8 years. Let that sink in

8 years. Let that sink in.

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They used their entire budget on landscapes and forgot everything else

I can't pirate this shit in a reasonable amount fo time because its too fucking huge

h-he's fast!

Yo this the meta

It's pretty fun, but I never played Warband so it's all new to me.

>expecting a mount and blade game to be polished and not be a beautiful mess

it's like you don't even remember what made warband so endearing

Its not worth the bandwidth. Not even close.

Fair duel. Really fair. Thanks for the prep time.

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My hope is they secretly have a whole load of content and shit ready to put in and are just going to add it in over time because they're niggers. My belief is they threw out a whole bunch of systems multiple times because they're too incompetent to get any of it working right. I mean if you go back to old Gamescom presentations from fucking half a decade ago, everything either looks the same or there are elements that were already completed-looking just plain missing.

how didn't he get stoned to death?

>not wearing a helmet
That's what you get fag

well, at least it functions better than those shitty anime tier combat systems, like devil may cry.

the chad strafe

The webm actually goes easy on the game by exploiting the fact that looking away from enemies gets them to lower their guard. In practice if you don't constantly spin 180 degrees they block literally every attack. Missile troops also aim 100% perfectly (leading targets and adjusting for distance included) and only miss due to the accuracy statistic of the weapon. They function like a counter-strike bot from 2002 scripted by child.

What a fucking n

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these are fotm niggers that never played the original let alone got into modding

This game is actually a fucking joke. I'm disgusted. I wish they never released it so it could live on in my mind as the perfect game. Now that image has been sharted all over.

What an absolute chad that man must be


>imagine a lone naked man sprinting towards you with a massive two hander and all you've got is wooden clubs and rocks and shitty armor just weighing you down

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Yeah but realtalk I still love it anyway.

>It just needs mods to make it better
I didn't realize this was Bethesda

And Warband is far less of a mess than this, which is surprising seeing as this is warband with different colours

i bought it mainly because it was on sale, i dont plan on playing it until i get through some of my back log, and only after doing a run through warband to get my head into it again
hopefully by then they patch it enough to be playable, i expected something like this since no game in the last 5 years has released whole

janky shit is nice.

Realtalk - take off your nostalgia goggles and its actually fucking garbage.

I didn't play the old games so your theory is ruined.

you got correkted.

you had a good second to block it or chamber it
you's a bitch bitchhhhhh

That weakens your position. In that case you just like literal shit with no excuse.

Looks fine


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of course you didn't you fotm nigger, you just jumped on the bandwagon because you saw some butter memes
people who played warband for the last decade knew exactly what to expect and were only worried about performance issues

You're right but the exact same thing happens if you had a ranged weapon equipped when you killed the last bandit on the map even though someone would obviously switch to melee weapon during the face to face conversation bu the game doesn't let you, so it is indeed retarded.

You could do that in warband too

now try this against archers and cavalry fag

then kick him while getting out your melee weapon.
i will concede however that i have not played this game so i don't know if the ai is still so retardedly predictable as to just run into your kick. seeing how the dude just ran in though i'm inclined to believe it'd probably work

Based Turks filtering shitheads early so the real fans can enjoy it later

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I wish NPCs had that kind of AI making them apprehensive or at least slightly retarded like in other games. Instead they just B-line straight toward whatever like absolute psychos. It's not fun.

>i will concede however that i have not played this game so i don't know if the ai is still so retardedly predictable as to just run into your kick
It is, but it's still dumb that you have to. "there's this way you can overcome bad game design" is never an excuse for bad game design.

the only thing i've been filtered by is the fucking memory leak that is literally eating 18gb of ram within an hour and stopping the game from running.

I dunno but it looks like it. Seems like it would only work vs an army composed entirely of melee.

Archers are so much better then before. Your compaining about their accuracy and leading??? Isnt the point of the aim to be based on missle skill. Better then before then when they couldnt hit shit that strafed more then 1 inch to the side or anything on a hose.

>but it's still dumb that you have to
this is true
i'm used to the jank but a newcomer won't be

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>Your compaining about their accuracy and leading??? Isnt the point of the aim to be based on missle skill.
They're literally aiming center mass at the location it will be on impact based on present distance and momentum, with no random deviation whatsoever. Zero effort has been made to simulate realistic human error. They shoot like lasers and only miss as a result of a change in momentum of a distant target, or the imperfect accuracy of the weapon they are using. It can be easily overcome because every other aspect of the AI is equally simplistic, but that doesn't change the fact that in practice this feels extremely artificial and lazy.

looks good

Lmao get fucked retard

Compared to warband where they aim center of mass without leading what do you prefer?



alright i just bought the game and have like 700 hours on warband. am i going to meet this lad early on? i want to fuck his shit up

He's part of the tutorial.
Everything can and will kill you in 2-3 hits early on since you start with only cloth armor.

Unironically Warband. Avoiding fire by riding at full speed doesn't feel nearly as exploitative and gamey as tapping left and right to confuse the AI. Bannerlord feels like it's deliberately trying to remind me I'm in a battle with AI operating based on lines of code I could count on one hand.

>"Let's go, faggot"
>*immediately turns around*
you deserved this
I rekt his ass, first try, realistic
he also didn't have as many companions wtf, did you fuck up somehow?

>he got filtered

its janky shite on purpose!!1

It's like 50GB, that's relatively small for a game nowadays.

It's 31gb

l'm interested to see the player count 1 month from now

i had my bow out during this and there wasnt really anything i could do about it.

Hearty chuckle

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More like RemoveFaggos

Has anyone found a solution to the stuttering problem? I meet the specs but the game stutters and lags to the point of being unplayable for me, even with visuals turned all the way down to low.

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It's just like Mordhau

Why didn't they just do this in real life instead of larping like screaching cavemen in fancy armor?

lol this dude's easy compared to the naked freaks who play online warband

>it's shit, and that's a good thing

bows and arrows existed
people irl don't throw like retarded ai

so is it fun? i have to spend atleast 2 nights downloading it here so i dont want to waste my time

based one dimensional brained zoomie


>8 years
>shitty combat

So, in other words, the combat is still atrocious. Tell me again about how Mount & Blade isn't the most overrated game over the last twenty years.


I played the original back in 2005 and it was the fucking best.

I NEED mega 64 to a live action re-enactment of this

I don't see any issue?

I wanted to like this game but it's legitimately broken, like 2 playthroughs and the game soft-locks because something happens like 1 empire takes over and then you can't start a kingdom without teh entire work descending upon you
Pretty lame
Too bored to regrind for my third playthrough. Not enough content.
MP is kinda funny

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Warband on release was actually better than this. Seriously they should have delayed, this is NMS tier dogshit.

It's so frustrating because it looks and plays great (for me) but the metagame is fucked

just as mountain blade should be

have you ever played a sport in your life

It looks like the original with more grafix which is what I expected. At least they didn't bullshit everyone with fake trailers like Kingdom Come.

Yeah, it runs and looks great here too but gameplay wise this is just utter trash. Its so bad its actually funny, I played and did literally everything the game could offer then it corrupted my save.

Its because the idea behind it is fantastic. Just the implementation is atrocious. People WANT to love it.

Warband on release was a crashing mess, what are you talking about. The fact that this even runs at all on launch is a miracle.

Kingdom Come was legitimately a great game. Get fucked contrarian.

>At least they didn't bullshit everyone with fake trailers like Kingdom Come.
Really? Because I distinctly remember dismemberment, formations and even shit like all spear troops having flags.

They still lied.

>These noobs who die to campaign AI are probably the same noobs who complained about "spinners" in Chiv, Warband MP and Mordhau

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holy shit are you even trying??

yea i refunded mine. warband clash of kings is better