Why are you all acting so gay today...

Why are you all acting so gay today? My boyfriend broke up with me a month ago and everybody talking about fucking and it's getting me flustered.

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Shut the fuck up and pozz me faggots

Actual faggot bugchasers got excited at the opportunity to shill their degenerate lifestyle in here through gay shit "jokes"

it's so funny that whenever this kind of roleplay content is introduced as a bit of fun, like the flavors and the user scores, people immediately start trying to get off on it.

have you been here for less than a year?
april 1st is Yas Forums's gayness peak. now get over here and post your discord so I can send you dick pics

It's fun to watch at least

The worst part is that it's not even the good kind of gay. Just trannies erping as anime girls.

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If I try really hard I can baaarrrrely self suck, learned how to yesterday. It's been a game changer.

I usually work on april 1st but since my state deemed my workplace non-essential I'm at home instead. Was it this way last year?

Yeah, its like this every year. Trannies will take any opportunity to erp.

The virus. It's turning us all gay. Please, I used to be straight, but now I want to be bred in my boypussy!

The thing is I'm not even a tranny. I'm just a gay bottom :p

>gay bottom
>using anime girl pics
A bad one at that.

Same here, I just like dressing up cute as well whilst being topped

i have no discord so you can send them right here instead?

So you're just a sissy femboy? Show butt.

I don't know user, every time I cough my mind gets foggier. There's this thick green cloud filling me up with images of big, throbbing dicks.

I don't think I'll be able to resist much longer.

Yas Forums is the gayest board by far, this has been known for years already

What do you like about these throbbing cocks?

Gimme a sec and I will

they,'re so manly, they smell so nice. The salty taste.....

I just want to shove th

It's unironically a demon

I bet you want everyone to fuck you in that butt as well.

*waves salty cock in front of your face* Sorry, what was that last bit?

Since when did April Fool's become the gayest holiday?

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>the candy teams were basically about raceplay
>now bugchasing
Is Hiro trying to push his fetishes into Yas Forums? More at 11

it's not gay user
i have pure immune seed, and if the only way to save people is to spread my seed, it would be wrong not to!
it's not my fault you're all male

>tfw sucked so much infected cock i got cured

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I want you to shove it down my throat, please.

its an irish thing ofc its homo

Open wide and loll out your tongue for me~ Tell me about how much you love fat dick~

Nah, just my bf. Till he dumped me lol

>All these sissy faggots
>No girls who want to submit
This fucking sucks.

There are no girls here, man.

Can I be your new boyfriend OP

Honestly I want to dress up like Shimakaze all day

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>ignore all greenposters
>lurk a lewd thread
>suddenly can't take it anymore
>erp with other anons about becoming a lewd slut and taking everyone's cum
>cum almost instantly
>thread 404s
>instant regret
bros... I don't wanna get infected... I regret it.

That butt is fucking amazing, holy shit

you guys are gonna make me gay, what the absolute fuck

>I'm infected.

Come on there's gotta be at least one girl. I wanna fuck a horny bitch.

>possible related search: girl


then I'll force you to want to take my huge cock
and that's a good thing!

I ERP’d with some dude last night and I woke up 1. Feeling a bit shameful and 2. Cured of the pozz

then maybe you should go outside

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I’m horny and I want a gamer bf to dress up for so I can suck their fat cock

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That's the whole point silly

>this thread
y'all lowkey on some suspect shit rn on god no cap

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What about a gamer gf (has a fat cock)?

I'll be your bf. I think I love you.

I can be your gamer bf with a fat cock, but we will both have to dress up as astolfo

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aaaaaaaaaa I wish my butt were as cute

I can't help myself. the virus turned me gay.

Slut posting ramps up during april 1st.

Why are faggots this horny and so plentiful what the fuck. Why can't you be women.

>tfw have a really big butt and ashamed of it

Not them. Peak AGP.

Infect me , I need more of the fuzzy green mist inside my head!

ngl id fuck the shit out of that ass

How much cum do you think you could store in that ass?

>Why can't you be women.
I am.

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Thank you boys, thank you
Squats yo! Squats! Also I've been eating more too so this came at the price of having a bit of stomach fat

Why is it always sucking cock with sluts here? I’m pretty sure 90% of the ERPing revolves around dicksucking and nothing else.
Which I don’t mind at all since nothing makes me cum harder than getting my dick sucked.

Wanna go out together?

Prove it, post pictures of tits.

Yes, where are you gonna take me out for our cute first date?

are you a woman (male)?

because get my throat abused by some guy's cock is my biggest fetish

can you show me your routine by doing squats on my cock?

where the fuck is my bf

I prefer vaginal myself

Do you wanna go out and eat somewhere or would you rather be entertained?

you know the rules

I’m gonna have to make a choice between Green and Clean now lmao

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>asking her
not gonna make it you beta c u c k

If you pick me, then you get to experience corrupting someone who's pure and untouched. I bet that sounds fun, doesn't it?

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God fucking damnit faggots. I just want to fuck.