Bros... CDPR just posted cringe

Bros... CDPR just posted cringe.

Attached: Metro-en.jpg (3840x2160, 2.92M)

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what does it meaaan

So whats the story being told here?

Desensitization and normalization of open violence i.e some of the core concepts of cyberpunk.

god that coat is retarded looking

where's the sun

Looks alright. What's the problem?

The twist that the old guy actually killed the guy on the left and calmly sat back down to continue listening to A$AP ROCKY.

How do you guys think the mantis blades will work when you're wearing sleeves? I'm sure they won't just clip through them. Maybe every shirt/jacket item has a rolled up sleeve option or your augmentations may even pull them up like Adam Jensen's augs do.

Attached: Ma.jpg (1200x742, 107.98K)

lmao daylight baka

why not just use a knife lol

Is that Europe in 2025?

Attached: 3uzcz6.jpg (972x492, 88.83K)

Can I have a (you)?

I'm guessing every body clothing piece has sleeves rolled up with no option to pull them down because they don't want to model each clothing piece twice.

so... whats the problem here ?

I hate that MC. Looks like a douchebag and not really a badass


What are you talking about? There is no sun in cyberpunk.

I agree, MC is a wannabe

In the latest gameplay demo the inventory showed clear full sleeve and non-full sleve clothing options, such as the signature samurai jacket that we've seen V wear 99% of the time. So it looks like there likely will be sleeves.

Attached: Sleeves.jpg (1200x623, 69.88K)



Attached: why the change.png (1920x1080, 1.16M)


This game is gonna fucking suck. Hope it bombs just like that racist medieval game bombed. Why are Eastern Yuros the most racist people besides Americans? I'd wager to say Poland and Hungary's leaders are even more racist than trump and even dumber. Sure this game has trans, which is a step in the right direction. But the game is being developed in a far right hellhole. I refuse to buy a game in a country that supports anti-immigration laws.

>Cyberpunk police don't have backdoor control of public transport electronics and mechanisms and have to break down doors
What low IQ tardbrain thought it was an intelligent idea to release such an unintelligent picture on the Internigs with such a mentally incapacitated scenario?

Attached: Laughing-with-Keith-johnny-depp-27987607-500-557.png (500x557, 393.03K)

Attached: cyberpunk 2077.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

They are a private military detachment for a corporation, not the police.

this, or the protagonist or literally anybody else could have hacked the train controls.

Me on the right.


Woah, manspreading much?

Bllllllack hole sun dont you cooof

He vibin'.

Which gives the the same ability.
Which would be undone instantly by either corporate supercomputers and an army of corporate slave hackers, or by similar government methods.

Stupid as fucking shit concept.

I wanted to be those guys.

Fuck that is cringe.
who the fuck would play as the guy?

>walk through the night city owned by corporations
> starts playing
nothing more cyberpunk than that

That's just the McD delivery service.

This game is a literal mockery of cyberpunk.
I don't understand how Mike could let them do this, i get that he's getting a nice big money bag for it, but is the money really worth giving your lifes work away for someone to wipe their ass with it?

They've been constantly changing V's design.

>Which would be undone instantly
The only stupid thing here is you. If he's bricked the system to reject external attempts at access, a supercomputer isn't going to fucking help. If he's fucked with anything physically, an army of hackers isn't going to help.

Believe it or not computers are not fucking magic.

>Same ability
This is even more retarded.

What is this bullshit. Didn't they learn anything from that shitty MK11 teaser?

>I don't understand how Mike could let them do this
What starts with m and ends with cash?

Imagine not being able to follow the meaning of red circles

Death Stranding is more Cyberpunk than whatever the fuck 2077 is trying to be


Fragile snowflake

>If he's bricked the system to reject external attempts at access
Can't be done since it's Cyberpunk and all corporate owned public transport would have no isolation and no lack of multiple methods of control including what some street gutter monkey doesn't even know about or comprehend in their lifetime.
He can't fuck with anything physically since a future Corporate would think of that as well and how to counteract it.

You suffer from the stupid writer syndrome where you don't allow yourself to critically think and activate your almost non-existent IQ in order to write what you hate properly so it may also properly reflect as an antagonist onto the protagonists and give both depth.

Explain to me right now why a Corporate would not think of public transport security and backup mechanisms for both mechanical and electrical systems and why they wouldn't have every scenario mapped for public transport terrorism? Because you are too stupid to think of it or because you think Corporates in the future are stupid and therefore your antagonist is pointless in the story.

That's not from the game... You think it's a song from the game just because some random faggot used the box art as the thumbnail?

yeah your'e pathetic trannoid

looks based

I actually like the fat mohawked samoan looking dude in the back right, would rather play him than the generic video game character #6384 we got sitting in front there.

Because it's not Cyberpunk the tabletop game, it's Cyberpunk the CDPR game loosely based around the tabletop game.

If CDPR would rather portray corporation risk management closer to real life, where they are not throwing around infinite resources to mitigate eventualities outside of a three sigma significance, it's their property and license to do so. Perhaps you yourself should "allow yourself" to think critically, and make a deeper reflection on why privately owned public transport being filled with the same level of failsafes you'd find in a nuclear reactor is a functionally retarded idea.

>corporate thugs have devil horns on their helmets
Woah... because like corporations are evil... so they have the devil horns because theyre evil... fuck man, this game is DEEP :o

At last you finally understand, now you may join with the collective.


based, not a single nigger on pic

>this is dumb, why did they do this?
>this is dumb, why did they do this?



>If CDPR would rather portray corporation risk management closer to real life
Then they would portray it correctly with corporate police having an easy time entering a future public transport in the future where failsafes and corporate tech protection from software to hardware and technology to open up doors on public transport which does have nuclear reactor level failsafes in real life since the biochemical terrorism in Japan, which would not only portray a capable and difficult to deal with antagonist giving them depth and value to combat but also force the protagonist to quickly and dynamically act even if it means throwing meatshield sacrifices for that meager few seconds of advantage against corporates as is the character of cyberpunk.

Critical thinking is when you realize why Outer Worlds turned out to be such a pile of mediocre forgettable shit and recognize that CDPR is now giving indications of making the same mistakes with Cyberpunk regarding how they treat their antagonists which poorly reflects on the protagonist and makes the game stupider and slower.

I see the issue.
>regular modern battering ram
We already have better versions available today

fat whale though

You sound like a faggot.


When did I say the first part?

I count 15, probably more, but I can’t be sure because of the helmets

hard to fucking tell, is the mc on the subway or something? it just looks like some kind of tranny statement on white privilege.

Where did we go wrong bros?

What do the electronics in the jacket collar do? Mumble rap speakers?
And those shoulder spikes?

They delayed cyberpunk for witcher 3

I’m just citing your “how to shill cyberpunk 2077™“ handbook, shill.

>Where did we go wrong bros?
letting liberals make game

The collar is a UV radiator, to keep you looking nice and brown throughout the year.
The shoulder spikes are personal local subwoofers, so you can really feel the sick beats.