Had any one thing ever ruined an otherwise good game more than this guy?

Had any one thing ever ruined an otherwise good game more than this guy?

Attached: doom-eternal-marauder-uhdpaper.com-4K-19.jpg (914x514, 125.36K)

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Haven't played any of the ZOOM games, what's up with him?

Every reply will be le ebin git gud filtered and other dumb bullshit ignoring the fact that the dude is just boring to fight in general even when you know what you're doing.

>another bad gets filtered
Based Eternal

More like filtered a lot of guys.

Just kill every heavy around and learn how to shoot the goddamn dog, it's not that hard, it dies with 1 tap of the SSG.


Attached: Marauder.webm (852x480, 2.92M)

Git good.

get filtered scrub

He's a fine boss fight but just not a fun encounter as a normal enemy later, you know the trick now and he's still got the dog so it's just a rigmarole of the same running around and waiting each time you see him.

Demons in God Hand

Hes too hard for some people

>there are people who beat doom eternal already on ultra nightmare
>nu-Yas Forums still struggles like they did with every hard game like Soulsborne or Sekiro

kek why is this board so garbage?

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Even the devs said they missed the mark with him. He is the reason they cited for the delays.

Yeah, People who are bad at video games.
Find another hobby.

>waaaah why won't people say the game is shit and poopdookie like I want them to!?
It's been a year or more that you faggots have been screeching nonstop about how much you hate Eternal, this has gotten beyond pathetic.

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He's not hard, he's just annoying. So many god damn drones just waving off shit design in lieu of "git gud." God you people fucking make me sick.

I thought the delays were because of the planned multiplayer Invasion gimmick that they couldn't do properly so they made the Marauder be a pseudo-invader.

>i suck therefore game is bad!
Please, little bitch.

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this chad basically filters every noob playing on even the easiest difficulty LOL

He's okay to deal with, but the best thing anybody can say about him is he breaks up the pace of the game, something that would be considered a criticism in any other context.

zoomers ruin everything

t. filtered

You don't even fight him that often throughout the campaign. What are you niggers complaining about?

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He requires the tiniest bit of patience and strategy so zoomers are crying.

Honestly, Carcass bothered me more than the Marauder. Asshole throwing up shields.

Perfect new addition to Doom.

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It's just UEG seething.

thats a lot of ammo to waste on a Marauder

>>there are people who beat doom eternal already on ultra nightmare
just use plasma gun.

i'm sick of school being out. Put these little bastards back in their daycare.

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I'm aware how to kill him. I was merely stating that I liked his design.

Bro he's not that fuckin hard. Just quick swap between the super shotgun and the ballista. Took me like 3 tries to beat him.

You can stagger him with remote detonation rocket, instead of waiting, stupid.

>i suck therefore it's bad, my opinions are facts and you WILL worship them!
Sorry it didn't click for you, you'll experience this a lot more often as you live your life, my advice is learn to live with it.

>have no health
>go to glory kill an enemy
>this guy puts a shield up in front of your face and cockblocks you
What was his problem?

My enjoyment of doom eternal and my opinion of the marauder has a direct reflection on you as a person. You are absolutely correct in being so emotionally invested, as my criticisms are in essence a criticism of you. Please carry on taking it personally as it is 100% directed at you.

user, you're the one projecting here by claiming so don't even pretend being sane and reasonable.

Is that all you shitposters can do is project and whine?

you're fucking mental mate.

I mean, people are entitled to their opinion, but I genuinely find the fight fun. Marauder is an enemy that demands your attention.

Anyone else think Marauders are nothing but ez fun lil duels but have a hard ass time fighting whiplash and doom hunters?

my opinion of the corridor-arena-corridor-arena style of level design is actually about your mother, but when it all comes down to it, it's your fault i diddn't like it.

>Zoom rhymes with Doom so threads will always be shitposted to death now
I hate memes so goddamn much

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He staggers but it doesn't drop his shield, you absolutely should be blowing up rockets behind him since it still does damage bug it doesn't speed the fight up that much. This is my main criticism, skill doesn't have enough of an impact and the way you fight him never really evolves since even stuff like remote detonate isn't that effective.

lock on burst insta kills whiplashes
doom hunters just ignore the shield and attack the sled

There's been plenty of webms and videos posted of people fucking the Marauder up with many different ways than the "green flash blam blam" method.

Doom hunters were probably my favorite enemy in the game. Whiplash was kind of annoying in some fights but only if I didn't notice her before she gets close.

>Scores a kill

Just use the plasma rifle on that fat ugly bastard

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what gave me more trouble than anything else was the nukage that the cyber hellknights and the cyber mancubi create.

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Yeah, the thought of turning off a game and going back to my real life.

The only stuff I've seen is people using quick switching to skip the recoil animation and squeeze in extra shots.

>get fucking shredded in the first slayer gate on nightmare.
>decide to check out a couple streamers how they're handling things
>both get it and other gates on first try
>tfw filtered

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He's not that bad, barely any different than other demons, he just control your first shot, woah so hard
Git gud. I was absolute trash at FPS games and I'm close to beating Nightmare

Weapon swapping trivilises the game. The only time I've started dying is on the master levels on nightmare.
I really miss arcade mode

Hes alright, gets easier to fight against. The problem is that his mechanics and strategy to defeat are uncharacteristic of the rest of the game, it also doesnr help that you have to single him out which ruins the flow. I love the idea though and i hope they refine him to fit better into the combat flow

Dont be a fag and learn to play for fucks sake
Its not even hard to fight him

Why are Zoomer games so much more skill intensive then boomer games?

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>He staggers but it doesn't drop his shield

G's stage 2 with the fucking cranes

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