These textures are shit. It is so hard coming down off of Nioh for PC.
Nioh 2 thread
>Nioh players
Where is ryonanon when we need him?
I thought he was going to crack waifu backs and upload them here
Based ryonaGOD
Grab attacks were a mistake
Looks like she got YAZURA'd
A few moments ago it happened to me too, my Hiddy got grabbed and the other two players were just fucking staring
Still safe.
Also I main hatchets.
>Still safe.
Not for long, you Hide won't protect you forever
Imagine queuing up for an expedition to slay some demons with your bros and instead you get an underwear waifu who uses up all your lives getting grabbed
It literally didn't fix any of the problems that ruined Nioh 1
- Still uses Diablorderlands loot instead of true and tried regular loot + unique weapons + boss weapons
- Still uses self-contained individual levels instead of a single, seamless interconnected world
- Still lacks invasion-style PvP
- Instead of fighting four enemies through the entire game you fight seven at best.
- Still lacks the lore and atmosphere required to make the experience truly memorable
You can keep that shite, PS4fags. We were tricked once, it won't happen again.
Can any piece of gear roll +skill damage?
So far I have only seen it on gloves.
no you can only get it on gloves
if you want to be autistic you can get inheritables
damn will take a while to find enough lumberjack interhitables
Points 1-3 and 5 are all you just being upset that Nioh is not Souls. For point 4 I would say the enemy variety is definitely better than the first game but because the game is so long if you do all of the missions, it still seems lacking.
It was marketed to and conceptually designed as a Souls game, only to shit on the face of everyone who gave it a chance with retarded design choices; me and several million others have all the right to be upset.
I would pelt her corpse with dung
As the fuck if Nioh 1 PC had better textures than the Piss 4
There's nothing wrong with fancy loot systems
Not everything need to be open world meme
Not everything need online garbo
Lorefags are the worst, stop glorifying lazy storytelling when everyone knows you just regurgitate whatever the lorefag youtubers autistically make up out of throwaway badly translated item descriptions. Shut the fuck up
Also implying youkai aren't a fascinating subject by themselves and is way less generic than Dark Shit tolkien fantasy.
Kill yourself
>Marketed and conceptually designed as a Souls games ... right to be upset
They put out multiple demos for the first and second game before they came out so it's not like they bait and switched you. Although they changed some things from the demos to the release the core design remained the same. Just because Nioh shares some similarities with Souls doesn't mean that it should be constrained to Souls design.
It wasn't, and you're not.
Imagine ASKING for more derivative products instead of more original works.
>Just because Nioh shares some similarities with Souls doesn't mean that it should be constrained to Souls design.
Pretty much
I don't know why people wants the exact same thing
You have several souls sequels for that, more variety in the arpg genre is always good
Nioh is completely derivative from Soulsborne and it wouldn't exist without it. That makes it way worse because instead of being a derivative done right it changed everything that made the original concept good.
Even Coom Vein had unique weapons, boss weapons and a semi-continous interconnected world. Hell, even The Surge fanbase looks down at Nioh.
This happened to me last night
I didn't remember the last time I had a boner like that
>The Surge
If you played the surge you'd know to ignore their fans
How much did the new patch fix with regards to smithing text drop rates? Will it still make you tear out your scrotum hair? Or is it better now?
>This same retard every fucking thread asking for nioh to stop being a unique action game and just be dark souls 26 and somehow convert all of japan into one walkable, traversable world
>Nioh is completely derivative from Soulsborne
>Changed everything that made the original concept good
If it "changed everything that made the original concept good" (pretty subjective-tons of people like Diablo) then it cannot be completely derivative. Also it started development in 2004 so it's more likely that the developers saw some good things in Souls and decided to incorporate them rather than making a completely derivative product.
Is this worth buying
>He thinks every 3rd person ARPG is a souls clone that wouldn't exist if Souls didn't.
The genre was around long before the Soulsborne series and would still be around without it.
Nioh isn't a Souls game nor a derivative of it, just because you suck at it doesn't mean it's a bad game, neither is it bad because it does things differently.
Most of the unique weapons in souls are shit though, and the extremely limited move set on any one weapon makes for very boring gameplay. Not sure where the hard on for a connected world cones from but I for one prefer the mission based structure and how it allows me to co-op with anyone and everyone instead of specifically whoever happens to be at the exact same point in the game as I am.
Play Nioh 1 first though
disregard this fruitcake.
2 is a prequel and both games play the exact same.
>Derivative bad!
>but also why isn't it the exact same!
> There is nothing wrong with fancy loot systems
I don't know what about this is fancy. Soulless spamming of dozens of items that wastes the player's time having to sift through and manage large numbers of near identical items. The ubiquity of even supposedly unique weapons and armour contradicts the item descriptions.
If you like it, fine, but there's plenty wrong with it.
Only if you didn't play 1
>sift through
select all
There's plenty wrong about boring regular loot too.
>Where does the hard on for connected worlds come from?
The looping design of Dark Souls 1 is a great example of a curated open world. In addition to just being neat that the developers were able to connect the world so well and create so many options for where you can go out the gate (if you choose master key) it also encourages more careful exploration and attention to environmental detail because mechanics like fast travel can be reasonably removed. Dark Souls 1 is really the only souls game to take advantage of this design though. Demon's Souls is basically mission based, Dark Souls 2 is a continuous world but it's basically just a bunch of separate lines, Dark Souls 3 is basically one line where like 2 or 3 things can be done in another order, Bloodborne is similar to Dark Souls 3 but a little better and same with Sekiro (you shouldn't need to beat Genichiro for the gun fort key imo).
But Nioh is fun and 2 games are more content than 1 game...
>only display take on highest tier gear
>sort by level
>equip highest level shit
>sell all
So much work. Especially in 2 where Ubracite drops like candy and you can just slap whatever mods you want onto everything.
I somewhat prefer wirriam autist than souls baiter
>not checking for good inheritables
I finished King's Field IV a couple days ago. It's a first person ARPG made by From Software back in 2003. Features:
A single inter-connected world
Unique weapons and even a couple boss weapons
No straightforward narrative besides the intro, some NPC dialog and messages scribbed on walls
An ancient conflict against something called "the dark"
A submerged city formerly dedicated to worshipping "the dark"
Humans who explored the place coming back as hostile undead
And still Dark Souls fags claim that Dark Souls invented those things while bitching at games that didn't.
>Dark Souls 1 is really the only souls game to take advantage of this design though.
That is what makes the fixation on it so confusing to me. Levels being separated by hallways ladders and elevators aren’t that interesting to me, and honestly taking some big detour only to pop out in an area I have already been and having to turn back and retrace all those steps was frustrating to me more often than not.
Fair enough but I think a lot of people enjoy that process of popping up into an area they've already been and learning how the world is connected and the options that provides for traversal. Also once you understand how the world is connected subsequent playthroughs provide many different options for what you want to tackle first. In Dark Souls after killing the Asylum Demon and making it to Firelink Shrine your first boss can be either Taurus Demon, Capra Demon, Gargoyles, Sif, Quelaag, or Moonlight Butterfly. It's cool to have all of these options almost like an Elder Scrolls game but rather than this massive open world with many different options you have a more curated experience with many different options.
>get grabbed
>get hard
Why am I like this
>create so many options for where you can go out the gate
>Arrive to Firelink
>Amount of places you can visit: two. Three if you have the master key.
Honestly I never saw the big deal about being able to face areas underlevelled and undergeared, or being forced to backtrack all the time, something other games did way better.
I'm convinced that Dark Souls fans never played other games before. or played other games after, giving the derail this thread suffered.
And I get that part I guess. But Demons Souls let you do basically the same thing once you beat the first boss and none of its areas were connected. Megaman games let you tackle the 8 bosses in any order, but no one seems to consider that to be some big pro to the games design.
There are plenty of optional sub missions you can do whenever you want to in Nioh. Once you beat the game for the first time you get a lot of freedom on what order you do the missions and aren’t stuck re-treading the exact same path. Its not that different, but it gets shat on constantly like it is the worst thing ever. I know this is Yas Forums but even so, I feel like it is all blown more out of proportion than I would expect.
you're a man of culture
>Amount of places you can visit: two
Catacombs, New Londo and Upper Undead Burg
>randomly get dragon fang
>finally get tengen spirit
>need heart + strength for full effects
Fuck it I guess I'm going 1kat + hatchet now. Save tonfas for ng+
You can visit: New Londo, Catacombs, Lower/Upper Undead Burg, Valley of Drakes, Darkroot garden/basin, Blight Town all within minutes of arriving at Firelink; I forgot Pinwheel on my list of bosses. Being able to face areas underlevelled and undergeared provides extra challenge and potentially reward because the items found in those areas can be really good or functional within a certain build. I would say Dark Souls does back tracking better than most games; the only games I can think of that do it as well are some metroidvanias and most of those are 2d. I (and most other souls fans) have played many games before and after Dark Souls and I enjoy open connected worlds and mission based worlds (like Nioh) as long as they are done well.
>Still uses Diablorderlands loot
not a problem. diablo-likes can be fun when done correctly.
>Still uses self-contained individual levels
not a problem. open-world "game" "design" is a cancerous meme that ruins every game it touches.
>Still lacks invasion-style PvP
not a problem. not every game has to be le epic reddit souls.
>Instead of fighting four enemies through the entire game you fight seven at best.
this is your only valid complaint.
>Still lacks the lore and atmosphere required to make the experience truly memorable your subjective opinion. and judginng from the rest of the list, you're probably just mad that it isn't an exact copy of le epic soulsborne lore.
I'm just trying to explain why I and other people like the interconnected world. It's not necessarily a make-or-break feature for me and a mission based structure can be equally enjoyable (and make more sense in the context of Nioh).
I don't think the textures in Nioh on PC were any better bro
Demon's souls is basically king's field 5
They reused a fuckton of stuff, but knowing those games is what differences someone who likes those games and someone who plays them for LE HARD GAEM
Holy fucking based
Did they made Mitsume's fanart?
>Nioh is completely derivative from Soulsborne and it wouldn't exist without it.
by the time demon's souls first came out in japan, nioh had already been in development for five years. it had even been publicly announced already (e3 2005).
as it went through development hell, it morphed from a traditional jrpg to a musou to the onimusha/diablo/ninja gaiden-inspired final product. none of that work required your reddit roll-to-win simulators to exist.
i don't know why you spergs want every single action game to be a copy of dark souls. wouldn't it get boring eventually?
>I (and most other souls fans) have played many games before and after Dark Souls
I can't think of a biggest lie.
Soulsborne fans are literally unable to play, let alone enjoy games that don't have the name Demon's Souls, Dark Souls or Bloodborne in the title.
It's so bad I automatically stop trying to recommend games to someone if I find he/she is a Soulsborne fan. Like, what's the point? Just look at every Nioh thread and its Soulsbirne shitposters.
where to go farm tombs?
yes that's a mitsume
PC when?
Never. 1 sold like shit on Steam, was one of the most pirated games of Q4 2017 and its Steam reviews are way more negative than the PS4 ones.
Yeah I understand, no worries.
In an attempt to get the thread back on track, what new Onmyo spells are in 2 are worth my points? I tried those shockwave talismans and they are total garbage. However so far in my experience those elemental talisman “bombs” are great for applying status effects to multiple enemies at a time and dropping them on yokai clouds before they spawn in is wonderful.