On topic video gaming thread.
Coofers stay out.
On topic video gaming thread
Apex Legends is a good game with good character design. On par with early TF2.
i hate vido game
>not posting the original
why is pc always represented as steam
Member Stadya?
I need to see this followed up so I can coom.
because that's how you are.
give me corona chan's blessing
Will you fags ever stop posting this shit?
remember when this one pic made Yas Forums go apeshit for a week?
this le qt stadia waifu xD shit was the dumbest marketer psyop that ever worked. jizzbrain straightoids will gobble anything up as long as you draw it as theoretically having a pussy
someone post the original version with the black snoy tranny
where's Waha?
Why do people like that one again? Is it one massive cope? It didn't fit in with the art style.
Because life imitates art
It still didn't fit the art style, or the actual meaning of the image on why they were represented like that.
you know the one in OP's pic is all ways going to look better then this garbage
So since consolewarfags don't associate 4channel with PC, does this mean they're all phoneposters?
why do sonyfags always represent themselves with that stupid character? what are they proud of? shitty movies?
because the yellow face wojack is the most popular version of it? if you don't understand that all the characters in the image are based off their most posted images, and you insist of making your own shitty edit, you're a newfag.
OG was the best one, that snoy design worked perfectly. Every attempt at "fixing" him was retarded and looked like shit.
that doesn't make any sense but ok sonygro
ops image is the original tho
that's not what i fucking asked you delusional retard? i did not ask "why is this shitty forced meme wojak edit in this picture" i asked "why do sonyfags always represent themselves with that stupid character? what are they proud of? shitty movies?"
I know
deez nuts loser LMAO
>gaystation player likes nuts
What a shocker
Ahh. posters like you are the reason the goldface took off the way it did.
I'm beat smt ...if eventually.
>the one in OP's pic is all ways going to look better then this garbage
wtf?! I literally only posted twice today, how the fuck am I that green already? Busted ass system.
>Not the fat black tranny
It's a sign user...you'll die irl. I'm sorry.
>It still didn't fit the art style, or the actual meaning of the image on why they were represented like that
fuck off you pozzed faggot. I bet some ultra hulk green mutherfucker replied to me and infected the shit out of me. I don't know what to do now...
do sonyfags really
by that logic shouldn't you be dead already?
It's okay user, you're still only slightly green.
The real console war,was the friends we made along the way
>annons getting cured already
we're all gonna make it
Your infection level slowly rises over time regardless of whether you're posting or not.
I haven't made a single post between and yet the two are at completely different stages of infection.
*cough* *cough* *cough*
mario is a special boy.
>Your infection level slowly rises over time regardless of whether you're posting or not
nice system they got here. this shit sucks. They should have just rehashed the candy names/teams and changed it to something else.
user...you're gonna DIE user
stop posting you pozzed bastard
what? this is the original
What about the infection levels of the anons who replied to you? Are you sure they aren't the reason?
That's wrong, it doesn't rise over time by itself, there's simply an incubation period after you pick up the infection before it fully manifests.
Thanks famm.
It really doesn't fit and it looks like garbage
>wojak garbage
fuck off you unoriginal faggot
It raised because he replied to the OP who was infected. I don't think infected people replying to you causes anything since I made so many provocative posts with many infected (you)s but still managed to stay pure by not giving (you)s to anyone
>That one with anime trannies
>OG was the best one, that snoy design worked perfectly. Every attempt at "fixing" him was retarded and looked like shit.