Can we get some extra MEAT up in here?

Can we get some extra MEAT up in here?

Attached: chicken_chan_1_by_pewbutt.png (1011x1920, 462.68K)

all types

Attached: 12_6_2017sumiastuffed_by_jdandjc_dbvx0ew.png (1400x1200, 1.05M)


Attached: 1567618126924.png (1000x1003, 839.73K)

NOW this is the thread

Attached: 1557397781492.jpg (1846x2046, 1.09M)


God why are there so little of these this year

Attached: 1585356663235.png (4172x2480, 2.92M)

i got it but im a boy

Attached: softy.jpg (873x1200, 217.69K)

based and chubpilled

Shitposting/fetishposting in general isn't as rampant this year because the gimmick is really tame this time, so the board hasn't been flooded and the mods haven't given up like they normally do

Meanwhile I can count the actual video game thread on my two hands

Attached: Patreon_December_Rosalina_weight_gain_sequence.png (3800x1100, 2.11M)

fucking disgusting

Attached: d6568739b1ab0eea0fb3e605ff3c44c5.jpg (376x814, 41.28K)

ok retard

ok non infected person

Attached: daisy_warm_up_doodle_by_rawrmeow1999_ddsgfob.jpg (3300x2550, 423.13K)

Attached: 1585699839327.png (1400x1200, 638.56K)

Attached: 1585725862925.png (3716x3477, 3.78M)

Disgusting sticc.

>two threads up at once

Attached: tumblr_oqgjyxT9kh1vfj3zko1_1280.png (1280x996, 372.7K)

Heads up that the virus affects metabolism so the greener you get the fatter you become. now please give me the virus, i unfortunately made a recovery.

Attached: g1j0gh.png (894x894, 224.07K)

>Sleep deprivation eyes

Thank you.

Attached: 1551262367705.png (871x918, 561.36K)

noice! ( )

Attached: 1585707596289.jpg (1075x1085, 118.28K)

Looks like it's time to multi-task, eh?

Attached: 1569610341728.jpg (1800x2546, 991.46K)

Attached: 1571449960936.jpg (752x1063, 66.91K)

Attached: patchouli.jpg (1403x992, 222.69K)

Attached: noisekeeper-520697-NK_artslaves_008.png (1800x2545, 1.12M)

Fuck me, didn't see the existing thread
Oh well, more is good, right?

Attached: 29.png (915x1065, 572.79K)

Attached: EQ9SJBjXYAANurV .png (676x736, 390.61K)

absolute shame the dude draws way more gross stuff than this regularly. I kinda took a liking to these two pics

Attached: xbox3.png (402x422, 9.17K)

Attached: ERWgR3HWkAAoJAO.jpg (2400x3000, 470.52K)

Attached: xbox2.png (957x844, 18.46K)

Attached: 1585710651861.png (800x600, 269.08K)

Attached: 3a23a592f38777ec64f84e0e7a956c0ee74c915d.png (1415x1385, 189.55K)

Attached: daisy__comm__by_justanotherfatartist_ddf52fo.png (1527x1974, 1.53M)

Attached: 1584250836488.jpg (960x1200, 105.24K)

this is the greatest image of all time

Fat is shit tier. Pregnant is god tier

Attached: Tetra_pregnant.jpg (613x618, 111.38K)

i wish this body existed in real life

What is she sitting on?

>2 threads
And I'll contribute to both

Attached: 1584829114743.png (1024x1360, 1.22M)

it is, just extra ordinarily rare.

Attached: 1585627845526.png (984x994, 816.4K)

Attached: EGoXS14WsAIlX6k.jpg (1200x963, 123.97K)

a POW block, but it says WOW instead

Attached: pow_block.png (910x882, 193.49K)

What the fuck do you people see in poor health and self control?

I feel stupid now. It should have been obvious.

Attached: robin_and_corrin_are_fat_by_lluxury_da4m2pu-pre.jpg (1217x657, 141.48K)

soft + cute + big butt + bobs

>man dying of green upset about poor health.

Attached: nerdbat.jpg (1754x2047, 312.06K)

>implying a fetish means you also want to marry and spend copious amounts of time with them
I just want to fuck and dump, what's wrong with that? I'm never going to be so attracted to a fat girl that I want to marry/date one, that's simply too self-destructive for both parties.

>poor health
not in 2d
>poor self control
there are so many fetishes that fall under that

Attached: pokemongo1.jpg (1948x2480, 240.7K)

no worries m8

Attached: 1585725496559.jpg (950x982, 85.23K)

>man with the wuflu critizices others for poor sanitary conditions

2d drawings don't have health retard

This is the follow up to a vore image kek
It's pretty funny how much expansion and fat fetish art I see here is actually just pulled from vore artists galleries

control and accentuating her naturally attractive features, I guess

Attached: SPAS-12.png (2773x3000, 2.76M)

the dick rises, the dick lowers
it does not answer questions

how do I into cute chub gf?

don't do it. Just get a tinder and fuck a fat chick. a fat gf will make you gain weight

Either move to texas or find a regular girlfriend and ARCHITECHT her.

Attached: honk_honk_by_ciiclaire_dbo6171-pre.jpg (859x931, 83.65K)

Perfect size for a girl, cute but not ridiculous.

Geeze makes you wonder how they got so fat huh?

Attached: NK_artslaves_004.png (1800x2545, 721.97K)


Sometimes it's hard finding good balance in this sea of extreme

Attached: d5f15e71-a4f5-4b8e-8587-4c4c6090f086.png (1280x1675, 1.84M)

no you retard, they'll eat away your wallet and then laze around in the house all day
before you know it she says she's too fat to work or help around the house, next thing you know you're hosing her down in the backyard because she's too fat to fit in the shower, and you have to take care of both her and the overweight children she passed her bad habits onto

Attached: ddg9byi-2de55ae8-8142-48d5-9d1b-43375e31e2a0.png (1018x1086, 855.32K)

My navel fetish got out of hand.

>a fat gf will make you gain weight.
I want this.

Attached: 1583569409041.gif (250x250, 1.95M)

based subtle vore faggotry infection
All fat fags should just accept their destiny as vore fags, it's the logical conclusion

Attached: EUYbJK4WkAYbyol.jpg (1109x1655, 152.85K)

>Watch Q&A from Candi Kayne, the best new WG video material girl in a long time
>Her reason for gaining is literally that her fiance is an Architect and was honest to her about it
>They literally even brought in a hypnotist to get her to uncontrollably eat whenever her fiance snaps his fingers
>Says her goal figure/WG role model is Katie Cummings, one of the other GOATs
Any of you fatfags that appreciate a slower, realistic gain with regular updates need to check this girl's content out on Pornhub ASAP. Cute face, cute voice, does a lot of videos where she puts on old pre-gain clothes and spills out of them. If more 2D WG content was like Candi's content I'd never not be masturbating.

Attached: 1580007979606.png (440x440, 197.42K)

I prefer her sister.

Attached: FatButt.png (489x621, 112.56K)

fucking SAUCE

It's the thinking man's fetish

Attached: 1557241178579.jpg (1400x1747, 372.62K)

dude you really don't. Fucking a fat chick is one thing, but wanting to live a fat lifestyle is something else entirely bad.
I beg you, please reconsider.

Attached: 1585781089371.png (849x1000, 192.59K)

This guy's artist style is good. It's just a shame his stuff has to be fat fetish focused.

Yes. I really like that Lucina picture too, for example. I think I'm just starting to learn how much I'm into this kink.

Attached: Chubby Chiaki.jpg (554x912, 347.07K)

I'm no vorefag but I admit vore artists do better WG than most dedicated WG artists. Vore artists like to do the "big meal gets digested into bigger tits and/or ass with a bit of paunch left over" style of gain a lot, which is literally S+ Tier godlike. Actual WG artists do regular obesity/blobshit too often.

Attached: 1581118973658.png (484x800, 180.32K)

Attached: 1583734486003.png (998x620, 591.31K)

would marry

one of the only few who has the power to make invisble girls look fat.

Attached: plus_size_ultra__toru_hagakure_by_jeetdoh_dbsp5gi-fullview.jpg (1024x443, 56.54K)

I need a link

dont worry im not gonna i just want it.

Attached: fat snek 4.jpg (784x1019, 58.57K)

There's too many individual videos to link. Just search Candi Kayne on Pornhub, a lot of the video titles just have CK in them but they'll fill the recommended video section once you find even one. Alternatively you'll find them if you search for weight gain on Pornhub and check the first few pages. The video I'm talking about also has Q&A in the title.

I think she has a Patreon too but I don't pay for fap material and so much is on Pornhub anyway.