This board needs to stop being full of honosexuals

This board needs to stop being full of honosexuals.
You guys are disgusting.

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Other urls found in this thread:

eat shit bat girl

two nukes weren't enough


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>mfw people keep trying to seduce me into getting infected
I'm trying bros

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fuck off faggot

God I want her to infect me so bad

>last corona chan thread got filled with roleplaying faggots
will this one be different?

Accept the pink pill user.

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Yeah, what kind of faggot just wants to be special and green and slutposts to their green betters? It's not that hard to be so pathetic, right?

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also she cute

it'a not diives

Are faggots on Yas Forums trying to turn every single april fools joke into a reason to jack off with others
You don't need a reason to do that you pathetic sluts just fucking go to some other board

i want the faggots to leave

>mfw i'm in this screencap
feels nice~

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it's trannies trying to use april fools as their gay erp session day ever since the easter princesses. mods need to start public banning the tranny erp fags.

i am too, although i don't know why considering i was telling people i found a cure to make them not faggots

It shouldn't you whore

The pinkpill is for tranny shit not gay shit you dumbdumb
unless you are an actual tranny which will just make things a 99% more sad
kill yourself

Homo is top tier. I want to marry Meowie


insult me more~

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Seeing all the horrors on this board today made me delete my porn folder
Might take a walk and see if i can avoid the cops


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this, basically
you start a thread with an OP image like this one and it devolves into faggots trying to suck each other off
maybe they were right about this coomer shit. maybe it's time to become porn free.

>Tfw as far as I know I started the stupid sub dom bullshit on Easter to win points for the peep team when we thought it was based on (You)s since I figured there are probably enough desperate subs on Yas Forums that it might work
>Spun out of control instantly
>Now stupid cunts try to turn April Fools into a slutposting event every single year all because I made a tactical decision to win a pointless contest on a Taiwanese hyroglyphics imageboard

It's cute, stupid whores like you begging for attention

please post face and age

You get off on it don't you? You stupid fucking whore, stroke your little cock then, fucking do it you braindead slut.

face: cute
age: 31

this virua ahit is cleaely pointing us in the right direction
we need a lockdown so we can unfuck this

Thirsty ass loser


all the mommyposting got me, stay away from the hex thread if you're a good boy

i thought it was ironic

peepfags ruined april fools. log off of 4channel forever

You faggots get out right now

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Oh wow
user that's way past the trap/cuteboy age

And you give it freely every year, you also give us your dicks even if it kills you to do so~

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Meowie is cute and only a faggot wouldn’t want him as a wife


Hes a 30 year old boomer. You have to be a desperate beta cuck incel to want that

beg for it more slut

does reporting the roleplayers even do anything on april fools

I’m 36 he is my perfect age

They'll get banned tomorrow
The greener you are, the longer the ban

My marty thread got deleted.

peepfags are psychopatha who would commit genocide to win a game on Yas Forums
don't try and understand them

im starting to see a pattern...

>clearly straight threads devolve in faggots and trannies erping and don't get banned
>vidya threads devolve in faggots and trannies erping and still don't get banned
>faggot makes "vidya husbando thread" and doesn't get deleted until 300+ replies
Then they have the gall to call others obsessed when they give their all to make everything gay because you call them out.

It's hard to turn down a willing slut when they're so desperate to be filled up and used

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You're not wrong
T. peepchad

I’m not cute I’m a man user. Meowie is the cute one


if this actually is a plot to get all the fags banned, i'd be fine with that

Mods should be to blame

>no one will be able to read this because green

All I want to do is infect other anons with my seductive post, can you blame me.

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Mmm I know and it's impossible to say no to juicy cocks~

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Post more BBC content.

>just want to coom without ERPing faggots
I can't leave the coom but I don't want to deal with this

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Haha, fuck you and your stupid virus

Just saw a bunch of you fags get infected in real time
Pretty scary
Wouldn't wanna be ya

Seduce me please user!


I haven’t been on Yas Forums in a year so a ban is fine for me

Fucking weebtrannies can't miss a single opportunity to inject a fuckton of gayshit in anything.

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Sorry, I know nothing about the British Broadcasting Corporation.

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coof coof

I want to give in and reply to corona-chan

Suck that gay cock user

Cum poz up my discord.

*whips it out in front of your face*

If you post the nude one i'll give in and get myself pozzed


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>image is full of males rping as girls
So yes, pinkpill is accurate. Go take your 'mones, repressor.

suck my balls im immune

i dont wanna die


I will if more is posted or if she seduces me

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>small dick
only femboys worth it are huge ones

I wanna smooch it.

>tfw made the thread in this image that started with this
>just did it because everyone else was making corona chan threads and my green was growing
>mods deleted everyone else's threads but left mine up
>got filled with RP faggots and now i have to live with it being at the top of this image
going to drink myself to death

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>At least I can spell "homosexual" you fucking faggot.

okay hon


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