Gaming just died in Japan

I know Yas Forums is going to laugh at Japan, but this is actually sad. How will this impact the gaming industry when they lose an entire demographic?


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look at the japs now. fucking wanking their ding dongs to cartoons. THEY USED TO BE SAMURAI MOTHA FUCKAA! he just wants to toughen them up.

How is that even enforceable?

their nintendo device will turn off after an hour

Why should I care

Lmao, just mod it.

if developers make less money from games, this causes less games to be made.

Oh no retarded law #12368127312 that wont do anything fuck bros I guess its over for real this time!


Is this an in season april fools joke?

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Wasn't there already a 3 hour minimal law? It didn't do shit, a more strict one will just be ignored even harder, particularly when children are literally not allowed to go out and play outside because of a worldwide pandemic.

If the developers get their main money source from the minors then it's a shitty baby games developers

>How will this impact the gaming industry when they lose an entire demographic?
japs only play gay ass mobile games anyway

17 is also a minor

oh no

>japs only play gay ass mobile games anyway
are the mobile games exempt from this law or something

>Are you over 18?
> >yes no
Yeah, time and money well spent.

How underaged are you to not know that the bulk of gaming profits come from parents buying games for their children? If gaming was aimed solely at "adults" most companies would have collapsed

If the Japanese government really wanted to help the people they would ban gotcha shit

You being a poorfaggot is no reason to ban gotcha

>You being a poorfaggot
Do gachatards really tell themselves that anyone who hates gacha is just poor? Is it really possible to be that delusional

Because you faggots genuinely cry about how people spend their own money.

They can always lie about their age. This is the same as banning them from watching porn.

There is no way to enforce this.

Sounds like boomers signing laws about things they don't understand and can't control.

Wow it's a literal nobody prefecture compared to the rest of the country.
Call me when it happens in atleast half of all the prefectures.

>Because you faggots genuinely cry about how people spend their own money
Ah yes I should just ignore retarded consoomers ruining everything for everyone else. Yeah the totally sounds like a logical thing to do.

>limit the amount of gaming children under 18 years old c

>But just how is this new law going to be enforced? It turns out that the onus of enforcement will be left to parents to figure out themselves.
wow, its fucking nothing

Then why isn't he passing legislature that punishes parents for being shit with their kids?

Only fucking losers live in Kagawa.

only OP cares about this.

>it's up to parents to enforce this law
So it's fucking nothing?

but why?

Incel preventtion measures. Its a good thing, look how you all turned out not me, stay mad)

>one prefecture

What you said white boy?

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>its a retarded shitpost thread

the parents are expected to enforce this law btw

>march 19th
Your late. Also you are now infected

All you've done is proven my point. You're merely a child upset with people not doing things the way you want them done. The world doesn't revolve around you

low IQ fag

Yeah, good luck enforcing that.

Ah yes cause what the world really needs is games that cause and take advantage of gambling addictions. You're just too stupid to see the bigger picture of course this is to be expected of someone who spends hundreds of dollars on anime tiddies

By that logic every single one of all the biggest developers would be shitty baby games developers
Which clearly isn't stopping you from playing their "mature" games

It's the fault of the person with the addiction and you faggots play up that aspect like there's a plethora of people who fall into that category when it's just a few idiot whales and parents whom are retarded and leave their credit cards out for their kids. By your metric, alcohol should be banned to reduce drunk driving and cigarettes banned to reduce lung cancer and peanuts banned for people with peanut allergies

>kagawa prefecture
>no penalty at all
literally fucking nothing

Attached: kagawa.jpg (968x920, 95.12K)


It should be parents job, not governments to limit how much their kids can play.

lol those pussy bitch women trying to get young boys to go outside and fuck them because they're all over 30 after having slept their youth away, no real man wants them, so they want to get access to fucking minors.

Degenerate japanese bitches. They drank the feminist coolade and now they have to go after fucking minors to get a husband, lol these sluts want to be able to get knocked up by a 12 year old weaboo who's more into videogames than her pussy, and these bitches think its okay. What a fucked and cucked nation japan is.

Why do you care? You are not japanese. You don't live in Japan.
Stop being a retard.

LITERALLY illegal in nip land

>But just how is this new law going to be enforced? It turns out that the onus of enforcement will be left to parents to figure out themselves. Some of the detractors during the Prefecture council meeting pointed this out, saying that this law is only going to isolate families who actually do need help with their child being addicted to games.

>alcohol should be banned to reduce drunk driving and cigarettes banned to reduce lung cancer
Yes. These things don't offer any positives to outweigh the negatives, unlike peanuts.

Remember that the older population of Japan is still in the mindset that people should work nonstop until they die of stress or exhaustion, as it is noble tradition to give your life for the country and emperor. And the younger generations are slowly moving away from it but will always be under that thumb until the entire elderly population is finally gone. This is why Japan has the highest suicide and lowest birthrate of all countries.

lol japan has to take desperate measures before they just end up blacked like europoors and amerifats.

>people should work nonstop until they die of stress or exhaustion

That's true, though. Goyim exist to serve the chosen people.

Who cares


>Be Japanese
>try to play video game for more than 1 hour
>arrested because underage gaming is illegal for more than an hour

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>This is why Japan has the highest suicide and lowest birthrate of all countries.
Why does this meme persist? Japan has far from the highest suicide rates of any country, and the US has a higher rate of male suicides than Japan.
Japan's birth rate is also on par with whites in other nations; the situation is grossly exaggerated.

Attached: suicide rates.png (984x1024, 87.31K)

God this is so fucking retarded.

Obviously people are remembering the time (not too long ago either) when the rate was double that.

Oh i bet their entire culture will fllourish now. What's considered "gaming"? Playing on your phone? Kids will go play dice or fucking physical YuGiOh, nothing changes.

>one prefecture
>Japan is dead
You dumb motherfuckers.

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Ah yes, I remember 1960 like it was yesterday.

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Everyone knows the Japanese are not allowed to lie as it's against bushido


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console cucks recucked and doublecucked

>Non Japanese people care about Japanese politics
My country is retarded. Also
Who cares? How many minors do you know can afford to buy their videogames? Its usually the parents and their not spending any less money on things their kids want just because they can't play with it 24/7 now.

Fuck Japan

>retard passing game limit during global quarantine
kids already can't go outside


Attached: kagawa.jpg (1366x768, 98.93K)

>You will never live in Kagawa

Attached: kagawa.jpg (2048x1365, 951.3K)

Japan is what happens when you take away a military culture that lets men express their masculinity. What do they have to live for? Weeaboo fantasies of being able to express strength, because they cannot in their own society.