This is heartwarming

This is heartwarming.

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who the fuck want to be handicaped on a game too?


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Better to be realistic with your escapism, or Marche will warp into your game and fuck everything up.

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>who the fuck want to be handicaped on a game too?
Reminds me of this.

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You can't actually use the wheelchairs in the game though. What a fucking patronizing friend they have.

Do you ever think people with some kind of abnormality have this complex where they can't feel included because they define themselves too much by their issue? I'd be kinda offended if I was disabled and people felt obligated to make me feel 'included' by specifying it like that. I'm pretty average and already don't feel 'included.' Specifying my physical characteristics in a game wouldn't change that.

This kind of thing just comes off as such a self-jer-off by whoever did it. Like 'Hey, I'll feel good about myself if I include those unluckier than me!"

>I feel so included

Why the fuck do these special snowflakes always cry out for representation

reddit quality post.
Keep it up!

This, dont you play the game to forget your misery?

Serious question, why do people want to feel "included" or "represented" in games? The whole point is escapism, I don't want to be reminded of the real world

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i don't really care about the context but i really wish some of AC's furniture was actually driveable like this or the mountain bike or the scooter
it could be just as fast as running and i wouldn't care i just think it'd be a cute little feature and would actually incentivise you to make connected roads

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They cannot discern fiction from reality.
And so, very thing is reality to them and so they live in their delusion.

Marche is right solely because he dragged other people into his escapism. If it was only him trapped in his own fantasy world then Marche would be the villain without question.

Boy, I sure wish video games would include Type 1 Diabetes and Coeliac Disease so I could be fucking chronically diseased in games too.
Can't wait for the GTA:Online update where I'm banned from flying planes.

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true but since "game politics" is a fucking thing nowadays (thanks gaymerz and gaymur culture ;D) it's suddenly about dumb shit like this.

It's weird, on the one hand they're hellbent on inclusion, but on the other, they want to remove all whites if they can. I don't think anybody would care if they just included more characters for visual diversity and for fun, but the forced shit is bad, on the opposite end, pushing out whites feels wrong but it's common place to bash and replace them.

I wouldn't ask for a white guy character in a ganster ghetto game, or 50 cents blood on the sand, and I wouldn't complain about the inclusion of black dudes in that.

meanwhile a single minority in a game is complete ethnic genocide, right?

if you don't know what its like to have legs, running around is uncomfortable.

Nintendo games don't have forced diversity. That's something sony does.

It's dumb because it's just a chair you sit in, your character doesn't actually use a wheelchair to move

Bet they're just obese as fuck

Eh devil's advocate here.

Would you play vidya if every main character and the majority of side characters was a nigger? Assuming you're not one. I wouldn't.

Honestly think having disorders like diabetes and coeliac in a rogue like survival game could be interesting. I could see it working in a game like Rimworld or Cataclysm.

>It's not forced only when nintendo does it
RENT FREE anyways

depends what the game is. in GTA and shit like that im fine with it. same with shooter campaigns too.

I'm not japanese but I play weebshit all the time where 100% of all characters are japanese, it's no big deal

To feel like you're actually a part of something? Some of you incels have no idea what that feels like. Even worse considering you're mostly white.

what about strapons

Why are these people so obsessed with "muh representation"?

Evey game. And the theoretical question I posed was if they were nigs, not japs. Would you play them if they appealled to that audience and not whatever weebshit or other thing you are already appealled by?

kill yourself, you stupid sack of nigger shit

>Would you play vidya if every main character and the majority of side characters was a nigger? Assuming you're not one. I wouldn't.
I wouldn't but ther'es probably a few I would if I like them. That game..Limbo? The one with the voodoo protagonist named Mike, that guy was great. If gears of war was starring Coletrain I would, Coach in L4D2 was based and I would play a full team of him even though Nick is my favorite, a DMC style game if the character looked cool enough would be good.

Most people are gonna prefer their own race regardless, we're inherently racist, so it's fine to have options for all races. Cripples is dubious, psychotic trannies, perdos, or gays aren't as natural and probably shouldn't be included. But why would you even reference a character's sexuality unless it was plot relevant. I don't think Ryu, or Ken talk about their relationships, nor do they even matter, same with most of the tekken cast.

>This is heartwarming.
Hey remember you're handicapped you paraplegic bitch? lmao get fucked retard legs

At least they could make it interesting, like tank tread legs or something like an x-men floating wheelchair. You could have the character not use their legs and make it awesome somehow.

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Thank you for being inclusive sony-chan
Edit: Thanks for the gold microsoft

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No user, it's more the idea that in any sort of media or fiction, you aren't included. You aren't mentioned you and you are treated as though you do not exist and are not a part of society. Compound this with a lack of handicap accessible entrances, ramps, etc.

It's really not that complicated to understand.

why the fuck would you want to play as an invalid in a video game
imagine outing yourself as a fag on twitter for likes
i don't play games as a fat ugly neckbeard with no social skills or ability to get laid
fucking bizarre

Aside from the ramps and physical shit, this is most people though. You think non-disabled people don't feel as excluded as some disabled people do? I've known disabled folks who didn't let it define them and acted like anyone else.

They said they use a wheelchair "sometimes" so I don't think that's the case here.

>You aren't mentioned you and you are treated as though you do not exist and are not a part of society. Compound this with a lack of handicap accessible entrances, ramps, etc.
I don't care about it as long as I'm not being forcefully excluded, which is what's happening now ot whites. In fact I didn't give a shit about inclusivity until they told me I was wrong for existing and responsible for the worlds problems by being white.



>Toaster on top of oven coils

fucking retard

Extremely fucked up of Nintendo to include a wheelchair that you can't actually move around in.

And Marche dragged everyone that loved the escapism out, he's the villain.


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I think that with games like Animal Crossing or the Sims there's kinda two different trains of thought. People who want to create a new reality to escape into, and people who want to try to fit themselves into the reality of the game. For example, I think a majority of people try to create themselves in at least some way and decorate their houses how they would ideally want in real life in Animal Crossing. And if you're disabled and that has a major effect on your life, then I think representation and wanting to be able to recreate all of your reality instead of just some is important for that reason. Plus just having a wheelchair item in a game is a small addition that makes a small amount of people really happy, and that doesn't detract from anyone elses experience.

Imagine being this samefag.

coof on him pls

>have aspergers
>only fully autistic people are ever represented
>they aren't even autistic aside from trying to achieve perfection because the writers don't know how to write autism out

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but you cant move in it, so whats the point?

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germans are autistic, and so are trannies, therefore if you must self insert in games it's because you are autistic

I don't think any rational person or any meaningful amount of people are arguing that white people are wrong for existing and cause all the world's problems just by existing.

>You think non-disabled people don't feel as excluded as some disabled people do?
Of course they do. A lot of people do. This is just one example.

This entire board is dedicated to making fun of and reinforcing that these people who feel excluded should be ignored.
In fact I didn't give a shit about inclusivity until they told me I was wrong for existing and responsible for the worlds problems by being white.
I think you need to ask yourself who 'they' are. You seem to be generalizing a subset of people angry at white people(americans? caucasians in general?) for their acts throughout history.

This does not apply to everyone who cares about things like inclusiveness.

Very ironic of to say white people are the problem of the world when we are in a pandemic right now because of china.

it is wholesome, but not because of any "representation"

The point is seeing characters that vaguely share your situation will make you feel less like a freakish outcast. Literally right there in the picture "I feel included". What's so hard to understand about this?

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If just one single person doesn't want to be there, they have no right to keep them. If they could exit individually then you'd be right, and Marche would be a bastard, but it was all or nothing.

Have you not seen the outrage caused by IOTBW?

For that sweet Reddit gold.

>you're handicapped in real life so here's something to remind you you're handicapped in the game too

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autistic people are pretty bad with empathy and things of that nature.

I'm literally not saying that and saying that no one rational says those sort of things. I don't think that's true at all

Does anyone remember that user who had a deaf gf years ago?

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What the fuck is that? Maybe I'm just stupid or not putting together what the acronym is for but I have literally never heard of that

Does anyone have that comic about the guy and his moms saved game?

What illnesses require the use of a wheelchair 'sometimes'? I'm aware that people who are recovering from surgery or significant medical distress (eg: heart attack, stroke etc...) are often housed in wheelchairs but I can't think of any illness that regularly takes away your ability to walk.

It means you can google it-

please just shut the fuck up

okay sperglord lmao


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The idea is to demonstrate that people who are confined to a wheelchair don't necessarily have to be handicapped and that changing society's perception/response to such people will allow them to do almost everything someone with functioning legs can do. Part of that demonstration and furthering that change in response can be representation in media.

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Don't forget that most people were turned into monsters against their will.

But that user wasn't saying white people were a problem. And to add that to, Italy and the USA had 3 months. 3 months to prepare. They both did nothing. I do not see how this is a problem of people of particular race, rather braindead leadership who valued their 'gut instincts' over institutions whose sole purpose is to prevent this from happening.

Kill yourself, incel

Why though? What about the people that don't want to live in the real world? Why do they just have to accept it? Just because it was there first? Why can't Marche and the others just suck it up and live their miserable life in a world they hate like the others that were doing it on the real world?
Some people are monsters against their will in the real world too, now what?

So why do people have the right to leave if they don't want to be there, but don't have the right to stay if they do? Not liking the world doesn't mean you have the right to destroy it.

On the subject of 'bad with empathy and things of that nature'; what does it say about someone if they can only relate to a character if said character shares the same arbitrary characteristic as they do? Personality traits ought to be more important when it comes to being able to relate to someone than physical appearance.

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Why do incels hate inclusion? They literally think it's genocide if your option is not straight white male and straight white male only.

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you say that, but in pop culture, and even just passive culture, people shit on whites all the time. It's become so ubiquitous most don't even realize they're doing it. Day time tv hosts, youtube videos, games, people say shit like "white people ruin everything", and "old white dudes AM I RIGHT" but if you flip shit around, it becomes racist and you can lose your job, your life, everything. It's a shitty double standard and it's been normalized, there's a million scholarships for minorities, affirmative action, and other junk for minorities, but there's virtually nothing for whites. You can't point this out without being called racist.

Then you go into gaming, and you get these retard tmblr warriors saying shit like "it's time for Wolverine to step down and let a WOMAN lead" or, "so and so is too revealing women aren't SEX objects" or "wow another white male character YAWN, we rally need to change things UP people!1!!" and the next thing you know, all your favorite characters are replaced by minorities. At the end of the day, it's all under one umbrella of people who just want more control over your media and your life, and it's obnoxious.

They're doing it with video games, they did it with comics, it's happening with the mcu, hell age old holiday or mythical figures are being black washed like fucking Santa or Jesus.

They're not trying to make something new, or make something minority better, they're destroying the white character, replacing him with something else, and calling you a racist for not liking it. I'm sick of the power games and stupid hierarchies, you never had to worry about this shit back in the 90s, things just were and there were characters for everybody.

Maybe it sounds schitzo or whatever, but the push for diversity is a problem when games were already pretty diverse before.

>Why do incels hate inclusion? They literally think it's genocide if your option is not straight white male and straight white male only.

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It's literally just
>it's different so it's bad!
Basically caveman logic which a lot of Yas Forums runs on thinks to the fucked up political climate in the USA that's intensely tribalistic and only has two sides where everything that the other side likes is EVIL and WRONG and no more thought is allowed.

I'd wish I was able to create imaginary enemies like that

A friend of mine was also largely excited to get this item, since she regularly needs to use a wheelchair. Then her excitement turned into disappointment when she realized she couldn't move herself around in it and we couldn't push her in it.
It's just a chair with decorations.

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>I think you need to ask yourself who 'they' are. You seem to be generalizing a subset of people angry at white people(americans? caucasians in general?)
Normally it's progressive types trying to vy for control by rallying minorities against whites to gain more power, or to virtue signal to each other for power in their own hierarchies.
>for their acts throughout history.
White peopel haev done nothing any other race isn't also guilty of doing, see you're doing that shit I was just talking about, painting whites as the bad guys when it's exactly the same as any other race has done.

lol i gurantee your nerdy cracker ass gets pushed into lockers by the brown kids at school. cope seethe and kys

> what does it say about someone if they can only relate to a character if said character shares the same arbitrary characteristic as they do? Personality traits ought to be more important when it comes to being able to relate to someone than physical appearance.
Often your physical appearance shapes your life experiences and thus your personality. The idea that who you are is completely separate from your physical being is simply untrue.

>lol i gurantee your nerdy cracker ass gets pushed into lockers by the brown kids at school. cope seethe and kys

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I appreciate your sincere posts.

At the end of the game Marche destroys the physical manifestation of people’s desire to remain in that reality so he can go home so he kind of forced it on everyone

Wheelchairs don't move though. All she (he) can do is sit there all day if she (he) wants to role play as a cripple.

how green am i

regular dilation

>a tool used to help people that can't move to move
>nintendo makes it unmovable
Fucking cruel.

>ywn have a cute disabled gf

I follow someone on twitter who's like that. What's the particular illness that causes this? Does it eventually regress to permanence? In any case, I genuinely wish them well.

Yeah I would much prefer for people to make new characters and stories if they want more diversity rather than "reimagine" existing stories or remake them with different people.

But I also understand how it can be risky to create entirely new things and people might not buy them. Jordan Peele is an excellent example of this, black director making entirely original stories about black people starring black people. And so far it's all been fantastic.


>The idea is to demonstrate that people who are confined to a wheelchair don't necessarily have to be handicapped
but they are, by definition, handicapped, you can't change reality
>and that changing society's perception/response to such people will allow them to do almost everything someone with functioning legs can do.
They can't though, they're handicapped

Tfw no crippled fuck doll gf

i want to fuck a wheelchair bound girl in the ass

i never get that. when i play a game i want to be something im not, i never get this mentality that it has to be me with all my flaws


Fuck off from my game you inferior humans

you can’t even fucking move around in the wheel chair what’s the point

You act as if the same people who get mad about blacks being in games don't also shit on original works that have diversity. Or that the original creators don't have the right to add diverse characters to their universe, like how this place lost their shit when the chick from Last of Us was gay even though that was made by the same fucking dudes who made the original.

I appreciate your kindness bro

They're the same as people that complain about a character not being white. Your character doesn't need to look like you.

is not like she was going anywhere

whatever nigga

But it's nice when it does.