Just admit you fucking love it already

Just admit you fucking love it already

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lol fag

You’re infected. Don’t worry, you’re just delirious.

Nah dude I didn't even bother finishing the true end because I fucking hated the mech and treasure hunting shit so much

Does that mean you're delirious in calling me delirious?

I've never been in denial. SA2 is an incredible game.

There is no such thing as a good 3D sonic games. 2D or die zoomers

I never pretended otherwise

Attached: 1583159925466.jpg (1130x1082, 305.67K)

Yeah, it's pretty good. Early grind sucks tho, and you need to git gut at the mech to truly appreciate it

i never played it but i made my parents buy the strategy guide because it was split with the sonic advance guide
i loved reading through the sa2:b section

It was fun to play as a kid with my brother and sister.
Raising Chao, fighting against the Robot bosses, and of course the Sonic/Shadow fights. Plus the music is very fun.
Nowadays I would say it has aged poorly but if I ever played it now I would still have fun if not get mad at the outdated controls

I really enjoyed SA1 and SA2 back on Dreamcast, but I haven't touched either since those initial play-throughs. Lots of Chao raising and linking VMUs (rip batteries) with friends. Dunno how they hold up today but the music from either makes me nostalgic. I remember SA2 in particular being bittersweet since I was bummed that the DC was axed earlier in that year, but there was a new Sonic game coming.

I wish I did, but I sincerely think the game sucks.

Your memories of Adventure 1 would probably be ruined by playing it again, but 2 still holds up.

Sega never made a good 3d sonic game. I used to like Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 as a kid with a Dreamcast, but having emulated Super Mario 64 recently I can see now that going fast never made a good transition into 3d.

how infected am I

I never said I didn't you fucking pandemic cocksucker.

Attached: gentleman.gif (857x994, 427.42K)

>I can see now that going fast never made a good transition into 3d
It can work.

i love it because of rouges fat jigglers

Attached: rouge the cat.jpg (765x635, 108.61K)

Please don't flood the thread with webm's again.

i wasnt around for that, what happened?

Rougefags sometimes flood SA2 threads with webm's of her jiggle physics.

Always have, always will. 180 emblems was sweet.

Perhaps not, but that may be because of Sonic Team's incompetence rather than 3D Sonic as a concept.
>Test level
Maybe so, but I've gotten more enjoyment from running around this test level than the entirety of Sonic Forces and Lost World combined.

Attached: ProjectHero-3.webm (1280x720, 1.66M)

What does SM64 have to do with that opinion?

People like them typically just say "Mario 64" and hope that that services as an argument.

This looks really good.

It's a great 3d platforming game, unlike Sonic Adventure 1 and 2.

He's a "sonic doesn't work in 3d" fag, it's only natural he doesn't have any actual arguments, let alone competent or even coherent ones.

I like fried shrimp. I like fried fish even better. But I'm not going to eat fish and decide that the shrimp isn't good, that's just nonsensical.

Remember, this game is so bad and everyone hates it so much that Sega ported it to Steam and like every console ever.

I do. One of my favorite games of my childhood. Still love it for that reason, even if I can now tell that it is a very flawed game. I'd love a remake that updates the graphics, maybe gives some extra stages, fixes the emerald radar and just generally polishes the experience a bit more.

i genuinely, sincerely dislike sonic adventure 2.

Attached: bad game.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

I've already admitted that thousands of times for years now.

I openly and freely admit it. It’s a good game. I’m honestly a Classic+Adventurefag. I have a deep love for all the main series Sonic games up through the Dreamcast era. In a lot of ways SA2 felt like a swan song for the series

It plays even better, friend'o. Again, yeah, it's just a test stage, but the movement is so good, plus it actually has Tails and Knuckles with full movesets. I only have webms of Sonic, though.

Attached: ProjectHero-1.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

pic related and the boss after solidify this game as peak kino

Attached: FINAL RUSH.png (1360x768, 1.55M)

This is the best Tails has ever been handled in 3D. Couldn't put this shit down.

Attached: Go.webm (500x281, 1.32M)

Which is funny, considering that Adventure 1 aged much better than Mario 64

Both are platforming games, the main difference here is in quality.

>considering that Adventure 1 aged much better than Mario 64
Good one.

Sonic is for furfags with shit taste


My fucking nigga. Maybe with more Sonic fans like you, the overall autism would decrease at least a little bit.

I really don't see how you can consider that.

No it isn't. It's for chads with patrician taste.

I love how you can turn on the afterburners in flight mode in exchange for burning your flight stamina faster

I do and I never pretended that I didn't.

Fangame devs have been strongly combating this notion for years. Anyone who says that Sonic "cannot" work in 3D is just being an Arin-nut-sucking contrarian.
>Sonic Utopia
>Green Hill Paradise
>Sonic GT
>Project Hero
The list goes on. For fuck's sake.

Good shit. Nice maneuver there.

Perhaps consider that "aging well" should not be a metric by which a game is judged? After all, games are products. They are made to be sold to demographic that exists at the time of the game's release. Developers should not concern themselves with TRYING to create a game that may, or may not age gracefully because it is impossible to tell how gaming is going to evolve and change in the coming years.
If a game just so happens to age gracefully? Great! Good for it. If it doesn't, who cares? It's not like they were trying to make a game that "ages well." They were trying to make a game that sold at release to the demographic that existed then using the technology that existed then.

Attached: ProjectHero-2.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)


Uh, meow?

Unironically though

The only reason I liked sa1/2 in the first place is because I was a naive kid who didn't know any better. Even earlier I also had fun with broken games and crossgen ports on a chinese nes knock off. They were fun because I was a kid with fresh brains, not because those games were any good.

sonic adventure 2 had SOUL, and thats why its so loved despite its flaws

>Perhaps consider that "aging well" should not be a metric by which a game is judged?

Right, because games don't age. They were either good or bad. SA2 problems have been noted since the very beginning. Mario 64 has always been a better game then Sonic Adventure

>If a game just so happens to age gracefully? Great! Good for it. If it doesn't, who cares?

Fucking kill yourself for admitting you have no standards.

Mario 64 is boring old shit, you colossal faggot.

Who doesn’t love this game, it’s a classic

>Who doesn’t love this game
There's already people in this thread that don't love the game.

Will Sonic ever reach this level of kino again?

Attached: 0.jpg (480x360, 29.68K)

No it can't you green faggot!

I'll admit I like it but not love it

>Anyone who says that Sonic "cannot" work in 3D is just being an Arin-nut-sucking contrarian.
Fan games haven't really proved much of anything because -- save for Robo Blast 2 -- none of them actually come to fruition. They're just halfway-there tech demos that exist for the sake of proving a nonexistent point and smugly denouncing Sonic Team. I think the idea that Sonic can't work in 3D is wrong from various angles, but fan projects haven't proved much of anything. It's not like Sonic Team forgot about momentum. The trick is for momentum to be useful/manageable in a 3D space that still allows for focused obstacles and challenges. This is why the Adventure games are what they are (that the level design in the Adventure games is mostly boring is a related but still separate issue) and why the boost games streamlined it further. They're not the only way of doing Sonic in 3D, of course, but if you applied actual level design to most of these fan projects they would end up looking a lot closer to Adventure or Generations than anyone actually gives credit for. Even Utopia. There isn't some big "gotcha" here.

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I do love it

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bad boss fight

Literally nobody hates this game



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Is there a single good 3D boss fight in the series?

Best first level ever


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Speed stages, mech stages, and treasure hunting are all fun to play. Filtered faggots need not apply.

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I fucking love SA2 but this. Biolizard phase 1 would work better as a final fight

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Yeah, too bad it's all downhill from there! DOHOHOHOHOHO!

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>Implying I never denied it

sa2 is a good game, no one is denying that who has a brain

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The 3D series never had exceptional bosses but some are okay. Beta mk. II, King Boom Boo, Shadow/Sonic 2, these are all good fights. I personally think Egg Viper is a good final boss for Sonic's story but I understand why some people would have issues with that fight.


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I will always love the Egg Viper because Eggman's kamikaze attack actually got me when I first played it. I was so tilted.

>that the level design in the Adventure games is mostly boring is a related but still separate issue
Thank you, I never see people actually say this, Sonic in SA1 controls very well, it's the level design in that game that doesn't fit him. A lot of it you can just skip over easily (spindashing is very fun, but doing the huge jumps with it really doesn't take much skill at all), and there's too many corridors. It's one of the easiest Sonic games out there, Forces is probably the only one that's easier (never played Forces though).

People who love adventure, better have a fucking orgasm for Ratchet & Clank. Way better games.


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Yeah, I never agreed with the notion that skipping parts of a level made the level design good. In the classics different levels of play would go through different routes, they didn't skip anything, you just had a different experience.

I never said that SA2, or SA1 was better than Mario 64, nor did I say that either aged better than the other. I'm saying that it's a moot point.
I'm saying that it's important to look at old games with the mindset of a player of that era. Judging a game from the past based on the standards of today just isn't fair.

Most projects are just tech demos and therefore don't showcase the full potential, or the lack-thereof of the game engine in question. I will conceit to that. However, not all of them are mere tech demos. Sonic GT, for example, feature full levels that were built with the new gameplay style in mind and, yeah! They do kinda' play like Adventure mixed with Generations.
Sorry for the shit webm, by the way. I can get more.

>Never played Forces
Have you watched Forces? Yes? Then you've played Forces.

Attached: SonicGT-2.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Not better but yeah R&C's fucking good


Haven't played the Future games

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R&C is what Shadow the Hedgehog was trying to be.

Shame it failed.

God I fucking despise his voice in adventure
Fuck off


I wonder what happened to Sonic?

Attached: tailsfin.png (1031x585, 1.3M)

Sonic is just more based as a character

Ratchet and Clank is more of an evolution of Spyro anyway

Just admit you fucking love it already

Attached: 1562864196.malexwolf_fat_tails_research_scaled.png (1280x1066, 407.68K)

Why was Tails so obsessed with getting high?