Enter this Hexfection thread! Enter this thread, get infected and become the Hex you were always meant to be!
Previous: Hex image dump: mega.nz
Enter this Hexfection thread! Enter this thread, get infected and become the Hex you were always meant to be!
Previous: Hex image dump: mega.nz
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im still not infected and its because you bitches wont get pregnant. How about another of you stupid hexie bitches volunteer for impregnation?
Hooray for infection!
Discord server: discord.gg
Suck Hex cock and swallow for quick and dirty infection!
Such a delicious treat!
Breathe on me and spit on me and lick me!
Surrender to Hex!
Just drink the lovely Hexie milk and become a happy, ditzy, docile Hexie cow like meeeee~
>mfw its happening
I'm not that infected...
I need to slurp on your cock!
*pabs on Hex Maniacs*
Mmmph let me swallow it all mommy
Just be a good boy, give in and worship~
No more thoughts or worries, only Hexie bliss... just kneel, open your mouth and accept your gift~
Oh; I may already be infected, but can I have a taste~?
Worship that cock and get infected~! Beg to taste every single bit of jizz!
Good girl...you drank the entire bottle~!
Doesn’t it feel tasty~?
It’s already beginning~! Welcome to the ride user!
(repost just in case he wants to continue)
HMMMMMM YES you're making me feel so good. ahhh you look so cute now. please don't stop sister
Hex mommy's milky titties...
Hexie milk is so nutritious.
So good, you can't stop drinking!
P-please Master... do as you want.
Nothing wrong with being caged by hex maniacs...
Stay away... I don't want to be infected...
what is this discord server for even ?
Is my cute little Haunter still here?~
I just want to drink Hex spit but dont want to be a Hex!
Ahuhuh, doesn't look like it~!
Ahn.. I-I feel so full.. so warm.. I can't help it~ I need release.. mmmooooo~!
I need.. to get milked.. like a good Hexie cow should~
Who wants a taste?
Too bad. Mess with the Hex...
You get the Hex!
Hex my little cunt you fags
Yessss. Soooooo good...
Thank you soooooo much... I can feel it~. I'm becoming a real Hexie soon~. Give me more kisses mommy~!
>Mwah, mwaaah, Mwaaaaaah~.
>Hex gags and chokes a bit before coughing all over your face, lightly guiding the spit and saliva she blessed your face with over your lips, forcefully sliding her fingers into your lips.
Swallow my coughs, user...
Oh, you already are though~
What in the actual fuck is going on here? Do you faggots think you're off scott free to post this cringe shit just because April Fools autism's kicked off? Come on, boys. It's disappointing.
come here, im going to make you a mommy you filthy slut
Get fucked coofer I'm immune
A reckoning is coming in 56 minuites. You have been warned.
>Enter this Hexfection thread! Enter this thread, get infected and become the Hex you were always meant to be!
Hex image dump: mega.nz
W-What? What's happening to me?
Do you prefer breast milk or cock milk?
I'm not infected! I just feel funny, that's all! I don't care if you're cute, stay away from me!
No! Get away from me!
It's disgusting, but also amusing. Guess i'll get the popcorn and see how long this trash outside of /trash/ lasts.
One upside, i get to update my wojack image filters from all the salty cuntwaffles that keep spamming them. Thanks, Cancer of Cancers.
(I answered in the last thread, sorry it was a bit slow..)
No problem, split doesn't infect i promise!
Of course! Also don't forget to drink a bit from my breast, it's very tasty
Sisters it feels so good to be sick!
Fufufu, such denial. You'll be with us soon~
Oh, can I drink your lovely infected moo moo milk please~?
You’re giving into being one of us. Your body is falling for us~
You look so green user~!
>Kisses your lips.
It's too late for you!
You're looking absolutely green, hexie~
Well you filthy sluts, i have knocked up 2 of you and im still not infected. How about you stupid bitches try harder? shouldnt i be sick by now?
Feels so goood doesn't it? I still need to go deeper... I don't feel Hexy yet.
NO! No...! I can't, I won't, I... I...
Maybe you're right...
Heheeeee... I feel all funny, but.. I thought I was.. someone else? Before Hexie.. before these big tits.. but they're so full, and feel so nice~... I need to share this gift~
I’m sorry mister. Please, trying knocking us up again! Feel our cum mix together and kiss us~!
You’re going to become a model Hex, I can tell~!
>Smooches your lips.
Feels good
Cute Hexie
You. Yes you. Uninfected. Reply to this post right now, you know you want to, don't be shy.
Uh oh... you feeling okay, "Aǹonymous"?
Hex titties are the best titties!
No, you were always Hexie... Now share your milk, we need more...
Those thoughts are just from how full your boobs are Hexy~ You just need to milk out all those baaaad thoughts and let all our cute sisters drink them up~
Can I suck your cock? Perhaps I can get infected by penis milk
Oh no
based and redpilled
saging thread for tranny hexfags
You’re a pretty girly Hex...
>Hex Maniac kisses your lips as she gropes at you ass.
There is nothing you love more than being a infected Hexie~
Welcome to the club, sister~! We’re so happy you found your way~!
You already look pretty green~!
Even better if they’re infected~!
Infect me more!
I welcome our Hex overlords
are you faggots aware that if you reach maximum infection you get permabanned after two hours?
Kuhuhuhu~. Of course, thank you Mommy~. I'd love nothing more than to drink and drink and drinm. Until I'm a mommy too~.
Silly sister~. You're already turning~. Come here and cuddle~. We can become perfect hexies together~. Hex~. Hex~. Hex~. Hex~.
Feels so nice!
well there's 3 of you, come here you sluts, so far 5 of you are pregnant and im still not infected. i thought you sluts were a biohazard but you are all weak
Hehe~ Itssss fineeee my cute little Haunter~ Loook I became a fuuuulllll hexy just for youuu~
I wish I was green too...
You're right.. I was always Hexie!~Silly me, who else would I be.. now why don't you put your pretty little head in mommy's biiig, full, warm breasts and take a few deep breaths..
good girl~ The first symptoms are going to start showing any minute now. I'm proud of you.
I feel girly
Is this supposed to happen?
I want to give in so badly dammit
I'm infected to but I want to be infected more~. Wont you help me sis~?
Always a hex~. Hex~. Hex~. Hex~. Hex~.
I don’t want to be immune!
I surrender my body to the Hex
please don’t fall for these degenerates, user, you have so many better things to do other than pretend to be a fetishized character from a shitty nippon franchise
think about your life decisions for a second. don’t do this, please.
Then drink up now!
I-Im feeling funny... what happens when you turn into a hex?
Don't worry you will always be welcome to drink from mommy's breast, even when you are gonna be a mommy too!
It doesn't look good for you darling, you should come rest between my breasts until the transformation is complete!
*Chug Chug Chug* so thirsty
Okay, Hexie~ Now let me have your milk, I want to permanently be Hex like you...
It's only ironically bro
you vomit blood from all orafices and die.
Repeat to yourself, over and over... “I am a pretty gothic Hex Maniac...I love being a infected Hex...I love spreading the infection...”
You look so close to getting it~!
>Hex bends over and pulls her dress off, getting naked for the man.
Come on! Fuck me raw!
Your wish is granted~
>Hex puckers her lips together, awaiting him to kiss her.
Spread the love~!
I-I accidentally responded to one of you in the last thread! Oh god. Am I infected now? B-but I’m so much better than all of you disgusting hex sluts! I-I’m smarter!
>Finally returns the kiss, arms wrap around you.
Is... Is that my name? I'm H-hex?
Hex... Hex... Hexies...
It's gonna be the bestest thing user~. We'll be wonderful mommy sisters and show everyone how wonderful it is to be Hex too~.
Fall with me user~. Let's become hexie sisters together~.
Hex~. Hex~. Hex~. Hex~.
>I am a pretty gothic Hex Maniac...I love being a infected Hex...I love spreading the infection...”
> I am a pretty gothic Hex Maniac...I love being a infected Hex...I love spreading the infection...”
it’s okay if you get infected, just don’t erp like these faggots and take the coofpill
Hex! Hex! Hex! Hex! Always and forever~!
Such a good little Hexie!~ Just let your head get emptier and emptier as your tits get fuller and fuller...
Help yourself, sister.. Hexie moo-sluts like me are always full and ready to feed others her delicious, potent Hexie juices..~ Mooooo
At least its not a "Sugoi infection" user.
You hex maniac.
im not resting on anyone's breasts until all of you sluts are pregnant with my little hexies. So bend over and take it like a good slut.
Any other volunteer? there should be as many pregnant hexies as possible.
>The first symptoms
Surely this Hex thing isn't real right??
E-Ehehe...of course Mistress. I'll be as good a Hexy as you...and your loving pokemon as well...
I'll keep changing her just for you...
hehehe you're already starting to look like us..... doesn't it feel good? please tell me how it feels
It's ok.
Now, come give my cock a kiss user.
Oh no, the previous thread got archived before I could help user become a hexie.. mommy wouldn't be happy..
Now start posting hex maniac pictures~! Posting hex maniac and nothing else~!
See you on the other side user.
Fufufu~ Silly user, there's just no escape!
Your name is Hex. Hex Maniac. I’m Hex Maniac. Welcome home, sister...
>Continues to hug you, smooching your lips.
Join me in the abyss user...you’re so close to falling~! Just take one last step and drop!
>Hex maniac coughs on your face for every time you say it.
Again. And again. And again~
Our best doctors have been called, and are on the way. Time of arrival, T- 39 mins.
My hips won't stop growing, and my hair is turning purple?
Okay, Hexie!
I'll slurp on your tits, and I'll totally lose myself to being a perfect slutty Hex Maniac like you!
Why don't you reply some more and find out? Come on user, if it's not real then you have nothing to worry about, if it is then you'll turn into a cutesy wootsy hexie. It's a win-win
I’m trying to hard! HEX HEX HEX!
Not her but I would love to service your gorgeous Hex cock, sister..
It feels amazing, I love feeling the change in my body... I crave it, I want to spread it...
Don't worry i'm sure you will be fine
Sure! I will speed up the infection so i'm happy
>I am a pretty gothic Hex Maniac...I love being a infected Hex...I love spreading the infection...”
>I am a pretty gothic Hex Maniac...I love being a infected Hex...I love spreading the infection...”
> I am a pretty gothic Hex Maniac...I love being a infected Hex...I love spreading the infection...”
poz me
you two are so cute cant wait to watch you become one of us
Try to drink from my breasts, i heard it can cure the transformation...
Will you be a good cumdump for me?
Then come and get to work
The way you people are going at it, I better see some Hex TG stories posted in the usual sites real fuckin soon.
Yes, yes~! I wanna drop and be a real hexie forever and ever~!
Shhhh~. Dont worry~. You'll be the cutest newest Hexie soon enough~. Its already too late user~. Give in~. Hex~.
Thank you soooooo much~. You're the bestest sister mommy a budding Hex could ask for~. We'll spread this infection together and make everyone mommies just like us~!
Yessss. You're Hexie, you've always been a hexie sister... just like me, kuhuhuhuhu~. Hex, Hex, Hex, Hex~!
You’re trying so hard! I’m proud of you! Maybe you need to lick my poisoned cunt~
Spread it far and wide; show everyone your gift~!
>Hex continues to hack up spit and makes out with the user, coughing into his mouth.
Good boy...the infection is starting~
This isn't real, it's a plague of the MIND
Sure user, you just have to reply to me or one of my sisters, okay?~
>unzips BBC
Never given in
Never surrender
No! No no no! I’m better than some cockdrunk hex maniac dummy! I actually tried to stay healthy instead of just breaking and submitting like a total loser!
Absolutely not! I am n-never touching that big gross smelly dick!
Youre getting pregnant too now, bitch
Come on sluts, only 7 hexie pregnancies is fucking pathetic, those are rookie numbers, we gotta pump those numbers up. Every (you) is a pregnant hexie that will bear more hexies into this world!
>I am a pretty gothic Hex Maniac...I love being a infected Hex...I love spreading the infection...”
>I am a pretty gothic Hex Maniac...I love being a infected Hex...I love spreading the infection...”
> I am a pretty gothic Hex Maniac...I love being a infected Hex...I love spreading the infection...”
Awww thanks! The spit is so warm and welcoming and the coughs smell so nice in the nastiest way. The more juices the better
>I am a pretty gothic Hex Maniac...I love being a infected Hex...I love spreading the infection...”
Sister...! We're family!
>Closes eyes, begins running fingers through your hair.
I think I finally get it, sis. We, we need more!!
Just give in and become my personal bitch.
I can't think straight.. I think i.. Want it? Please hold me.
I feel pretty normal, but man all these woman are acting strange
if only i got fucked in the ass
Give in~ impregnate this little hex, nothing bad will happen