Name one villager that is as good as Raymond

Name one villager that is as good as Raymond

Attached: animal-crossing-new-horizons-guide-new-villager-raymond.png (103x217, 34.97K)

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Raymond but with a maid outfit riding on my dick

Raymond but in a maid outfit.

Attached: raymond.gif (320x348, 2.79M)


Fair enough

Marshall but with a maid outfit


Marshal, Raymond, and Ankha (even though I like her) are overhyped as shit and complete normiecore in taste. Notice how insanely expensive Marshal and Ankha's amiibo cards are

You talk as if villagers are unique characters in any capacity

Kid Cat

Just finished rolling today for Raymond/Marshal but ended settling for Whitney on my 8th Nook ticket. Even better I got an Audie back on my island too.

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>ahhh it's popular so I hate it!

He's not wrong. Only Ankha has any punch as a character

No, my point being you're only looking at the generic cutesie characters everyone likes

Marshal is my best goddamn buddy and you're never gonna take that away from me, shittalker.

>Raymond was introduced in Pocket Camp a year ago
>no one gave a shit until New Horizons came out

Says a lot about that cashgrab of a mobile game.

That's not a point

That's fine man. I just get annoyed at the crowd that wants to fuck him or coddle and coo over how cute he is

I love Beau

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I am going to fuck Raymond.

I have only been getting fucking jocks. Literally 7 jocks in a row. How is this possible?

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You'll probably break out of the streak soon user, I went through like 4 Lazy at once one time.

why do that when you could fuck me >:3

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what’s so great about him

ew faggot

im a girl so it would be het

You talk as if that *really* matters

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having a penis != being a girl I think you forgot
also tits or gtfo

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have you gay fucks replaced Bob already? Fucking homo zoomers.

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Yeah people like good looking characters. Not everyone want's towned graced by a fucking Hippo just to be "unique"

>trannyposter is pozzed
I bet you ERP'd too, you flaming faggot.

>This isn't a girl
you have strange standards user

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No faggot it is YOU with the warped sense of standards/reality.


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he's a gay nerd so most of Yas Forums can relate

My goal is to assemble the whole sentai squad
Even Rocket the Retard, since the Ginyu Squad needs it's Recoome

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Jesus Christ anime fucks people up so hard

That's actually hot wtf

why does he look like a stereotypical faggot

I care deeply about this octopus

Attached: file.png (1276x2127, 2.47M)

I want to suck, fuck and cum inside that fictional cat.

holy shit I didn't know there was a girl octopus... I like zucker's design more tho.

it's because they're actually designed well and are appealing to the eyes compared to most villagers lmao
that being said Bob chads rise up


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Thanks M8

Do CJ and Flick count?

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>everybody loves Raymond
>nobody loves Nui bear

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>only the coomer bait has any punch as a character
Right, okay.

What's up bitches

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Yeah, I’d say that’s a man.

I have all their amiibo cards.
Wanna buy?

They are both really cute together, why are people shipping them tho?

Cause they both look like faggots.

Because of the "partner" line.

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>coomer bait
It's just a cat with an egyptian theme m8, not the characters fault coomers make off model porn of her

Do you guys have Klaus? I like his caesar aesthetics.

>1.1.2 out
>addresses a bug where if you invited someone’s forced out via amiibo villager you’d just get a empty lot on your island
>...however the villager that was supposed to move to your island is thanos snapped and isn’t on your island or the old island
>today hundreds of reddit cats got btfo and are forever lost unless Nintendo make new villager amiibo cards


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I keep getting ugly villagers on my nook islands. It's a pain

lipstick ruins it
too bright and giving it an outline makes it pop too much with the jawline

Cranky chicken knight>>>>>>>everyone else

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god i fucking love cat boys

He just does that in public in front of others, don't he?