Countries worst prepared for a pandemic happen to handle the pandemic the best

>countries worst prepared for a pandemic happen to handle the pandemic the best

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is this a joke? US and UK have the worst health care systems out of all civilized countries.

>UK has the worst health care system out of all civilized countries
>unironically kill yourself

>is this a joke?
You'd be surprised how many people believe these kinds of statistics.

A pandemic study is a bit different than normal health care. It doesn’t just look at what you are looking at.

US probably gets a boost by being the least centralized developed country with a 1:1 rural:urban pop density

the most common problem in this particular pandemic is that there aren't enough doctors and nurses to do all the work. the american system's solution to this is to charge absurd amounts that people can't afford so the poor people simply stay home, keep infecting each other and any serious cases will end in death. the bri'ish solution is to form lines, I guess.

post teeth

>health care systems
has nothing to do with this

The joke is that both US and UK are in full panic mode and at the top of the worst countries hit

Poor people are lucky to be given rights.
If they dislike it so much, they should just stop being poor

>if you get symptoms you need a hospital to treat you
>this has nothing to do with the health care system though
what are you gonna do, visit a shaman?

>US and UK are in full panic mode and at the top of the worst countries hit
That's a funny way to spell Italy and Spain.

You being a poor faggot has nothing to do with the quality of care in the US. We're the only country that requires all of our doctors to specialize. Whenever a socialist faggot whines about healthcare in the US, it's because they want it to be free

The NHS used to be good 15 years ago, I don't think I've ever seen someone defending USA's health care system, however.

This. Our country is mostly empty land with a few over populated urban centers. Rural communities and states are largely unaffected right now whereas the urban centers are practically ground zero

>socialized medicine

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You are redonculus, pandemic readiness isn't "if you can cure viruses". It's about tactic responses in place, stocks of protective equipement and so on. It's about governement maangement, not hospitals.

Also, no, you don't need a hospital if you get symptoms, there's no cure, they literally just have you lay there and wait to see if you die or not.

The only ones who hate it are poorfaggots honestly and that's because they don't want to pay for their own healthcare like a proper adult because that iPhone is much more important

Most dead and infection maybe after China

>europoor realizes his system is a scam
Kek, imagine giving money to the government

Nigga US beat those countries a couple days ago

I don't believe for a second that favela monkies and other third world hell holes aren't in worse shape, they just aren't reporting it because they are third world hell holes.


The only two countries bigger than the USA can't be trusted to give accurate numbers so it is no surprise that we have the most cases.

okay zhang

>A country with more people is going to have more dead and infected

You don't say.....

More like social experiments on the subhuman population.
Uneducated underage spamming "immune" and "immunity" and showing their low iq.
This whole thing with the self isolation is so terribly done. Stupid people taking advantage of even dumber sheep.

Whoa are you telling me that the country with 3x as many people has more people? Clearly you have a degree or something.

In a pandemic you really aren't supposed to visit a hospital unless what you have is life threatening because otherwise you would overload the system and kill the people who need more care.

>it's not true
>yes it is
>w-well it doesn't count you stoopid!

Get fukt non-anglos. South Korea is a bro though. And Thailand gives us ladyboys to fuck, so they chill too.

Holy fuck you idiot, the point is that you're pointing out that a country that has far more people in it than most has more infections than others. No fucking shit a country with more people will have more infected


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worst country hit doesn't mean the country with the most people that is actually reporting accurately you fucking buffoon. It's okay, I know statistics and percentages are really hard for low IQ individuals.

AHHHHHHHHHH i'm still healthy right

>more cases
>less deaths

Attached: 1200px-Larry_David_at_the_2009_Tribeca_Film_Festival_2.jpg (1200x1680, 265.07K)

>11k deaths of 101k infected
>nearly 11% mortality rate

>7k deaths of 85k infected
>~8% mortality rate

>1.4k deaths out of 22k infected
>~6.3% mortality rate.

>2k deaths of 140k
>~1.5% mortality rate

I'm neither poor nor in the US, nigger. your medical system is absolutely broken though. your doctors are busy scamming the rich into getting operations they don't need. great examples for this are spine fusing (0% effectiveness, literally counterproductive, every patient that gets it ends up getting worse and eventually getting an entirely stiff back while paying out the ass for it) and stomach reduction (every patient just drinks soda to stay fat or become fat again any way). if I was an American I'd have any important medical procedure done in a different country by a doctor who is used to treating sick people with legitimate producedures. I wouldn't want a glorified plastic surgeon anywhere near my vital organs.

Honestly reporting infection numbers makes a world of difference Zhang.


If thats the case then why do all the rich europoors go to America for operations especially those that are for life saving procedures

If the government kills infected people than the virus didn't :^)

>57 cases per million people
Yes this is believable

>my country is 3rd place
I'm honestly surprised, although it probably helps that shops and workplaces either just outright locked or have heavy regulation even though washing your hands shouldn't be a regulation but COMMON FUCKING SENSE at this point, and people are just not going outside at all except for getting essential goods like food. I'm still going to dodge cities like the goddamn plague though, because those places are always are infested with all kinds of shit.

>Everyone stays inside anyways
>Still have everyone stuffed into a handful of cities
Truly a model for the world.

Sweden has literally taken zero precautions to combat the spread of the virus. Literally nothing, not even an official statement advising to not gather in crowds.

>infection and death rate actually relatively low compared to most on list despite being one of the first nations the virus spread to

Makes you think, huh?

this, its the same reason why Africa has been barely affected by Corona
No one seriously goes between places in africa aside from humanitarian aid workers and the occasional rich people who want to see a wild lion or shit like that unlike countries like america and UK which has people traveling all over the place both in and out of the country

Because most of our population lives in over crowded cities

US health care is actually pretty damn good. Its just so expensive no one can afford it.

Did you seriously fucking compare plastic surgery with actual medical care and pretend you were making a point?

USA has a bretty good deaths/capita. The only countries doing better are Turkey (fucking liars), China (giga liars), Germany Canada and Korea. We are winning boys.


cases are not a viable or real metric in situations like this
looking at cases/test done is a real metric as it shows saturation rate

It's not expensive, most of you fags just rather buy frivolous shit than buy health insurance

They know it's a scam

Its cuz Sweden is too damn cold for anything to survive there

neither of the procedures I mentioned count as plastic surgery. both are used in response to real physical problems patients complain about and neither solves the respective problem but because it requires surgery and likely follow-up surgery in the future american doctors scam their patients into these procedures instead of actually helping them.

If Chinks are lying, then how can they keep selling the US and others medical goods and ventilators?

The guy is partially full of shit. We have banned crowds of more than 50 and there has been general information to avoid gatherings.
However they came in late as fuck because our department of health wants to go their own special snowflake way regarding this virus and doesn't want to shut shit down in the same vein as Europe is doing.
They are pretty much betting on this method being the least disastrous in the long run but well, we'll see.

>one of the first nations the virus spread to
before America hit the 1k mark most of the other countries on the list already were at much higher confirmed cases.

>people actually still believe this

Nigger two weeks on a respirator will cost you at least 200k. Health insurance will only cover 80 percent, that's still a lot of fucking money for the average American.

because the chinese government doesn't care about human life. Did you already forget that time they killed literally millions of people?

because most of it is broken

These stats ignored the fact those countries are led by retards

>ignores the out of pocket maximum
Way to prove you would rather buy frivolous shit than research health insurance.

>some bottles with oxygen cost more than a top class 5 star hotel
Sasha USA

I bet you did your (((investigation)))

>pretending U.S. is on meltdown
>only nog-nests are having major issues
>tfw 2 months vacation

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>wageslaves get put into more debt that they'll never get out of


USA is gonna win, gg no re


there, now it actually works.

The US? Sure.
The UK? England can eat shit, but nah.

The medical debts are going to fuck the US citizens really hard

Just go bankrupt bro.

No, there's just been no legal order backing up the social distancing and home quarantine orders. The swedes are doing the same as everyone else but just without the force of law behind it


I'm always amazed at how many exceptionally rich people post on Yas Forums

No doctor fucking reccomends any of that shit you just mentioned you faggot. You have to go see a specialist for those things and that requires you to actually go out of your way and seek them. Stop speaking on things you know nothing about

nice, the great equalizer. i see this as a positive.

western journalism is literally just propaganda and self wank with no basis in reality

retarded white boomers literally think if they say something it becomes the truth

I mean you either pay 60 dollars per game or 1200 on a computer. It's a fucking expensive hobby.

You don't have to be rich to have insurance. Just not a lazy faggot

It's actually one of the least expensive hobbies cost/time wise

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>he values things based on cost/time

>insurance pays for everything
you have to be well off to have insurance this good if it even exists. insurance only pays so much. don't post if you don't know what you're talking about.

If you're going to spout lies, at least know what you're talking about. Out of pocket for most insurance policies never goes higher than $1000, if that. My deductble is $150