This April Fool's stinks

This April Fool's stinks

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cry more

its ok


imagine getting infected lul

You stink. Take a shower

It really does. Any remaining creativity died when Moot left

I swear I saw this same gimmick on a few subreddits weeks ago. Guess we didn't copy them hard enough last year huh?

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I miss the desserts team.

I missed the Candy wars we had, those were better than this

you forget that literally every april fools sucked apart from maybe merged boards

i dont get how it works

you stink

/vint/ was a fucking mistake and you know it, the reason why we have an increase in country shitposting.

/fitlit/ was godly though

Shit lads we have ONE(1) confirmed recovery!
suck it sickies

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>middle stage infections have died out


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>Implying Easter teams wasn't the best

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True Yas Forums is even shittier today

Cringe day

Could be worse. You could be infected.

I fucking hate April Fools. It always causes the the absolute worst shitposters to crawl out of the woodworks and makes Yas Forums from somewhat unbearable to completely unusable.

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I miss /fitlit/ and /mlpol/

>I fucking hate April Fools. It always causes the the absolute worst shitposters to crawl out of the woodworks and makes Yas Forums from somewhat unbearable to completely unusable.

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/mlpol/ just devolved into a nsfw pony board

Why is everyone acting like faggots?

>Why is everyone acting like faggots?

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imagine being *coof* infected

Board merge was the best

based infecters

So from what I can get, anyone after the green post gets infected. So be careful. Don't post after the green posters.


>I swear I saw this same gimmick on a few subreddits weeks ago. Guess we didn't copy them hard enough last year huh?

They’re all bad except for the easter candy one

You're infected now.


this fucking year stinks
fuck 2020 I want my video games


I thought it was social distancing meme, but its direct replies
get COOFED on

i just woke up. what the fuck is this

Everyone seeing how shitty leafs are was kinda nice.

am I safe still

its the best one in ever

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japanese people have the most basic humor

It's one day, you whiny cunt. At least I'm seeing less gay erp than the last two years.

if I coom. will i be contagious?

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Its pretty green.
Could've been more thought out.

cudda been worse is uppose

It’s purely a respiratory illness with its main vector being aerosol form. Drink as much as you want.

it could always be worse

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I don't even remember what last year's was

should have been spread by neighboring posts, as is you have to willingly get infected
idea was good but missed the mark on the execution

i'm losing my green please help

Test me daddy

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Anons could "like" your post. If you accumulate enough likes then you can add gifs and icons to your post.



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Yas Forums has been shit for minimum 5 years. Wtf are you on about?
kill yourselves


we have this thread literally EVERY year

you tried

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>Yas Forums X

lol try harder faggot, you're making it way too obvious that you're samefagging

I preferred the one with the different flavors, this one just isn't funny or engaging. All you have to do is ignore the infected posters.