How can other first person shooters even compete?

How can other first person shooters even compete?

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Honestly...they can't. I haven't gone much in the multiplayer but for a single player action fps no modern game can compete.

If you can't beat them, join them. Cover shooters are finally dead.

Doom 2016 was better.

As someone who loved that game, no

By having less hand-holding tutorials for braindead zoomers.

Yeah, that's my one gripe with this game
They retard-proofed it too much
I guess their playtesters were fucking retarded and couldn't figure out mechanics behind enemies

I'd like a game that plays completely differently personally. While no element was bad I didn't enjoy them all combined in the slightest and had no drive to play it.

>complaining about feature that can be turned off
or did you need a tutorial for that?

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>All games did great except Remak3
Tortanics have been utterly BTFO this month.

Doesn't take much to be better than Doom Eternal.

The multiplayer is kind of lacklustre.

Do it then, faggot.

Or are you immune to having fun with your video games?

Those can be turned off but I think there should have been three settings. Tutorials off, basic tutorials and extended zoomer tutorials. I turned them off before even starting and I had no issues playing all the way through. Tutorials off would mean that there are no hints, not even those annoying unskippable short cutscenes that show floating platforms coming up or doors opening elsewhere, fuck that noise. Basic tutorials should be there to familiarize new players with the basic mechanics. And the extended zoomer tutorials would be those retarded ones that instantly reveal enemies' weaknesses when enemies are introduced. I've seen even casual streamers complaining about that shit.

That reminds me: If "Doom Clones" were a thing in the 90s, why can't they be a thing today? I personally think more devs, indie or otherwise, should make more games that take inspiration from NuDoom

COD's immense success spawned a generation of clones. I wonder if Eternal will do the same, or if today's big-names are too set in their ways to ever abandon the military shooter, if they'll try to dismiss nu-Doom as a fluke

I just watched 33 minutes of DOOM Eternal gameplay and it is fucking TERRIBLE. It opens with some 39y/o boomer that looks like he was ripped STRAIGHT outta Gears Of War who's spouting a bunch of cryptic bullshit about how 'you'll never REALLY defeat the demons!' And it's a hubworld so you have to go pow-wow with this cunt between every level.

Cue the descent into 'hell,' which is just Bowser's Castle from fucking Super Mario Bros-- not even joking, the floor is lava, there's ZERO shooting, just a bunch of shitty platforming, jumping between floating hexagons and dodging spinning flails.

There are glowing gymnast bars everywhere that you're expected to spin around and jump off of like a fuckin ballerina, and there's sections where you have to climb walls like fucking Catwoman-- complete with a cute little 'claw-hand' animation, you almost expect to hear Doomguy start hissing 'cause he's a BAD KITTY (˵Φ ω Φ˵)

When you finally start killing demons? They explode into a bunch of pink, purple and green candy pieces. Is it a demonic beast or a fucking PEZ dispenser? Following every battle, LOOK AROUND, you'll notice that there's ZERO blood, ZERO gore, ZERO bodies, they're SCARED to show you any gore for more than a split second.

The UI is gay as fuck, it's drenched in neon, the inspo for this shit struck the programmer when he was at a fucking Pride Parade for sure. There's some WAY over complicated upgrade system, it looks like a fucking RPG. I want to shoot demons, not meticulously plan my fucking build order. The whole art direction is so different from DOOM'16, it's not even reasonable sci-fi anymore, it seriously looks like a fucking Nintendo game.

The whole thing is filled with cartoony bullshit, you can get extra lives, the health pickups are giant bottles of grape soda, kill a Cacodemon and its eye pops out with a sound effect that belongs in fuckin Looney Tunes, etc

The entire thing looks gay as fuck. You're not seriously buying this shit are you

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By not having a shitty story, not like that matters anyways.
Just have no story, or a decent/good story. A shitty story just makes the game slightly worse

>they're SCARED to show you any gore for more than a split second
Took the baiting a little too far with that one.

Fuck why did i reply.

What do you think they'll do in next doom Yas Forums?
>steamline movement and add momentum to permit proper strafejumping and quake movement
>merge the doom and quake universes
>allow you to chainsaw staggered enemies for ammo instead of only glory kill
>at least one level where you have to kill humans (e.g. UAC's troopers or samuel hayden's guards)
>mech suit (if it doesn't show up in the eternal dlc)

>>steamline movement and add momentum to permit proper strafejumping and quake movement
Wait thats not a thiing already? I havent played eternal yet

Ion Fury is better
Amid Evil is better

By not having infinite resources bound to actions that slow the pace to a fucking crawl while disingenuously claiming to be limiting SSG use. Having some genuine resource management through carefully placed items on the map.

That and putting some actual effort into the level design and not just having non-linear levels with arenas.

Maybe merge the runes into the suit upgrades. At the pace they are going the runes are going to be all QoL improvements that should not be so limited anyways.

>pirated it
>played for 1 hour
>uninstalled because it's low IQ

There is no better game in the whole world, you are so wonderful for playing it compared to you I am worthless, please keep me under you desk while you shoot demons and cum down my throat, I want to worship you, doom slayers have the most delicious cocks, hah~!

>it's low IQ
What did he mean by this

ERPers go back to Discord

It's barely possible but you're pretty stuck to the ground.
The new dash in eternal doesn't give you momentum, it's start-stop.
I predict in the next game you'll get a dash that acts like a boost to full speed to let shitters do long jumps.

But I want everyone to see you slay my leaking cunt user~!

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Cant you just ignore the reddit-tier community and play the actual game

And can you take that stick off your ass and enjoy some on the nose humor?

No. Why do you seem to have a problem with me not enjoying the community's sense of humor?

i cant comprehend how much of a simpleton you are

it shouldnt be there at all

Doom gets so much false praise from people who are too afraid to form their own opinions because they don't want the internet bandwagon to turn on them for not being "badass" or "metal" enough. Emperor's got no clothes and people are too afraid to admit it. Sad

on one hand i regret playing through the whole game with them on, but on the other, i would have bashed my keyboard had i gone in blind. they should have been off by default on the higher difficulties; only compromise i could see.

reminder that if you don't think doom eternal is a 10/10 and GOTY you are a cuck

By not having dissapearing bodies,
overwatch abilities,
cutscenes including canned animations incorporated in the main gameplay loop.
Having faster consistant movement speed instead of a cooldown ability,
more satisfying weapons (stronger weapons / weaker enemies, whatever),
fewer arenas in place of more organically flowing levels.
off the top of my head

As someone who loved that game, yes

>not separating basic tutorials from hints
why would i turn off tutorials before even playing the game? How the fuck am i going to know certain mechanics?

good level design.
no glory kills.
any atmosphere.
no marauder.[/spoiler ]
enemies organically present in the whole level and not spawned inside an ad hoc arena.

right, I don't like them but if the game has them on by default, you assume that they didn't manage to convey information in a less faggoty way.

Did it tho? Honestly it was a strange thing, EA was the only company to really try to ape cod with MoH and even they just gave up the ghost after two titles. I really can’t think of another obvious attempt at a cod clone.

>Marauder is har-

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How about every COD game made after the one that proved succesful?

wtf is that voice jesus christ

ding ding

>Pretending those who don't like him think he's too hard, while also thinking he requires skill as oppossed to just switching between two weapons

>any atmosphere
Jesus this. It felt like I was walking through the toys section of Kmart the whole game.

But I was responding to a post about cod clones not cod sequels.

Virus come, I'm not at risk.

Where is the good gameplay?

I'm kinda kidding but kinda not, yes they're official sequels. but aren't they also clones of one another?

They literally cant, even doom 2016 has been made obsolete

2016 had the perfect balance of arcadey fun and atmosphere. Why are the weapons you pick up in this game just arbitrarily floating like it's a serious sam game? What the fuck is id doing? In 2016 you'd organically pick up a new weapon by coming across a dead body or what have you and it made sense.

>I watched
stopped reading there.
fucking go back

Jesus Christ almighty, user. No, that’s not what I was talking about at all but obvious it’s a creatively bankrupt series.

Doom 64 best Doom game

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I mean, anytime one studio/franchise becomes top-dog of one specific market, others are going to try but fail. we don't have any notable non-cod cod-clones, or non-fortnite fortnite-clones, or non-wow wow-clones. the reason mainstream shooters have still looked the same is because cod4 proved succesful so there wasn't any reason to make any other kind of shooter (for the company that holds that market) until another kind shows itself to be succesful. And that might be happening at this point.

the only other modern fps campaign I had fun with was titanfall 2's. the others were just generic shit