).

I see it, thanks user.

jesus christ the lag spikes in that match

Didn't seem to have them with anyone else tonight

Who was downloading anime in that one?

Attached: 1460775234854.webm (1280x720, 313.29K)

probably on my end, my matches have been shitty today in this and in KI that matchmaking is unparalleled tho

I've been playing characters with fuckhuge combo starting normals and pokes for so long, I don't know how to play anyone without them now

>hold right for several seconds hitting CS
>still get shield
Anyways ggs. Probably shouldn't be playing while half asleep.

Who in the absolute fuck thought that instant FF invuln reversals were a good idea

>roundstart sweep gets shit on by fireball to face
Things never change

It fucking sucks, grab me

Attached: EQUJ0aPUEAEY2Cb.jpg (686x376, 110.59K)

Mori, probably.

at least lond's sucks, linnes is pretty annoying and hard as hell to whiff punish.

Someone who thought Wagner needed buffs

> just throw me
that only applies to pressure, you have wake up throw invuln covering you on your wakeup anyway, it's like a 1-2 frame window where it's throw vulnerable.

GG's deska and oni see you next PC lobby in a month and remembering the friends we made along the way

GGs. Sorry for leaving early but pc port still cursed

It still fucking sucks and does shit for damage to boot
And my fastest buttons have shit for range while my 5B is 9 frames

I didn't say it sucks, I just said throwing lond on his wakeup isn't really the answer. most characters can probably just threaten outside the ff range or just jump over it like wald's reversals.

It totally sucks whether or not you said it or not.

Basto, the 66B > 236[B] loop does have a purpose.
Proper freeze time is static so the time it takes for an airborne opponent to freeze in the air and drop down actually adds to the timer so 22A/B will have better time to set up iirc
fox made a video about it

Attached: FEEEEEEEEEEL SO MOOOOOOOON.png (1280x720, 670.38K)

GGs, Spoon. Delay netcode fucking sucks.

I'll have to check it out. That being said it makes sense as you can just loop five or six times for like 3.5k

Also 22B is faster than 22A
Hopefully I can pull off this new 5BB combo too

Fuck, almost had that new combo

Was it that one with the air string? I was actually thinking of how to implement j.B > j.C > j.3B into the sequence and noticed

Okay what the actual fuck is up with the PC port?
Am I the only one who gets massive slowdowns as in the game is chugging frames except steam overlay FPS still shows a constant 60 (and there's no reason for uniclr to be dropping frames on my desktop too)

from what I hear from everyone else, no, most people are having various problems.

5BB > 214B(whiff)[C] > 2B > 214B[A] > 2C > jC > jB > j3B > 5B > 214AAC

This and the black screen when you alt tab is driving me insane.

How do I play Linne?

TK j236x

Heck that seems really tight to do. I stopped going for 214B(whiff)[C] entirely though since I couldn't ever manage something off of it but I think I'll try to do this too
That and also try to do something off of 214AA > 2A since everything after seems to whiff regardless of what I try

Is the PC port that bad?

The air series part is the toughest part for me since it's really height dependent but it's arguably what adds the most amount of damage at the end of it. You just have to whiff 214B immediately and get 214[C] out as soon as possible.
Hydroblading confirms are what I was focusing on last week and it's been pretty simple, but you can't get much off of it from what I've learned.
Also remembered you can jump cancel 5B/C and still do a full j3[B]

need guide on carmine's koolaid traps

Also, the 22x guide i mentioned
I don't think we ever got the answer to this question then and still don't know what it is now

forgot the most important thing: mujin on block > divekick

Not him but is that really a good strategy? Sounds like an easy way to get punished but maybe if you do it low enough you can get it out fast to not worry if it gets blocked/AA'd or not.

Not that guy who said but I've eaten enough of those to laugh and say that that's definitely a strategy that works.