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>twitter filename
Wow what's next? You'll tell us that most of this board is underage redditors?

The people that deserve corona are not getting it.
What the fuck is this bullshit? All those tranny freaks over at Polygon and those cancer websites need to get super coronavirus and infect their families.

>fiction police
I unironically think they should just he shot

Based, maybe i'll get it after a sale.

>can we get a good gay character?
>no have these two stereotypes instead
>that's pretty obnoxious and poorly written
>okay we will tone them down slightly
>that's slightly better but still not great

>>no have these two stereotypes instead
try living in a gay community as a teenager this shit happens all the time

Kill yourself

>can we get a good gay character?
What even brings people to make such a silly request to begin with? The writers should make the characters they want to make, gay or not.

So you admit this is an accurate stereotype? Hmm...

Fuck off fag

When has kowtowing to SJWs and alphabet "people" ever worked out well for a company?


If youtr offended by this stop being a gay pedo

>make game
>okay, here

Stereotype? All gay and trannies are like that. A pair of trannies gropped my crotch once and since in my country they are always AIDS ridden and carry knives i couldn't do anything.

Shitsona a poop
Play SMT.

Might have something to do with how the most woke people are also the ones that live in the most secular white environments and don't have any contact with the groups they seek to defend.

But okamas are actually like this, it's not a stereotype.

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GOOD. Fuck Atlus, they made their bed, now let them lie in it. They deserve resetera. I'm buying this game used and will be lending out my copy to any friends that have any interest in buying the game, even if I havent finished it yet. I'll also shit on this game anywhere I go and encourage people to buy used. Atlus will be the next NISA in 5 years time.

Smt is just as shitty

>>can we get a good gay character?
You already had Yosuke.

>strange journey
Adults bad.

Gay people aren't owed anything to begin with. Fuck off.

>Laura Dale
This is the retarded tranny who thought the P5 song in Smash bros was racist or something. She's a fucking moron and will never be satisfied. Stop paying attention to her

Controversial to who? The dozen or two Twitter trannies that whine about everything for some attention?

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>Controversial to who?
resetera of which her and many other "journalist" belong to

Hey anons, should I replay Nocturne or DDS? Not playing P5R until I can get it used because fuck kike censorship.

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No one cares except faggots and they don’t matter. But I guess LKD needs something to sperg about.

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Play DeSu.

Yes they're all trash games with a terrible elitistic fanbase

the golden rule is never fucking apologize

DDS and Nocturne are both fun so I’ll boil them down to: do you wanna decome demons with your friends, or do you wanna fist demons with your demon lads and waifus?

Already beat Soul Hackers recently and the Raidou games never really clicked for me since I like turn based combat.

Play Digital Devil Saga, its practically flawless as a PS2 JRPG

Morgana revoked your right to post; its past your bed time.

>can we get a good gay character?
You had one and no one in the west bought his game.

Would've been nice if the media had played up that part, but no, they aren't about drawing attention to things being done right it's about pointing out when things aren't good enough

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>DDS and Nocturne are both fun so I’ll boil them down to: do you wanna decome demons with your friends, or do you wanna fist demons with your demon lads and waifus?
That's the thing. I could go for either, theyre both so good. Part of me likes pokemon collection and another likes autistic class systems. Im torn.

you call it stereotype but try to go to where gays hang out often and you'll see it is not a stereotype


What scene?

why are gay people so much more likely to be pedophiles than normal people. i never hear this talked about

how do people sling stones at the church for all the molested boys but never stop for a moment to notice how they're all boys. why is there so many gay clergy.

even if this was exactly how it happened and you weren't baiting, you'd still be in the wrong

The more you notice

That's why no one should cater to SJWs at all

Admitting you were wrong about anything is a mistake, people don't care about educating others. They'll just use your own admittance as a tool to systematically destroy you.

Honestly DDS 1 and 2 remain my favorite SMT games of all time

Nocturne is a great game but DDS is a better RPG, I'd go for it even if you can't catch demons. Also just play the original P5, Royal is cancer and all the additions just make the game worse.

>Devs still haven't learned not to apologize or admit any guilt
They deserve to get raked over the coals at this point.

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Literally dilate.


Can we get a good gay character in real life first? People only write what they can imagine, and a gay dude who doesn’t molest children is a bit too far fetched

Pedophiles usually dont have a preference one way or another when it comes to kids, its not a gay thing

because they are hypocrites and don't want to attack the main problem because they know they'll have to acknowledge they made that mess
>men are rapist but so far most rapists happen to be non-whites that were let in due to open borders
>gays are pedophiles but in order to attack pedophiles you'll have to fight agains tthe lgbt that supports their lifestyles

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What is Brokeback Mountain?

>Also just play the original P5, Royal is cancer and all the additions just make the game worse.
Already beat it actually, but yeah Im leaning towards DDS.

>They deserve to get raked over the coals at this point.
Agreed 100%. They can only pull this shit so many times (Catherine got censored too) until they get a NISA type reputation.

If you are gay you are much more likely to both be a pedophile and a victim of pedophilia.

I wish this infection was real so I could kill you

>Play Digital Devil Saga, its practically flawless as a PS2 JRPG
Except for how it ends halfway through the story and DDS2 is complete trash, you mean.


By the way, the years after the boy scouts allowed Gay scout leaders, it was brought to it's knees by lawsuits. So many boys got molested.

This is wrong. Pedos have interests just like anyone else. It actually becomes easier to catch one when you figure out their potential strike zone. Guy, girl, specific age range, etc

this is too much. a simple "fuck fags" and public humiliation is enough to get these freaks gone

i wish aids was more deadly to get rid of them

Is Royal pozzed? Should I just be original release?

Gay people hit on teenagers all the time.

Just make them traps
Everyone loves traps
Problem solved

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pedos have become a great issue in this world but woke people decide to focus on the loli/shora art instead of the real thing

Japan writes better characters than burgers do. No white man has ever written gay characters as good as Emil, Sylvando, Angelo Sauper or Hiiragi.

I say this as a fag: American gays have really weird ideas about representation.