It's funny when a greedy corporation can suddenly give more to the good cause than all of you sad hateful fucks combined. Makes you think.
Rockstar will donate 5% of GTA and Red Dead Online revenue toward COVID-19 relief efforts
>COVID-19 relief efforts
aka fake associations that will funnel the money to immigrant importation.
They also promised to not release new games as long as Trump is still around, makes you think, huh.
>greedy corporation
I need all underaged children to leave
Sorry, I think Humble's doing more. 100% to charity, plus a bunch of books and a free month of Humble Monthly.
Mostly because Trump is polarizing and it would only hurt their brand making anything parodying any form of politics right now. Because one side or the other would be pissed
>$30 for a load of ancient games everybody already has
Sure, it's not like RDR2 didn't come out during Trump's reign.
games have already sold everything they will
pathetic virtue signaling
I only had TABS, Superhot, Lego Batman 3, Fahrenheit, Darksiders I & II, Jackbox 2, EU IV, Tropico 4, Hacknet, Magicka, and Pikuniku so I picked it up.
gta onlines 5% will be far more than faggot ass humble shit lol
lmao what a scam
Based tax write offs
Why do they need any sales? These fucks develop games with how large of a budget? Sounds like they could cut that by 5% and make a bigger impact.
How incredibly generous of them.
It’s “psych” you stupid fucking kid
Economic illiterate detected
That's the point you blockhead.
>corporations are going to give your money to charity and take all the credit, why don't you lick their boots like me?
>he doesn't know that Yas Forums donated to anal cancer
>of purchases of games nobody buys anymore
I hope Rockstar realises how bad this makes them look, more so than if they just did nothing at all.
You got a product in exchange for the money, therefore it is no longer yours retard
I can see Take-Two’s nose from here
So we have to wait another four years before GTAVI comes out? Thats insane
Ok bootlicker
lel. Can't wait to see all the jews get destroyed when armageddon happens
That's fucking nothing.
Let me know when rockstar can force me to give them money, until then learn how to use the term "bootlicker"
Shark Cards alone reportedly earn them $700 Million. In one month that's over $58 Million. 5% of that equals about $3 Million. And there's an addition of 5% of revenue from Red Dead Online. For just one month.
Do any of you faggots ever check earning reports? No wait, children know next to nothing about finances after all so of course not
You probably could find a cure for cancer with that
Okay, when are they going to pay their taxes which they have dodged for years now?
Writing off federal Income tax does not mean you're dodging taxes. You retards do know there are other taxes they pay right?
>5 fucking percent
Absolutely fucking disgusting behavior. They post that shit, they become the """"good"""" guys. Ledditors praise those absolute fucking cock sockers. They end up getting more players and more money. They end up profiting from this because they're only giving away a measly 5%
What force can Rockstar use to make me give them money? They have no boots to march in with and threaten with the force of violence or imprisonment with. Children should learn how to use the terms they ignorantly throw around
kek it's fucking nothing
Do people here not realize 5% of a big number is still a big number?
Holy fuck are you retarded or do you not know how percentages work?
user don't bother. Most of the faggots here are economic illiterate bernouts
And donations to qualified charities are tax-deductible. Philantrophy is just good business.
So what, am I supposed to he gratefully or some shit? Nah they are doing this cause they have something to gain from it, that's all
I absolutely do, but pretending charity isn't an excuse to milk paypigs is even more retarded than pretending 5% is little money.
That is certainly true, but I think the point to be made is that this is a corporate tactic of using virtue signalling to increase profits. 95% of a big number is still a very big number.
No, they don't pay taxes PERIOD. They even TOOK money out of tax relief.
>Only 5%
Are you retarded? They still have to pay corporate tax, import tax, international tax, payroll tax, local taxes, ect. No business outright pays no taxes unless they want a visit from the IRS and the SEC if they're publicly traded which Rockstar is.
nah they can keep it i bet these money will go to africa and to sand nigger countries
You naive little child, they have loopholes you stupid fuck. The richest fuckers on the planet don't pay taxes.
vote for bernie if you want your prostitution and murder simulator you good little cuckerino
You could donate 100% of their revenue toward COVID-19 relief efforts
If it goes to niggers or any other country its fucking useless
>scenario 1
>rockstar gains 100 shekels and gives 0% of it to charity
>scenario 2
>rockstar gains 200 shekels because they're the gud goys now and gives 5% of it (10 shekels) to charity
>100 vs 190
What did I get wrong again? They're literally just acting like they're the good guys just so that they can boost their sales. 5% is literally fucking nothing
Ok retard, Rockstar clears half a billion a month, 5% of that is more to charity than you'll ever donate in your lifetime and you have the nerve to pretend you're pointing out some moral travesty?
Charities aren't real. This fiasco is literally just jews helping jews
>WE ARE HUMANS TOO YOU KNOW, WE FEEL BAD FOR OTHER PEOPLE okay now give us your money as always
Brainwashing zoomers to start thinking that corporations care about people, not their wallets, is pretty easy.
Cope, seethe, dialate
>not realizing that any % of revenue donation is just a scam to get people to spend more because "5% of it will go to a good cause!!"
Why should a corporation care about you? Why should I care about you for that matter?
>5 GTA online points have been deposited to your account
>it's funny when the insanely rich and powerful can do more than the rest of you penniless sad fucks online
Look at that, just giving up 5% changes so much, with that line of thinking imagine if every company gave up a portion of their revenue through taxes to the rest of society. Imagine the good that would do.
>not 50 or 100%
They explained that they would rather not make parodies on current political climates as it would just cause confliction.
>Not realising they're trying to create backlash so they can go APRIL FOOLS and say they made a typo from 50% to 5%
They already do and we still have worthless faggots like you whining for more
>It's funny when a greedy corporation can suddenly give more to the good cause than all of you sad hateful fucks combined. Makes you think.
I would start serving if we start WW3 against china thats more than enough.
Backlash over money they don't have to donate at all? How retarded are you?
Um sweaty I'm doing more than enough being a neet.