How is it okay to brazenly sexualize men like this?
How is it okay to brazenly sexualize men like this?
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All for the sake of realism
Multicultural potatoes!
Mнoгocтopoнняя кapтoшeчкa
If you are bitching about the hypocrisy, you are still benefiting them by being upset about the sexualization of men thus encouraging more censorship like a dumb fucking knuckdragger
I will now buy your game
Hank Hill ass
something weird about those deltoids
I cant believe the russians hacked the 4chinz
God what a flat ass. Needs to squat.
Yeah great, can I pirate it yet?
>Needs to squat.
That'll take another 5 years to implement
Legit, it would be great if an RPG was good enough to implement such a thing with your body improving due to your training.
Becuase men are superior
I'm so ready for the gay porn mods for this game.
>gta 3
Now post the female's.
How Yas Forums can you make a female?
Because men established that a bare male chest is suitable for all ages and a bare male ass is comedy gold.
that mom is a qt tho I don't blame that southman for blacking her
This. Men see another mans chest and admire it, for they know they worked to achieve it. They don't feel jealous and insecure. Men see another mans ass and laugh, because they aren't insecure and know they aren't sexually attracted to it.
Gay men see both of the above and are sexually attracted to it. Women see both of the above and are attracted to it.
Meanwhile women are insecure, so they see bare chests and buttocks and feel offended. Gay men see them are are offended because they aren't sexy to them. Gay women and Straight men see them and are attracted, but Gay Women are still women so they're still insecure and therefore, are still offended.
By simple mathematics, a naked man offends 1/4 groups (gay women), whereas a naked women offends 3/4 groups (gay men, straight women, and gay women).
wow bannerlord is multicultrualism forced shit? 10 years of waiting down the drain, ill stick to warband.
I do not get what women see in these hairy unappealing flesh lumps we call the male body.
How fucking insecure do you need to be to have that be your takeaway from that
You mean San Andreas?
based, but the redditspacing is questionable
Reminds me of that silent hill monster
butt not too flat
no genny tails, men chesticals dont count
Nah. This is completely retarded. I remember when I was 12, too.
More like the retard creating the character wanted to look "tanned" so the game generated his parents based on his attributes. Would you rather he had 2 Mediterranean parents?
Yeah sure why not
Gay men don't care.
Nudity isn't sexual though it's natural
Turks are fucking gay.
Not to Americans.
That's a sad looking ass. Nothing sexual about it.
Stop pretending to be heterosexual.
Good thing it's not an American game then
>How is it okay to brazenly sexualize men like this?
The real secret to equality, is to sexualize absolutely everyone and everything. Give me big, fat dicks and big, fat tits any day of the fucking year.
The Med BVLL strikes again
ok someone post their effeminate twink sliders
Which game?
You're alright user, you get it.
Fugly-chads where you at?
>The real secret to equality, is to sexualize absolutely everyone and everything.
Sounds bad.
I'd rather not see tits than having to see a big fat cock.
Who gives a shit about sexualization, the big question is WHERE THE FUCK IS THE TORRENT? COME ON SCENE GROUPS YOU'RE DROPPING THE BALL HERE.
Literally gay. And infected.
Not a surprise, really.
fuck off normie, you were never welcome here
fuck i need to eat it
This one has reached enlightenment
because SocJus is about revenge. they want to treat straight while males the way minorities and queers were treated in the past, and they want to sexually objectify men to counteract women being sexualized. its bigotry, just inverted.
my ex had an ass like this. EW
because men usually don't give a shit whereas women hate nothing more than the prettier woman
>using normie unironically
t. Simp.
ok fag boy
Or rather, it's because men are so far behind in the evolutionary curve that they just want to see everyone naked and coom, while women are more civilized creatures that demand more modesty because they understand that senseless sexualization is degrading.
>men usually don't give a shit
>that senseless sexualization is degrading.
This is an entirely cultural view and only indicative of evolutionary failure, as it promotes harmful self-image and restricts reproduction.
Who are the ones getting fucked for money?
who are the ones paying to fuck?
Underwears are too resources intensive.
Can we stop that thing where we start talking about a game without saying what it is you fucking fag?
simp is a word made by the n-words
normie is anglo
I rest my case rock lover
This is hot.
What game?
Irrelevant. You seem to believe that fucking for money or getting simp bux for inserting a 10 inch dildo upon their anus to be a sign of modesty lmao
>anatomy is sexualization
Really why the fuck are Americans like this.
or women reading into magazines made by other women telling them that they are ugly and need to buy products to make them look like stacy
God that's such a pathetic ass
no, just saying there two sides of a coin.
Quench your thirst.