When are we going to get League Classic? so fucking tired of all these retarded gameplay changes and champion reworks can't even recognize the game anymore.
I just want to go back to season 3.
When are we going to get League Classic...
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>When are we going to get League Classic? so fucking tired of all these retarded gameplay changes and champion reworks can't even recognize the game anymore.
>I just want to go back to season 3.
It would just get ruined by having a meta again.
Unfortunately this, I started playing league around the end of 2010 and nobody had a fucking clue of what they were doing and it was a big part of the appeal. A friend and I just waited on the last bush of bot with Xin Zhao and Garen and obliterate anyone who dared facecheck. Fun times.
>wanting to play a version worse than the current one
season 3 already had a established meta
Not him, but it was objectively better.
When hidden mechanics still existed, snowballing still existed, being fucking good enough as a player you alone could carry your team, not anymore.
If you're STILL playing this game after how fucking grotesquely they've butchered it, you're genuinely a fucking retard.
the game is now better than it's ever been
this unironically, riot has been listening to the community more and fucking up less than they've ever before
>still """reworking""" champions after it's been pounded into their thick skulls EVERY fucking time that nobody wants reworks.
LOL no, you fucking retard.
>wanting to play boring point and click champions
play dota
they need to rework champions because they're old and shitty, they learnt from the awful aatrox rework and have been making a lot better ones so far
>malzahar still fucking ruined
>destroying everything that fiddlesticks is as a champion just for the sake of "new good"
No, you're a worthless little retard that is doing nothing that making statements of cope because you have already sunk your entire bank account into the game.
Yeah sure his easy to pick up kit which has a weak burn aoe and a skill shot blocked by first hit NEEDS to be a complicated champ, fuck macro
fuck winning because you have good map awarness and wards and farming and objective taking
lol wut
Sunk cost fallacy, it's the only reason you're still playing.
i haven't spend a dime on league, i would never spend money on a free game where you can still get skins legit
Oh then you're genuinely just retarded.
>if you spend money you're retarded
>if you don't you're retarded
please make actual points
He is right.
Champions like Taric were changed so much they caled have called his Maric and be his brother which was for more mechanical players
They should keep simple champions because no one would play the game except pure autistics if every champ is Zed, Yasuo or Apehlios
You need the Ashe, Yi, Mundo first.
not him, you are low IQ
read the posts again, that is not what he said
>add a summon minion spell to malzahar while keeping the old shit
ok retard
>destroying everything that fiddlesticks is as a champion
yeah he's fun to play now
>is completely oblivious to the entire thread
It was fun years ago, brainlet. If you're unironically playing this today, you're retarded.
You can solo carry the game still shitter. You just have to be better at it than how it used to be. There are boosters with 80+% winrates in masters.
its the champs that rotated as carries, most ADC cannot carry. Top, mid and jungle are your carries now which is ironic
A lot of assassins cant carry either I know I have been 28/4 as Zed and my team would be aced after I get the adc and mid
Simple champs aren't as exciting to watch on stream as SICK ZED OUTPLAYS GONE SEXUAL and riot doesnt give a fuck about balancing the game around anything but LCS players
>no one can CS
No, you were just shit at the game then and didn't know how shit you were. The game was even more broken then, you just didn't know it because you only played with casual faggots.
>add a summon minion spell to malzahar while keeping the old shit
He already had voidlings, retard, they didn't add anything, they just nerfed the shit out of it and made it pointless.
>while keeping the old shit
Removed void pool, removed visions damage, removed hidden auto attack mechanic between spell casting. I was a malzahar main, kiddo. Riot ruined him because they listened to some faggot called aquadragon that played him as a joke off-meta jungler and decided to actually make him an AD character while completely gutting him as a mage.
Nigger there was a time you could carry the game as a support through snowballing and becoming a wrecking ball, they removed all semblance of freedom in the game, you are a meta-slave retard.
I just want pre yasuo league, what a fucking shit champion
Never even played him before but never went negative with him on my first 5 games
no need for mechanics when you can just outburst everything
The amount of infected people posting in this thread speaks VOLUMES about league class. Y'all are fucking delusional if you want season 3 back like you even played it then.
t.played since the fucking beta
>The amount of infected people posting in this thread speaks VOLUMES about league class.
thats rich coming from you atomic shrek
Seethe you got me fucking infected with your retardation. NOW I GOTTA SEETHE
Support is even more braindead and impactful than it's ever been, what the fuck are you even talking about? The champions are way stronger and now have items that give them almost solo laner tier income. Support is genuinely the easiest role to climb on.
>implying the new fid isn't kino
Learn to read.
It's not fiddlesticks, it's a new champion replacing him. Which is the fucking complaint EVERYONE has about reworks you stupid fucking zoomer.
to be fair fiddle reword is similar mechanically even if I miss his CROWS
They are deleting his model, story, character, charm, cartoon look of a scarey scarecrow though
I remember when the Trundle "update" just made him an ice troll with a shittier model and animations
I fucking loved trundle and hes mechanically the same, I miss my buttfeasting gremlin though
>Removed void pool
it's still on R and was used 95% of the time with R even before the rework
>removed visions damage
>removed hidden auto attack mechanic
>they removed a bug so the game is shit now!
>completely gutting him as a mage
when was the last time you played the game? he deals a shit ton of damage as mage, no one plays him AD
then use the traditional skin, they gave it to everyone who owned trundle before the rework
>when was the last time you played the game?
Like a month after the rework and i have no intention to play it ever again, faggot.
>it's still on R and was used 95% of the time with R even before the rework
That's not an excuse, it used to be a perfect zoning tool, or a completely fucking game changer if people ignored it while they were doing baron or dragon etc.
>removed visions damage
Do i need to explain the english language to you?
>hidden mechanics are bugs!!!!!!!!!!!
>he deals a shit ton of damage as mage, no one plays him AD
Too little too late, gaylord. He also doesn't play the same anymore because casual, worthless, pathetic little fucks cry over "it FEELS unfair, i HATE damage over time!!!! WAHHHHH WAHHHHH"
Still doesn't look anything like Trundle, retard. It's just the nu-trundle with a brown shirt.
AD malz is a weird hill to do on, he is loads of fun infected minions and bouncing it to champions then sending little voidlings to eat them
its like the least impactful re work ever
Kill yourself, aquadragon.
>Like a month after the rework
it shows
>Do i need to explain the english language to you?
tell me how constant 739 damage every 4 seconds is no damage
>hidden mechanics
it's not because you call it an hidden mechanic that it's not a bug
keep crying and spreading bullshit about a game you don't play
>tell me how constant 739 damage every 4 seconds is no damage
Retarded little shit doesn't understand what the words "OVER 4 seconds" means
It's fucking hilariously bad you clown.
doesn't use the old model though and animations though
>implying sion wasnt a better rework
>implying warwick wasnt a better rework
>implying urgot wasnt a better rework
>implying taric wasnt a better rework
>implying brand wasnt a better rework
>implying caitlin wasnt a better rework
>implying dragon not being a generic gold drop isnt better
>implying baron not just being a stat buff isnt better
>implying the increased neutral objectives and gold plating isnt better (makes the games quicker, and rewards fighting than laning for 30 minutes)
>implying the map redesign isnt better
>imlpying the reworked jungle isn't better
>implying runes reforged isn't better (and free)
all they really do for every champion is replace all non skillshots with skillshots thinking this makes the game better
that design is terrible btw
>it's not because you call it an hidden mechanic that it's not a bug
So according to you, everything about Riven is just one giant bug.
Not him but Malz is pretty good right now, 51% WR is nothing to sneeze at.
the new fid has exactly 0 skillshots
neither did warwick
I don't care how "well" he's doing in the hands of the masses, that shit is literally meaningless and always was.
I played him when he was sub 40% winrate and i loved him, climbed to d1 with him and probably would have kept climbing if the rework didn't make me not find him enjoyable anymore and thus make me stop playing entirely.
Why are you this much of a pleb?
>Urgot """rework"""
Dear fucking lord, I get a headache whenever someone tries to juggsplain it away as a good thing.
>B-But once you're level 13 you have a 6% max hp proc on autos every 2.5 seconds! He's good!
I don't give a shit how good his shotgun knees are, he's not Urgot anymore.
>350 attack range
>Shotgun legs passive with 490 range
>12-8 sec CD Q with next to no poke potential and a worthlessly short slow
>490 range W that does ZERO damage (Literally worse than autos when you go over 1 attack a second, compared to old Urgot it's abysmal) and less reliable targeting
>pitiful 475 range dash with slow windup you may as well walk, okay CC but nothing amazing, shield's okay I guess 16-14 sec fucking CD
>meme execution ult that doesn't keep his old ult's utility at all
Need to fit this in 2 posts
Urgot, the CHAD
>Slightly better 425 attack range
Shit on idiots trying to step up on you or your team with a flat 15% damage cut. Fuck assassins, fuck carries. Mini exhaust that's always on.
Very high tier damage spell, 130 (+ 85% AD) on a 2 second cooldown (at all levels) at 1000 range, 1200 with lock on
This is comparable to two of the best spells in League and was NEVER BAD. What spells?
>Gangplank Q deals 120 (+ 100% AD) with a 6 second cooldown at 625 range
>Ezreal Q deals 120 (+ 120% AD) (+ 15% AP) with a 4.5 second cooldown (reduced by 1.5 on hit but ezreal's a squishy bitchboy) at 1150 range
yet people try to tell me that his Q was bad and he did no damage. Only mongoloids thought this. He literally had the unholy spawn of GP and Ez spells but it didn't give you free money, suck your dick or proc sheen so everyone thought it just be bad automatically.
Honestly the weakest part of his old design, it was still a free slow on your autos and Q plus a shield that scaled off your mana
THE spell. The thing that made him Urgot at all. 900 range. 20% armour reduction, instantly. Stacks with Black Cleaver AND helps apply it quickly. Give him 5 seconds of unrestricted, 1200 range access to your squishy ass while you have 20% and 30% armour reduction, stacks to 44% because multiplicative. That's before adding any lethality he might have taken. GP has to land his timed barrel for 40%, Urgot just has to land one E.
One weird trick to make assassins seethe. Retards thought it was bad because they ulted into the enemy. Why would you fucking do that? You get 30-50% damage resistance, a 1 second supression and a 3 second slow for your team to clean up whatever dumb shitter tried to dive your ass. Use it like Xyah ult, idiots.
Urgot is an artillery champion, not some meme shotgunlegs juggernigger.
New fid's E is literally an area target now instead of a unit target silence. Shut the fuck up.
>1k dps on a target with 100 magic resist is bad
>4k damage during ult stun is bad
Support was so much less impactful in season 3, what are you even talking about?
Support is like 80% of the botlane now and they have way more cross-map impact.
I'm not OP, why are you talking specifically about season 3?
So what season are you referring to when supports were so much stronger?
I guess the peak of the Ardent Meta is one of the times where they were noticeably stronger than they are now but ever since the ardent nerf they've been at a pretty good power level, if not higher due to the earlygame nerfs of most ADCs.
I beg you, reply to meplease
He meant they had the ability to deal dmg as well.
As in ap janna 2 shotting niggas.
Honestly Riot could give you Season 3 servers and you'd quickly realise what you liked about the game wasn't the actual game but the much lower level of the playerbase.
Season 3 was full of extremely abusable bullshit, if you give S10 players all that shit they'd ruin the game in a week. You'll never have those unorganised games where people rarely ward, ganks almost always go through and you don't need ridiculous pathing and minutes-long setup to get one off, and nobody can cs worth shit so the game is much slower.
So it's not about winning games and impact, it's just about meme kill compilations, good to know.
>wanting a game to be fun, rather than a job
Mhm, enjoy your cage.
if you want to deal damage you can pick a damage dealer, and you can play them as support too if you want
janna is about shielding and control, not damage
zoom zoom, you retarded little niglet.
Some of us actually like competitive games more than """for fun""" clown fiestas. Yeah, they're fun once in a while but if you just want to clown around a Classic League server would not fix that problem.
People would still optimise the game and you wouldn't get that S3 experience where all kinds of garbage strats worked because everyone was terrible at the game compared to today.
>I want janna to heal, control, shield and deal 50% hp damage with a tornado
looks like you're the retard
>I want janna to heal, control, shield and deal 50% hp damage with a tornado
>Some of us actually like competitive games more than """for fun""" clown fiestas
You don't, you're just making statements of cope due to your sunk cost fallacy.
>spergs about bad balance
>wants to make the game even more unbalanced
so this is the power of nostalgiafags
>You can't enjoy what you enjoy, you must enjoy what I enjoy otherwise you're just deluding yourself.
You are retarded lol, explain to me why you believe the drivel you just posted.
Your argument was literally "i want srs business game, not fun"
Now you're claiming "w-w-well.. a-actually... i think i do find it fun anyway... heh..."