Dark Souls II

At what point did you realize the game was shit?

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I didn't like it, probably because it has that fucking World Tendency mechanic, but I wouldn't call Demon's Souls shit.

It's not shit, it's fun. Lots of good things in it and only a few really bad levels/bosses

As soon as I got control of the character and could move around.
It felt fucked up.

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Try and prove me wrong. Don't post the same webms from 3 years ago

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after playing das3 it was clear, das 2 was the shit. the best game from deliviered to dirty peasants like you but you´d rather gobble on the poor mans BB which is das3

For me it's good. I prefer the slower pace and the locations and Aldia make it worth it. DLC is also the most DS1 content other than DS1.

Forest of giants looking like hot garbage.
Then Heide's tower looked kinda ok.
Then the rest of the game happened.

when it asked me where to warp from the bonfire

This board cant go two days without bringing up Dark Souls 2. Rent free you fucking faggots.

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Right from the start with the video that sets your background as a male with a family. And then confirmed when there was no boss after the tutorial area.

favorite PvE weapons, guys?


When a youtuber told me it was

first hour

Fume UGS and red rust sword. Too bad they didn't bring back Vengarl's stuff.


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Reminder that Gwyn the bitch fucked up everything just because he wanted to be a god for a bit. For me it's the grey stability instead of the fire/dark dichotomy.

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I assume it was this guy?
The one who complained about every single aspect of the game, even the boss intro?
>it looks like blood, that was unnecessary, shit game 0/10
There is so much wrong about this ''review''.
>from Majula, you can only go to 2 places, and the other open up way later or if you buy Cat's Ring and drop into the big hole
That's weird. I'm pretty sure you can buy fragrant branch of yore from the old lady in Shaded Woods and/or beat the boss at Heide's Tower of Flame and then pay that bitch 2000 souls to move the ''door''. And I'm pretty sure it can be done in less than 15 mins after you pick New Game.

The moment I attacked something and realised how unsatisfying the animation was.

I like 2 as a game, but it's the worst Dark Souls

aaaargh nooo how dare you have a sound and moderate opinion on this board!!!

>when you have 2 healing items instead on just estus
>when enemies tracking got absurd
>when grab hitboxes are fucked
>when they recicled bosses
>when areas are disconnected

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it's a huge game, who cares if a dozen places look like shit

It's only shit compared to the other From games, i still played it and beat both versions of the game

It’s the best souls game, nigger

immediately... until i played the dumpster fire which is DS3 and then realized DS2 was the peak of the series since it had diagonal rolling but not 5-man gank squads

30 minutes in

What seems to be the problem with soul memory? Why do people hate it? Because they can't invade noobs with their SL180+ character?


What's wrong with Dark Souls 3 players?

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Going through all the souls game because of corona-chan. I've only ever played 1. Finished 2 a couple days ago.
Some areas looked cool but in the end it was a chore to play through. I enjoyed maybe 3 bosses. Sir Alonne, Sinh and Fume Knight. 95% of my deaths in the game were because falling 5ft does 50% of your health.

Just a bunch of multiple enemy bosses. And excuses for bosses. See: dumb rats, congregation, dragonrider but like what if we did the fight again later but there's two of them. One of the Dlcs has 2 bosses. They reused the first one added another and counted it as a 3rd boss encounter... Also the yore branch bullshit is just annoying. Cool I am literally forced to halt my progress to go and find a shitty item that could be anywhere.
I understand that apparently people like it for pvp? But if you just want a good pve experience you'd be better in any other game ever.

It was my first FROMSOFT game and I got about halfway through before I stopped, not because it was too hard the game just kinda sucked ass

when i took an elevator from the highest building and was greeted by lava

>Huntsman's Copse with admittedly a fun boss
>Ruined Pursuer mystery with now 3 Pursuers
>Spinny top bois regular enemy
>Lightning one shots everything

why does he have an umbrella? if this nigga wouldnt neglect his body vitamin d maybe he wouldnt look like a retarded goblin

>when i took an elevator from the highest building and was greeted by lava

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>when you have 2 healing items instead on just estus
well, you start DS1 with 10 Estus...

,When I realized enemy placement, especially in SOTFS is nothing more than a slog and preventative against sprinting to a boss from the nearest bonfire.

that's every souls game

>Not knowing the difference between internal and external realism
You should get a job at Bethesda

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Despite multiple hidden bonfires in all games that make this easier, no. Being completely interruped while trying to enter a fog gate makes this a huge issue and SotFS slaps down copies of enemies as added 'difficulty.'

OK then. Kill all enemies, go to bonfire, repeat 11-12 times until they stop respawning.
Or, I don't know, learn to bait them and then run to fog gate.

It's objectively shit but it also has the most soul out of all From's games.

in the network test

>non omni directional rolling
>tanky fucking controls
>"lmao bro this game is hard you're gonna lose all your souls bro"
>absolutely autistic enemy placement that SOTFS didn't even fix
>bringing back hollow health
>several bosses are nothing more than a tough enemy
>fuck ugly hud and environment

>>absolutely autistic enemy placement that SOTFS didn't even fix
what's even more funny is that sotfs made it worse, like how do you double down on dogshit?
fuck tanimura

Dark souls 1 was brilliant when it came out, but it didn't age that well and was always a mess, from bad port to bad multiplayer (same for demon souls)

Dark souls 3 is just bloodborne mixed with dark souls. It's way too easy and even tought it is waay too easy, you can just get carried around by other players. They took out all of the souls feel, it only feels like bloodborne, which is a big turn off.

Dark souls 2 is just perfect, it's in the middle. It's not too easy, and it's not too hard. You get the feeling from dark souls 1, you get the same kind of deep lore. Takes forever to finish the whole game with all dlcs. You don't get summons up the ass so you have to deal with stuff by yourself. Whole lot of weapons. Visuals are awesome.

Overall my best game is DS2, but, Dark souls 1 is by far the most creative and ingenuitive. I wasn't into video games when it came out so I didn't get to play it in it's glorious days.

stop larping as if you played the game, gilligan mentions that iron keep is protected by an invisobility spell, theres your reality, now fuck off

How does it being invisible explain why it's up in the air in a place that makes no sense?
>inb4 "time is convoluted"

>just bait these 15 enemies through these tiny corridors user
>or just kill them all 11-12 times
I already make it a point to kill everything at least once or more for certain items when I play, being forced to repeat it is a boring slog.

Dranleic doesnt have gravity everywhere, thus iron keep is able to do that, but ofcourse if you had played the game, you would have known this also

The minute I pressed forward and experience that floaty fucking Korean mmo movement.


>muh mods
PCKikes are pathetic

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I know all DS threads on here are either bait or people wanna argue for the sake of it, but Scholar isn't anywhere near as bad as DS3 both PVE and PVP. I've never tried PVP a lot and I think all souls player vs player sucks simply for the reason that there's no real cross-region setting so you're forced to play with and against people with 300+ms ping.
Either way DS3's PVE sucks. They took everything out of DS1 and 2 that was good like durability, poise, good big bonk weapons, magic, special items like ascetics/spices from DS2, more open progression, interconnected world, hollowing and humanity. Enemies consist of flailing lil nigs with often no pattern to how they attack. That's not all enemies, just some of the annoying ones to fight like the Sully beasts. Every DS game has enemies that flail around, but it feels especially bad in DS3 with how there's no poise and how FAST they can attack over and over. I recently played through DS1 and 2 and got all the achievements. As my weapon I used the bass cannon. It felt really good in 1 and 2, but in 3 the sword is just awful. It consumes tons of stamina, you barely get any from level ups, the sword's wind up is slow as shit and the weapon art eats through flower points. I can't stand how bad DS3 feels to play.

>Dranleic doesnt have gravity everywhere

Problem with these games is their lack of innovation not that they get worse.

couldn't agree more
DS3 is 100% the weakest entry in the series

I don't know what to tell you, user. Maybe that's just my inner DS2 fanboyism talking, not me. I've onla had that problem with 2 areas:
>one, Shrine of Amana (I fucking hate that area), a water-y area before the last bonfire surrounded by giant mushrooms
>long ass area before the Smelter Demon 2 fight, filled with skeletons and fags who slow you down with their spells
What I do hate in DS2 is falling damage; until you get the ring or appropriate sorcery, you can't jump from 2 meters ''height''. I mean, Jesus Christ, even paraplegic would survive that.

it's not facts cunt, it's imagination

Scholar's enemy placement isn't any worse than 1's. That's a fact.

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after the quelaag rip off

Where in the game does it say gravity doesn't exist everywhere?

hidden, find it yourself

second you feel how shit the controls are

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Well I read an item description in Dark Souls 2 that says the game is complete dogshit, so even the devs agree with me. It's hidden though sorry, you'll have to find it yourself if you want proof

When I took off my clothes at the start, realised I was male, then slapped a wickerdoll against my chest and turned female.

Drangleic Castle
Specifically that one "alternate route" you can take that just loops to a dead end

You can fall from roughly 3.5-4m without taking damage. Falling damage isn't an issue ever and you can buy the cat ring 5 minutes into the game. It's not a real complaint. The most annoying part is when you go down the gutter hole in Majula and have to wait for your lifegems or estus animation + heal. But that's not that big considering it's only 3-4 drops until you reach the grave of saints. As for the shrine, fuck it. I hate funhouse so much. Last time I played through the game it literally took me HALF AN HOUR to get from the second to the third bonfire. HALF AN HOUR. And then I beat the boss in like 5 after I reached the third one. It's just fucking retarded. It's a terribly designed area and if it was shorter like Gulch it would be "alright", but with how long it is and how many enemies there are it's just awful. It's a lot worse than Iron Keep, at least there you can speedrun through it.

you obviously made that up, show proof

>You can buy the cat ring 5 minutes into the game
How the hell do you get the 12,000 souls or whatever it takes to buy it in the first 5 minutes?

And Ds2's pvp is a clunky mess where the objective is not to swing first. Only thing I agree with you is the latency and most magic being near useless if you're 1v1.

Alternate route? There's no dead ends. There's one way you can go if you don't wanna bone out and you'll run across the horse from the Purgatory boss fight + a gargoyle.

DS3 is by far the most polished and complete in the series imo

Its just a fucking chore to replay

around here

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hidden, find it yourself

>objective is to swing first
buy fast weapon = win, nice pvp btw

Why is DS2 and 3 the ones most often used for bait threads?

Not him, but I assume by killing the faggot boss in Tower of Flame. And getting the armor set that gives you more souls before that.

Beat the giant? Cheese the pursuer by sitting on the bonfire? I think the ring costs 13,500, which you can get by killing giant + popping the soul. I could probably do it in 5 minutes although I am not a speedrunner, so it might take more like 8. You can also be much smarter and just run to Majula, touch the bonfire, pick up the bones from the covenant stone, run to Heide's and make Dragonrider suicide. That is actually a lot faster. Dragonrider alone is 12k + his soul.

3 gets shit on because 2fags cant cope that miyazaki made a sequel to dark souls that was actually good.

Almost no one on PC played DeS and BB and DS1 is the holy cow of the franchise.

They're both worse than 1.
Again I haven't played a lot of PVP, but I feel like ALL PVP is bad simply for the reason that there's such a big difference between latency from host to host. I've heard the fake hit sound more often than getting an actual hit in both 2 and 3.

>you start DS1 with 10 Estus
only if you kindle

Honestly its been awhile since ive played DS2 but i distinctly remember a diverging path in the castle and one way just leads to a ledge.
You could later on circle back to jump off the ledge but there was no point to the entire thing and it seemed to just be there to distract from how linear the level was. Felt like a skyrim dungeon and i remember the feeling of complete disappointment.
Idk my memory might be wrong, and i never played scholar if that changes anything