The perfect controller doesn't exis-

The perfect controller doesn't exis-

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Why is it so expensive now?

>why is an excellent controller which is out of production expensive?

White or black?

Attached: F31FF0FA-802C-4826-BA9E-D4122744A5AA.jpg (3106x2270, 372.28K)

I bought a wii u but not this, why me

But this thing comes pretty close.

Attached: valve_steam_controller_pc-45009583-52714608-org.jpg (1000x800, 38.8K)

looks like chinkshit controller that you would find on chinese knock off consoles

I have mine still boxed. I don't see how top analogs and bottom face buttons can be anything but medieval torture on real games.

I just wished it used USB C or something like the Switch Pro, and had native Steam support

>No Analog triggers.

looks like some madcats bullshit meme controller with thousands of buttons on it

How easy is it to use this thing on PC

Its good, I just wish it had analog triggers.
Battery life though is impressive.

>Most idiotic possible stick placement
>digital triggers
It's a piece of shit

Which are only really beneficial for racers

I've got your perfect controller right here bro

Attached: wu-tang-controller.jpg (1280x720, 80.91K)

Only dual shocks have retarded stick placement

fuck off zoomer

the white one was already rare when the wii u was current

Stick placement rating:
1.)Symmetrical in the lower position. Allows you to claw both the D-pad and face buttons.
2.)Asymmetrical with the right one in the lower position. Can still claw the face buttons.
3.)Symmetrical with both in the upper position. Completely worthless, can't claw the D-pad or the face buttons, can only access 4/16 buttons at once.

Any controller that can't do pic related is worthless.

Attached: How to hold a controller as intended.jpg (2560x1536, 547.58K)

Right stick and face buttons are in the wrong spots. Other than that it's great. How does the battery last so fucking long.

also playing 2D with asymmetrical is absolutely retarded.

white if you don't want fingerprints

The claw grip only exists because the games where people used it didn’t have access to a right analog stick camera control and any game that needs that hand setup is poorly binded
God damn why do you fags suck Sony’s cock so hard

>both sticks at the top
Absolute garbage. Nice try Nintendie.

When a literal chink controller outdoes Nintendo so thoroughly you know they fucked up.

Attached: file.png (690x611, 1023.69K)

Wrong, symmetry and asymmetry does not matter in the slightest, what matters is having sticks so close together that your thumbs touch

Ah yes the finger print detector

>any game that needs that hand setup is poorly binded
Wrong. There's simply not that much you can do with only 4 buttons if you want to maintain control over both analogue sticks.
If you let go of the right analogue stick and resign yourself to the auto-directed camera then without claw you're still limited to only 8/16 possible buttons while with claw you can access 12/16(counting D-pad directions as buttons here).
You simply can't design a game like DMC4 or DMC5 with on the fly mid combo weapon switching and style switching without requiring a claw grip. You'd have to dumb the game down for inferior controllers.

That doesn't happen to any controller, you disgusting fat slob.

I know I should be using the claw shape, but it just isn't that comfortable for me, and I'm too lazy to force myself to do it.

I got that controller without the handles and the great

Why do snoys suck their masters cock so deeply?
enjoy your 6 hour torches

The guts on that version aren't the same though, the Dpad is different.

Why do you think everything is about your stupid console wars? There are plenty of PC pads with the symmetrical lower stick layout and plenty of non-xbox pads with the asymmetrical layout.

Not everything is about snoy vs microcock.

>doesn't work in Wii games
massive missed opportunity

Nintendo really drop the ball with shitcons. Theirs' are unironically lower than 8bitdo or even dobe now.

Claw gripping is for fucking autists

Does it not work as a Classic Controller? That's shit if it doesn't

>what are modifiers
Also pic related, you cunts need to take it down a notch with your autism
Rotate both your sticks clockwise and anticlockwise, the dual shocks also have trash dpads, they should take notes from the vita

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Does it work on PC? Without bt?

It does have native Steam support. Steam thinks it's a switch pro controller.

for me, its the xbone controller.

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Oh fuck, really? I better dig out a cable for it then

Attached: 1547519765761.gif (317x237, 1.06M)

It doesn't work like a Classic Controller, which is the dumbest part.

Is there any controller that's asymmetrical with the right stick in the top position?


Actually, this is a better version of it.

Attached: 11d7e8b59254ab3a2959ed.jpg (1300x1300, 211.72K)

Better yet is there any controller with the d-pad on the right and the face buttons on the left

I'm not a Sony fanboy you stupid idiot. The right stick should always be at the bottom so it's better aligned with the action button.

That makes zero sense


Attached: PS2.jpg (640x640, 28.82K)

Trash dpad and sticks too close together

Why would it be better than the Switch Pro controller?

I think i've seen a lefty controller somewhere

Naturally, because you're a braindead Nintendo fanboy that accepts whatever your master tells you to accept.

>Trash dpad
it has perfect directions and diagonals, plus no clicky buttons
>sticks too close together
use your fingertips idiot

>both sticks on the bottom
Yea no, this design will never be good

My only complaint is the mechanics of the analogs
Its cancer when you need to slightly tilt the sticks to move the crossshair in games a few pixels, and its almost impossible to do due deadzone.

>no clicky buttons
Just outed yourself as a retard with no taste

Except I have a PS4 pro as well as many other consoles, I’m an idort, and your opinions are as retarded as an audiophiles
Diags are trash on that dpad stop lying and using fingertips is not only less comfortable, it’s less accurate as your thumbs are in contraction

>I’m an idort
Nice try you pathetic idiot.

Yes, but I mainly use my PC