Anyone else think they were immune? I got too cocky, bros

Anyone else think they were immune? I got too cocky, bros.

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still healthy

Nope, I KNOW I am immune. No amount of coofs can damn me.

fuck the infection

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Did she died?

Looks like heroin, what is going on here?

I am clean.
I will not use the other word because it is dangerous.


air bubbles


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she died from the infection

I never even replied to an infected.

immunitybros where we at

Ohm y god I didn't even realize op was infected and I replied to him shit shit shit what do I do bros

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It's just seasonal allergies bros stop overrea--BLAAAAAARGH

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I am immune to it and I love BIG TITS

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I don't have to think to know I'm immune
step aside retards, I got things to touch and people to come into close contact with

im a virgin so i know im immune

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You’ll be fine

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She just fainted.

>tfw got vacine

I'm 100% sure I'm immune

Post yfw you didn't get infected

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bro can you help me out?PLEASE

nerve gas

Fainting. Lots of people faint, it's retarded how surprised the nurse was. Dumb cunt, probably Russia or America.

probably had a seizure

I've knew this one dude who had a seizure in the middle of an interview. Poor bastard was insanely stressed out to high heaven.


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might have caught it, felt like shit for about 10 days, had a cough and some slight fever too, it's gone now, fuck china

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I wan to beco cfgreena

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With a needle in her. What if it broke?

Nah, sometimes people just faint when they're stuck with a needle. It's weird, I have probably been stuck with a needle over a hundred times thanks to selling my plasma and even I had a reaction one time. Wasn't even stressed out or anxious, my body just decided it was time to physiologically panic.

same desu

Are you retarded, she just passed out because she's afraid

Nurse took it out though

>What if it broke?
it would be extremely painful

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We made it bros

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immune fag here

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My bro and I got it too.

Very subtle, he had flashes of fever for 2 weeks, slight cough, tickle in throat.

I got a slight cough, bit of face flushing, cold sweats at night waking up, and for a few days I had shallow breath, couldn't quite get a full lungful of air, sharp pains in my ribcage.

I could feel it attacking my lungs and getting decimated by W. blood cells.

Feeling better now.

Sketchiest part?

Only went out to town probably 8 times very briefly for groceries since December 20

Isolated Mtn town.

Fucking rich yuppie skiers from Italy and merica brought it

The fuck happened to that girl? I though she was high?

she cute, would coof

>Fucking rich yuppie skiers from Italy and merica brought it
there is nothing wrong with being an enlightened yuppie

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>tfw short of breath and pains in the chest

Oh god oh fuck

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she's cute and i like her jumper

coof coof

good thing you're all better now!

>literally your average valley twitter fiends
>but it's okay because it's an older version!!!!

Are you retarded? There's a ton of different causes of temporary unconsciousness, I'd say his guess was pretty good despite not knowing the patient's medical history or the context of the video.

I got my suit on so I can't infect u guys

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gay niBBas faint during a vaccination
she gets a pass though, she’s a girl

imagine not being immune

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I'm good

Anaphylaxis. thats why whenever you get a shot the docs tell you to chill around the office for ten minutes

cough cough :^)

Bros... I'm coofing...

any other /infected/ bros want to come over for a quarantine party? I got enough pizza beer and wrestling dvds to ride out the next two weeks

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Yeah gay girls are just straight guys after all.

First post of the day

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You should sell your penis plasma. It's more gratifying.

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An apple a day, makes the doctor go away. Learn it from me.


im going to your house

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Do lots of breathing exercises & keep stretching user.

I actually started feeling sketched out for a little bit, but you can't let the fear take you.

Lots of vitamin C, garlic, ginger & sage should help your body stay topped up.

I have the blood that makes me immune


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Still immune baby

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