Is it worth $30?
Is it worth $30?
Yeah go for it. Although PC version is coming soon and will be the superior way to play.
>is this worth $30
unless you wanna play a walking simulator, buy something else.
No, you fucking retard.
You might as well wait for the PC release if you've already waited this long.
I'd say yes, great game.
It’s worth $300 if you don’t have a room temperature IQ and can understand symbolism and metaphor.
>t. literal retards
To be fair, you need a very high IQ to understand Death Stranding.
coronavirus is the death stranding
>i cant understand narrative devices, so anything with depth is le neckbeard cringe xD
Kojima say he dont understand death stranding. So?
>Is it worth $30?
It’s priceless, user.
We don't know if the PC release will be good (MGSV was good but also had weird issues like a 60fps cap).
I'd say get it for $30 on PS4. Runs incredibly well and looks unbelievably good.
I like this game more than Bloodborne.
I am waiting for it to be 20 bucks. $30 still feels too much.
No. I got it for the same price and it's fucking boring. The setting and atmosphere are cool but that's about it. You're literally walking for a huge amount of time and delivering shit. It's fucking tedious.
It's a 50 hour game dumbass
For the base content
Perfect game for quarantine if you have nothing much to do
>get stuck on invisible terrain
I guess Dunkey was right
there's a rock under the snow retard.
Most more of that new photo mode content.
the terrain analyzer puts a red X on that spot. that means you cant walk on it - rock.
>I guess Dunkey was right
Dunkey was retarded and didn't know the basics of playing the game
Also ecelebs can fuck off
Look at that fucking webm and tell me getting stuck there isn't retarded as fuck.
Honestly the really shitty dialogue and using real actors is the main reason why I'm not getting this shit, but looking at this retard not being able to walk over rocks is a pretty compelling reason as well
i dont need to look at webms, i've played through the game unlike you shitposterkun.
>ecelebs can fuck off
I agree, but so can real celebs, so fuck this game and fuck Kojima
There are actual problems with the terrain, but the issue isn't not being able to climb over things. The biggest problem is that if you jump onto an incline that's too steep, instead of landing on it you'll just go into freefall and almost certainly die. Looks really silly.
Its one of the greatest games ever made, if you didnt buy it already you will never like it
The game handles Sam's physics really wonky. It's like there's no acceleration to his gravity, so whenever your feet leave the ground (outside of jumping) you're immediately falling at terminal velocity. It does nothing if the drop is a few feet but it looks and feels uncanny.
It's a different kind of experience for sure. I wouldn't recommend it openly to anyone. You need to look more into what the game actually is to make an informed decision.
Unironically yes
It's at least 50 hours. Chances are you will actually enjoy it honestly. It has a lot of fun mechanics and the typical Kojima obsessive detail.
you literally cannot die from falling im pretty sure
game is fucking kino
Yes absolutely depending on your tastes. For me im now around 5 hours in the mountains and its one of the greatest video games experiences ive ever had. I was really skeptical until around mid chapter 3 but holy shit its amazing. Also around that time I went to offline mode. It makes the game 100 times better having to make everything yourself and to have so many obstacles instead of ladders, ropes, bridges, roads, etc placed everwhere for you by players. Makes you really plan accordingly and bring essentials. Its a much more challenging, immersive, and rewarding experience.
No, as someone who bought it at full price I beg you NOT to get this pile of trash. It IS a literal walking simulator. I couldn't even finish it.
Don't listen to this low IQ individual OP
Yas Forums is a bunch of faggots for hating on a based game like this
you have to be boring as fuck to enjoy this trash lmao
Yeah, this game absolutely enraptured me! Somehow all the absolute gibbering nonsense eventually slowly begins to make sense.
Genuinely loved it.
I bought it at full price, which I dont typically do.
I thought it was great, put nearly 100 hours into it.
The actual walking part is pretty fun but the writing is some of the worst out there.
>I like this game more than Bloodborne
You aren’t allowed to say that
yooooo bruh you totally gave that dude the L bruh!
ayyyy hit me up later so we can play some NBA2K20 later, aight man?
aight, imma fizzie outta this joint, later homie XD
i loved exploring and optimising and the feeling of connectedness i felt. was worth $A90
I've walked down a steep slope and fell to my death. Not a rock or a cliff, a slope. Think it was right around the first prepper's shelter. Not that dying matters for most of the game.
Don't write like a sperg and people won't make fun of you, retard.
The walking is indeed fun and surprisingly engaging, until it's made redundant by trucks/roads/ziplines.
god the fucking slopes were ridiculous
if you fall onto a slope thats too steep for some reason the game makes you slide down the slope at stupidly high speeds.
It was the only thing that actually caused me to die, the fucking slopes
But then the trucks/road building/ziplines become surprisingly fun and engaging.
how so?
i remember having fun trying to take the bike up into the snow mountains, but other than that I found vehicles boring, and preferred to make deliveries on foot
I just liked trucking along and the vehicles. Part of it was the advancement of how I often like in games when you can go back to previous areas with all your new advancements and just blaze through.
If you have to ask, you're probably not intelligent enough to get it. It's very esoteric and the game's subtle undertones and subtexts will probably fly right over your head without you even noticing that such an act could have occurred.
Yeah its pretty good
>decima engine
>superior on PC
it's optimised best for ps4 pro
>Honestly the really shitty dialogue and using real actors is the main reason why I'm not getting this shit
Based, no 3dpd in my vidya pls
Game has the most fun motorcycle in any vidya for me, sure its wonky but if you git gud with it on rough terrain speeding through the world is amazing. As for the trucks this is where the game shifts genres into Truck Simulator, but you actually have to rebuild the whole road yourself and raid mule camps/BT zones to achieve it. Building a zip-line network is also really fun. I think its incredible how often the game switches genres while still making most of it optional. Everyone imagined that by the end of the game you would be on a moon hunting space whales with your ludens space suit. But endgame is having a zip-line network and road and trucking, while also hunting whales and beating up mules. Some people think its bad game design and skips the gameplay, which is just retarded because you have to traverse the whole world multiple times to achieve all this and the reward is being as efficient as possible. It would actually be easier to not build it and just progress the game to beat it. Incredibly grateful that such a game could be made and its a real shame that we wont see anything like it again with AAA budget because its too niche. Just incredible, one of the few games that got the open world right. Its definitely not perfect and little rough in some parts, but thats to be expected for something so experimental and I would rather talk about what makes it great.
Im guessing you might be 12 and what is this.
Get it for $20 from the Target b2g1
One of the most memorable experiences I've had with a game
I'll just ask for MGSV help in here. I've got a bug in a side op. There's supposed to be a tank and 7 dudes, but I only have 6 dudes. The last one is a phantom that is capable of spotting me and moving around, but otherwise has no physical presence. I've tried showering the area with explosives to no avail. Also he's an APC for some reason. I have an older pirated patch with the appropriate version of infinite heaven. I can't come up with any way that it would have done this, but I wonder if I can safely forcibly load the next side op in the sequence without breaking my save.
Also the atmopshere is really great, on the same level as the early Silent Hill games. Incredibly melancholic environment, great use of colors and sound design. Took long enough for someone to make a game where you traverse paranormal iceland-esque world. If you like anything slow paced, games like Stalker or Truck Simulator and want to try something different just do yourself a favor and buy this fucking game. I just dont understand being so fucking jewish about money when you got a game like this ahead of you.
Does this persist even if you go back to the ACC and the redeploy?
Also, if it looks at all interesting to you, go for it OP. Though it might be worth waiting to pick it up on PC if you have a good setup.
Yup. Tried twice, same thing. Digging deeper, since walkthroughs are often disturbingly vague, I've learned this side op is supposed to have two tanks. Do all armored vehicles have that same icon? I might try calling in a bombardment as a last ditch attempt but I don't expect it to work.