These were some good games

These were some good games.

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while i think doom eternal completely btfos doom16, i just cannot like that art for it on the bottom.
Way too over designed. Pic related is much better.

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Today I realized Doom 2016 has reversible cover.

Doom Eternal's box art is really good too.

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Is that why the fans are huge faggots?

t. weebtoid

it is, all except for his stance.
he and his super shotgun look like midgets. Should have made him look more buff and powerful. He's literally doing an assassin pose.

Thanks for proving my point


>insult someone
>gets insulted back
>"thanks for proving my point"
What a fucking nigger.





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DOOM has more impact, but Eternal is more fun.

>Why yes, Arc Complex is my favorite DOOM level. How did you guess?

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Where is IMDB?


eternal is bullshit metroidvania cutscene simulator


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3 > 2 > 1 > eternal > shitteen

2016>eternal>1>2>64>the movie>the second movie>3

Eternal has way better enemy variety than 2016. Therefore, it’s the better game.

16 had better soundtrack, less mario, and a bit more soul

im breaking containment to call you a fucking retard, you don't know what this word means and its extremely obvious

None of those things matter.

look nigga nobody is benefiting from you being retarded, so just stop, ok?!

>16 had better soundtrack
Low tier b*it.

half of the eternal tracks sound the same. Take them out and you are not left with that much
half of 16 is boring ambience but if you take it out you are left with kino

I tried playing Doom 2016 three times and each time I got bored to shits by the time I reached argent factory.

It is literally one of the most boring games I have ever played.
>enter arena
>doors close
>demons spawn
>fast paced shootan begins
>kill all demons
>now walk off the arena in total silence to get pick ups and see if you missed anything
>now walk through empty corridors
>enter next arena
And that's about it.

But this week I tried again, and actually turned it to highest difficulty I can on the first playthrough, and now I gotta admit that the arenas are actually fun to play. I do have fun with the game now. But everything outside still sucks. Except for the level design. Which is blast from the past tier, in how interconnected it is. They dont make em like that anymore.

>each enemy gets weakspot hitbox
>must kill it with quick time event
>pinata mechanixz
>super mario jumping levels

take a load of no doom playing id shilz still defending this abomination

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2016 had better level design, and better progression. Therefore its better.
Enemy variety doesn't matter if you glory kill or bury shit in explosions anyway. It's all the same: demons you blow up.

>playing eternal since 4 days
>still on mission 5
Its too hard brehs.

Don’t call yourself a Doomer if you haven’t completed both games on Ultra Nightmare at least once.

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Do I have corona

I completed doom 3. That alone is more hardcore considering how shit it was

don't forget that Eternal has the biggest case of lore rape in the history of video games.
Its Borderlands tier writing, in a game that needs nothing more for a story than "shit happenned. go deal with it."

the amount of self awareness and "DAE DOOMGUY? HE RIPS AND TEARS!" in Eternal are so overblown they can make people drop the game

they were indeed

Anyone who drops a game over that is a huge faggot anyway.

I havent forgotten about the DLCs that fill the plothole between the 2 games with the first 3 missions either. But I'm a piratechad so It doesnt bother me that much

>better level design
LOL no it didn’t. They also didn’t have any variety. They all took place in the same mars lab boring location. Doom eternal has earth, sentinel homeworld, hell, urdak, mars and phobos, and arc locations.

Enemy variety does matter. Especially in a game like doom where each type of enemy has a different role. In 2016 you saw every enemy halfway through the game and got bored. In eternal they keep introducing enemies up until the last level.


Im not inherently against doomguy having a voice but man they did a poor job with it in eternal. The actor just did not sell it right.

It’s such a bad game that I don’t understand what they were trying to do with it. Were survival horrors that big of a deal back then that they just slapped the Doom logo on it so that it sold better?

>"rip and tear (get the reference gamers?!) till its done"
>they got a clap when doom 2016 demo in e3 showed the chainsaw, so they now make you use a chainsaw to reload
The self awareness is borderline cringe.

Am I infected? Or am I a chad?

>Bethesda's shills literally cannot stop spamming this game even on April Fools


What are some other wholesome Christian games that I can play after finishing the Dooms again?


Does anyone have any idea wtf is going on with the plot? I feel like i've been thrown into Act 2 when I start the campaign.

Bethesda said they need 2 dlcs soon so they made 1 and cut the first few missions that explain what happened between sam hyde getting away with it and you waking up in an orbital fortress and will sell them as the other DLC

Plutonia > 2 > 1 > 64 > Eternal > 2016 > 3 > TNT

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Doom Eternal is the clear winner

>Were survival horrors that big of a deal back then that they just slapped the Doom logo on it so that it sold better?
They were trend-chasing since the last relevant singleplayer FPS they released was pre half-life and were thoroughly behind the times in terms of gameplay design, and they hoped that "cool lighting" would be the next big paradigm shift in the same way the doom and quake and half-life were (because how were they supposed to know HL2 was only three months behind them)

what about doom rpg and ressurection?

That makes no sense, but I believe you.

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We would get a legit second dlc and a complete game but the work went into developing cutscenes and more importantly doomguy voice acting

never played them

>half of the eternal tracks sound the same
It's not nice to lie user


>the amount of self awareness and "DAE DOOMGUY? HE RIPS AND TEARS!" in Eternal are so overblown they can make people drop the game

Good thing nobody actually did because only faggots get upset over something as ridiculous as that.