Fuck April Fools

Fuck April Fools.
Let's discuss The Sims!

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any futa mods for the sims?

What's next for the sims?

Any new expansion announced? Any sims 5 info?

Newest info last month was that Sims 5 might be always online (Like Simcity 2013)

What's a good place to find created Sims?

I'm making my own main Sims,but I want some custom created Sims to litter my world with.

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news is TS5 will have multiplayer. imagine the mods and "god i wish that were me" moments to come

yeah, just uninstalled 4 today. 43GB off my system, goddamn.

thesimsresource, or you can try loverslab if you want "that kind" of sims

>Download Sims 4 for the porn
>Finally get in game
>Realize 60gb is really not worth it for this quality of porn

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Y-yeah, what kind of loser would want that crap? Haha.

Pick only one. Keep in mind this is EA we're talking about.

/tsg/ has some good sims in their repository

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I'm looking for video game inspired Sims. I'll try Simsresource, thanks user.

The Sims General is still alive?


>english text
>no glorious simlish

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Wait, do Sims have written language? If so, I haven't seen it

>start the sims
>make a cute girl
>give her a house
>get bored
every time

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Buy a bigger hard drive idiot

Why does she have a tan line halfway across her ass? Are you telling me she was sunbathing with her panties not pulled up?
Frankly, I hate this fucking trend of drawing panties halfway down. It's not sexy at all. Yeah, you can see the ass crack now, I guess for coomers that's all that matters, but it reminds me of a fucking child who is too retarded to get dressed properly after they've been to the bathroom, and I immediately start remembering that disgusting little kid smell. It just looks like the anime girl is mentally disabled, not slutty.

That's when you install 50 sex mods and introduce every hole on her body to a new level of deviancy


I'd never do that, that's gay

yes there are

You can't be serious.

i wonder what became of him

No, it's a natural progression of any Sims player.
It's EA, wutchu expect?

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>It's EA, wutchu expect?
For them to at least learn from past sales failures

If anything she's going to do the lewd with her goth roommate

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There are mods for the most degenerate things you can imagine

My only hope is that they learnt from Simcity 2013 and improve the multiplayer aspect. Plus the scale of Sims is way smaller, it should be more easy to do. For all the flaws Simcity 2013 had, you gotta admit it was fun in the first couple of weeks when you still have people in your server

Good game

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The pink hair is a man

I don't like the sound of multiplayer at all and whatever rules EA will surely impose on it. Doubtful that they'd allow any mods they don't pre-approve, if any mods at all. EA just needs to take what they had with 3 and make it better.


lolifags should stick to 3

Doubt it's gonna be a big central server, user. Most likely dedicated servers which host like 50 players or something. Also about time we have a new Sims Online

The coofs

I'm burned out.

Any news on The Sims 5

Where can I find Video Game characters? Or must I create them myself?

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Given how EA has handled online with single player games I have to remain skeptical or I'll suffer massive disappointment. At the very least I'm probably not going to be able to do it anyway as it'll likely be done through Origin.

git pozzed, nerd

Alright guys, give it to me. Is this a difficult or annoying game to mod? Is it all on the nexus, is there a complete sex and nudity package? Will spend the day jacking it to sims if so

what are some must have coomer mods?
and where can i find them?
Sorry noob to sims modding

It's piss easy to mod, but the game is an extremely shallow screenshot simulator. Your mileage may vary.

>every hole
I just want a tentacle beast to burglarize my sim house and penetrate my self insert all the way through and my ears.

WickedWhims and all its plugins

Did i get pozzed?

how are the loli mods? ive never been into sims but am tempted

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go back to your honeypot forums

They look like samefaced goblins, so that's a hurdle.

Yeah I’m sure it’s limited but I can get off to some social situations at least

So what do you recommend, origin, steam, or is pirate good?

The moment EA tries some always online bullshit, some other dev will dethrone Sims with their own game, just like what happened with Sim City and Cities: Skylines.

Dude pirate is the way to go, you get all the dlc without having to pay 100s of cashmoney.

They won't do always online Sims because 75% of their audience is student women on laptops.

...and that's a good thing!

Auto updates will break all your mods if you buy it.

That alone makes pirating worth it.

Pirate. Don't support EA for this.

Wouldn't know about origin but you can still stop auto updates on Steam, just need to set the game's appmanifest_STOREIDHERE.acf to read-only.

They're not going to fucking do online play again
They got sued enough times the first time they tried that.
Now a games-as-a-service monthly fee? Maybe.

>They got sued enough times the first time they tried that.

>Passes 501598516 a thank you note under a boarded up door.

The little girls that played this were exposed to sex
Also those one parents who sued because their daughter was whoring herself to old men on it.

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