Wow the QTE meme is real. Literally every combat encounter in this game just boils down to pressing the parry button at the right time. Positioning, weapons, skills etc. mean fuck all, 2019 must have been a slow year for this shit to win GOTY.
Wow the QTE meme is real...
It's literally a rhythm game. Easily From's worst entry.
name something better from 2019.
ace combat? i don't even know.
despite the parry being overpowered it still isn't that bad.
You don't have to like every game, it's ok if a game is not for you, just be quiet and go play something you like instead of saying dumb shit
>throw your head at the wall and memorize every intentionally-awkward attack timing until you beat it
>also you die in 1-2 hits and our camera fucks you over for no reason
Sekiro is self-parody
>dumb shit
Yet you can't make a refutation? And no I'm not going to be quiet about a respected game developer taking a step down with their latest entry because Sekiro's a fucking mess and it hurts that brainwashed fanboys refuse to admit this.
that unironically looks fun
In a perfect world I'd say MHW Iceborne should have won but in reality it would just attract hordes of mindless drones like Sekiro.
And yet you still suck cock at it and got filtered by the first miniboss.
Acquire proficiency.
Its overrated as hell, good game though
>fucking iceborne on top of that
Please stop celebrating the death of that series. Also before you say shit yes the qol changes and graphics upgrade were good. Literally everything else is shit though. 1 step forward and 5 back.
just admit you got filtered and move on
People need to learn the difference between QTE and rhythmic button presses
That's because you have the mental capacity of a rat
Playing it now, just beat Genichiro, now fighting that seven spear miniboss
Yeah okay go back to your press X to awesome shit
>oh shit I need to respond to actions in the game in order to progress
>somehow this is a QTE and not a fundamental component of almost every video game in existence
Sword Saint was easy as hell, you fuckers got me all spooked for nothing. Demon of hatred was the real faggot.
>press X to awesome shit
>press rt to wallbang
>press x to become invincible
It's not good.
there are some truly shit opinions in this thread, as well as the thread that just archived
>It's literally Bamham with more telegraphing.
Do you even know what a skinner box is?
Monster hunter is a garbage bin grind fest. You should be barred from posting for this opinion.
what do you think literally means?
Why do you pretend to not understand the post? You literally only need to press one button to get past combat encounters for the vast majority of the game, exactly like a QTE.
a rat that has fun, ddr sekiro would be cool
It's a grind fest because the combat is enjoyable and people demand more of it, something that doesn't happen with Sekiro lol
you literally only need to press one button to get past combat encounters for the vast majority of most games, but that is both inefficient and boring
never mind that most encounters have unparryable attacks anyway
this post has FGC autism all over it, I bet your the sort of faggot that calls devil may cry a "character action" game too
Meaning that the thing I said is meant to be taken as written and it is not some sort of exaggeration.
>press rt to wallbang
>press x to become invincible
Already more complex than Sekiro.
Wow every video game of all time is a rythem game
and yet you are exaggerating
you can revive 3 times
No I'm not. Your game is too easy. They decided Souls was too hard and made an easier version.
it literally isn't Bamham with more telegraphing since Bamham has an I AM ATTACKING NOW symbol over every enemy's head for every single attack.
you could argue it's Bamham with LESS telegraphing but that is also inaccurate since Sekiro doesn't magnet around to enemies to continue attack/parry chains
>blaming the camera
itt signs yours arguing with a retard
>Bamham has an I AM ATTACKING NOW symbol over every enemy's head for every single attack.
So you're telling me you were too afraid to even launch the hardest difficulty in bamham games?
The rhythm game is a meme from people who couldn't get it
A lot of the enemies are undodgeable because of the short i-frames, and attack faster than your attacks. Some attacks *require* you to mikiri(or block if you don't have mikiri) or jump. This makes it so that most of the time you can't dodge or you can't attack when the enemy's attacking. So once the enemy starts attacking, you're stuck with him and his attack sequence. This leaves you with no choice but to do the correct input against what the enemy's doing. Hence, it's similar to rhythm games. In these situations(of which the combat has a ton of), you have no choice for input other than what the game tells you.
the hardest difficulty in Bamham games still has Batman zipping around on a magnet to enemies for attacks and counters
that's because sekiro has three more inputs to counter with and very rarely can they be interchanged
Sure, rhythm games are actually good. The meme that Sekiro is just a series of QTEs is real though.
You don't know what a QTE is.
thrust attacks can be mikiri'd, dodged, or parried. Sweep attacks can be jumped or dodged. Regular attacks can be dodged, parried, or jumped, although if it's an attack chain you have to actually dodge out of the path of the chain so you're not comboed to death.
How did you get filtered so hard you immediately contradict yourself in the same post
But that webm is literally just parrying lmao
based retard
>only games with combos are complex
That webm shows actual use of the camera and movement. Most of those parries are without lock-on so the player has to manually aim them.
I think it's slowing down on purpose to show you what a qte would look like idk, but qte are definitely not what sekiro is lol, you can same the same shit but too a way more like extreme level for dark souls where you literally just dodge roll over and over
Sekiro was such a great game, holy shit.
>a dozen tools at your disposal to experiment with
>combat that punishes mistakes but encourages and rewards aggression and mastery
>no DLC - you buy a complete game
>length is just long enough that the conclusion timing feels right while still leaving you wanting more - encourages multiple playthroughs
>all manner of difficult modifiers for additional playthroughs
I've beaten it 5 times already and I think I might just do it again.
Wow literally every video game is just pressing buttons at the right time to react to things on screen bros wtf
see your objectively incorrect post?
That's not an honest description of sekiro fights. If an enemy swings and you block, the combo plays out differently as compared to if you deflect or dodge. Yes, bosses do have a optimal "rhythm," but that is true for any game with a boss fight and it's normally called an attack pattern. Learn the boss, learn the fight, beat the fight.
your point is retarded, as you're upset the only choice is either counter or dodge?
you're mad you can't mash attack?
you can also stagger enemies if you hit at the right time while they do unblockable attacks
I hated the gameplay so I played it as I play action games: killed almost every boss by draining its health except for the samurai on the top of the castle guarding the closest checkpoint to Genichiro and the guys with the claws (they can't be defeated unless you spam L1).
I arrived to the sword saint and when I realized that draining his health would be impossible I dropped the game.
You hesitated.
Not really; I just found that he can't be defeated unless you memorize the game's intended gameplay system. Given how I didn't like said gameplay and never bothered to learn it I decided to just stop there.
It was a good game :). This rhythm game comparison is not a negative in my eyes. An action game with great sword play that subtly utilizes a rhythm based input system in order to maximize fluidity. Sounds pretty good to me.
If it had a soundtrack as good as rhythm games then I wouldn't mind either, but it doesn't
I'm trying to imagine how you got that far without learning deflection timing for anything, even on accident. Issin phase 1 is very weak to back-and-forth like genichiro, phase 2 is very weak to mikiri counters, and phase 3 kills itself with lightning counters.
DSP beat him in three tries by beating the hell out of him with the axe
Git guud or drop it
>built-in counter-measure against one-shots
>no pussy footing about explaining how the game works: you get an NPC to teach you the mechanics, and he makes sense in the world and has one of the best quests
>no more lmao "you fight famous guy when he's weak": final boss is explicitly at his peak, you can fight another boss at his peak
>you can also fight the final boss when he's older and it's a totally different fight and he's still a badass
>logical conclusion to how the stamina system works, without of those annoying interruptions when you run out of stamina
>just gives you fucking checkpoints next to the boss already
>game straight up tells you when it's breaking the rules (perilous attacks)
>reuses bosses but they always have an interesting spin around their rematches (except Corrupted Monk)
>setpiece bosses aren't jank
>different endings have actual, tangible consequences
>main villain is the tutorial boss and as you progress through the game you beat him to the point he becomes a phase of the final boss
>final boss is presented in an understated manner that still makes him look badass
>time progression through the game actually changes shit
Sekiro is like everything the Souls games did wrong done right.
He got lucky enough to die only once in each phase, using all the sakura droplets. If he had to redo it after that it would've been three hours.
I played it like I play every action game, be a Devil May Cry, a Dark Souls or a Metal Gear Rising: learn the enemy patterns, dodge/block when required, punish when an opening appears. It worked for pretty much every boss except the Sword Saint because he's way too aggressive to do that.
Between learning a perfect parry sequence and just moving to another game, I just moved to another game. I never liked rhythm games or games that require perfect timed sequences to succeed (even when Vagrant Story is one of my favorite games of all time).
Well, it's to be expected. E-celebs earn a living by streaming themselves playing videogames so they have to treat it like a job. I play videogames for fun and I wasn't having fun with that fight.
>tfw Sekiro and Doom Eternal are two of my favorite games of all time
I love that these games trigger Yas Forums so fucking much
It's not that bad. Theres nothing BAD about it. It's simply not amazing. There are some pretty great tracks but not as many as their other games. People complaining about the music are most likely just anal cynics that want to feel the rush when people blindly agree with their opinions or the ones simply agreeing cause they have no opinion themselves. It's literally only this game that gets consistent;y shit on for its "bad" music. It doesnt make sense.