What the fuck was valve thinking when they gave the green light on this gordon freeman design...

what the fuck was valve thinking when they gave the green light on this gordon freeman design? I don't want to play as a fucking simp.

Attached: 1577041141931.jpg (1285x1185, 344.15K)

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doesn't matter what you look like, glasses will always make you look like a soiboi

>How incels see themselves vs what they really are

Left looks like a redditor

The chad redditor


>high resolution render looks better than real-time engine graphics


oh no, a 20-something year old college nerd looks like a 20-something year old college nerd, somebody call Jordan Peterson

chad reddit > virgin 4chancuck

>expecting some 27yo nerd who lived in an underground facility to look good

Attached: hl1run.jpg (768x768, 33.35K)

it's not just the reduced level of detail though

even the facial structure is different

Attached: file.png (2545x2281, 3.19M)

The left looks like promotional art and the right looks like in-game model. But either way they still look the same to me

>What we wanted
>UE4 model

>What we got
>decrepit Source model

*cough* *cough*
Holy chit, the Gordon on the left is hot (no homo).

keep dreaming

what's this model from? Gordon's not in HLA is he?

why does Yas Forums repeat this specific mistake of assuming no one would make a fake render?

it is indeed from the game

he appears in one cutscene i think

Gordon has always been a simp

freeman is 27
why would he look like a 40yo man?

Fuck this millennial garbage

Literally looks no different from the old model people were using in GMOD all these years. You fucking contrarians whine over the dumbest shit.

For me, it's Greg Coomer, the actual face of freeman

the right one looks like he's supposed to.
Gordon isn't a fucking gap model you stupid shit.

The left pic is not offical, it's a fan rendered model

This. He might have been better off than most of his peers from Black Mesa, but he wasn't exactly sticking out like a bodybuilder in a crowd of anorexics

>reeeee! he should look like House and be all cool and sexy! I can't insert unless he's more sexy than me!
You need to be 18 to post here, OP

Attached: Retards.jpg (656x525, 50.8K)

>dr reddit

God he looks like this faggot but with glasses

Attached: masseffectandromda-maleryderromances.jpg (778x300, 28.31K)


Sorry, I'm not autistic enough to see the difference.

Why even care if you don't see his face 98% of the time

That (((nose))) on the left.

Attached: MV5BNzkzZWE3MGMtMGE3NC00YTRhLTkxYmUtNDYyMDlhYmZjMjk0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzg3NjQyOQ@@._V1_.jpg (2400x3205, 1.25M)

We never get a clear look at his face in game anyway.

Attached: 800px-HLA_Ending02_Gordon.jpg (800x600, 20.4K)

doesn't look hooked to me.

The real problem is THIS. Ayy lmao.

WTF was Valve thinking? Not only is nuAlyx ugly and looks nothing like old Alyx...she doesn't even look like she belongs to the same race or age. Alyx in this flash forward is supposed to be a 24 year old Black and Asian woman but looks like a 45 year old Latina with white admixture.

Attached: 1585775621211.jpg (1536x1536, 258.93K)

Check your eyes

The Asian part is wrong, she never looked Asian and her skin tone was Latina-like before is now weirdly red due to sub surface scattering. It's like the started with the same albedo color and just stuck with it instead of adjusting the EFFECTIVE color of her skin to the new engine. They also got the eyebrow shape and lips wrong.

what ancestors do you think latinos come from dumbass

>why does some 27 year old nerd not look like a grizzled 40 year old soldier?

> (You)
>The Asian part is wrong, she never looked Asian and her skin tone was Latina-like before is now weirdly red due to sub surface scattering. It's like the started with the same albedo color and just stuck with it instead of adjusting the EFFECTIVE color of her skin to the new engine. They also got the eyebrow shape and lips wrong.


Both Jamil Mullen (Alyx's face and body model for HL2 and mocap performer.) and Merle Dandridge (Alyx's voice) are Black and Asian.

Attached: Vance_family_photo.png (151x220, 40.88K)

Gee, user. Almost like Latino's generally come from a mix of Europeans, and Asians. Fucking retard.

Attached: 1585753640057.jpg (380x358, 41.14K)

The same ones as the Europeans did including the Nordics.

Attached: Ep2_outland_11b0073.JPG.jpg (1000x563, 349.61K)

It's an accurate representation of mystery meat mutts: ugly, weird looking, and confusing. Don't kid yourself that the original Alyx was good looking, she just wasn't as realistic and faithful to the absolute mess halfbreeds look like.

Having proper representation for mutts means showing them as they really are, with mixed (ugly, alien looking) features.

they come from a mix of mongoloid natives, whites, and blacks so yeah. "latino" did not exist as a race until european colonization.

Did I say Latinos didn't have white or Asian admixture? I meant that Alyx is Black and Asian and 24 years old now she looks like a mostly white Latina in her late 40's.

Attached: 1080full-arianna-hicks.jpg (1080x1350, 99.29K)

The only real big difference I can see is the eyebrows, just need to be a little straighter

She was a mutt and now she looks like a different mutt.

Rent free


>Gordon Freeman, 27(44-49) years old
>George Clooney tier silver fox hair and beard

Guess fighting aliens puts you through a lot of stress but come on.

Attached: loose goose.gif (271x223, 658.91K)


Look at the conversation and have some sense of context you dumbass.


Attached: 1584332564869.jpg (640x780, 39.27K)

This is the Old Alyx's face model.

Artist have no concept of age

not only that but in the span of what...6 days ?
>Half life 1 last 2 days
>Half life 2 last 2 days (a week cause of the teleportation fucking up but for alyx and gordon it was mere seconds)
>Episode 1 and 2 last probably around 2 days

Some people grey early
Like me, half my hair was basically grey by 20.

Left definitely adds to the coolness with glasses

wew talk about downgrade
fucking nuvalve

This. Mostly gray by mid-20s, but hey, no baldness on either side of my family.

Aggh...it's doing the thing again where the images fail to upload.

Attached: Jamil_Mullen_nb.jpg (220x220, 8.61K)

Right is British, left is American. Gordon is American

I'm 28 and my temples been platinum since I was about 23

Attached: 1567076177612.jpg (399x464, 51.63K)

I've had an area of grey hair behind my back, but then some months later it grew back in black. I hope it stay that way

Attached: 1567588616845.gif (275x206, 1.7M)