Just don't play Western games and ignore them, bro

>Just don't play Western games and ignore them, bro

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Fuck you


kill yourself loser


Get fucked you retarded political shitposters.
Now hold still while I cough in your faces.

I wasn't going to play R3make and I play animal crossing in chad Spanish

The problem here is dirty white pigs getting outraged at shit they don't like. Master race Samurai game developers see the outrage and think they need to go with that kind of thing to sell their game in the West and avoid backlash.

White "people" ruin everything.

we need to kill all sjws

Remember what you're fighting to protect

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Good thing they reassured me they're not coming for my games, otherwise I might have done something about it.

>White "people" ruin everything.
white people historically have been ruining everything
Should have died during the black plague

Weeaboos who thought that Japan was safe from this madness are going be in even bigger heartache in just a few more years.


>playing games for politics instead of gameplay
sucks to be you

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>We totally ignored them, bros
Laughing my ass off. The exact reason why they're fighting back is because you tried to get them out. You tried to oust them with the faGGotry. They're just having their revenge. Difference is, they actually can do shit about it, because they have a work ethic and aren't shut-ins. They infiltrated the industry from the ground-up and own it now. You dug your grave, now lie in it.

I can't believe whining on Yas Forums all day every day isn't having an effect outside of Yas Forums

The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grisly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller

Attached: Era_April_2018.jpg (1370x998, 538.5K)

i love the resetera posting

that sure is a lot of clickbait

>all of this shit happens in every fucking industry despite respective industries not having their own GG
>yet somehow it's muh GG's fault
people have been arguing this for yearsa and it's been wrong for years, creative industries do not exist within a vacuum, they exist within society and are shaped by that society, all of this was unavoidable in the end

They infiltrated the industry so hard, that nobody even remembers Outer Worlds was a thing now anymore.

Stop getting your news from incel clickbait sites you idiot

>They infiltrated the industry so hard, that nobody even remembers Outer Worlds was a thing now anymore.
You obviously do. And there was another thread seething about it just now.

GG is also part of society.

Wasn't Square Enix the most hated and low quality company shitting out scams even before the SJW trend started?
Why's it surprising that a scam company partners up with scam people?

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Yes, I made that thread and you were salty in it. Because I'm the only one willing to remember your failures.

To be fair, the main failure is because all the good writers had left Obsidian the industry and the gaming industry. Anyone with any sense avoids the gaming industry because of what a shitshow the work environments are right now.

a small part of society yes, but it can not function as a pretext for what happened everywhere else

i haven't even seen anyone argue "we need more black female characters in comics because gamergate happened", it's an independent ideological movement on a societal level that also caused GG in the first place

Chinese man please save us.

>just ignore it
Ignoring it is compliance with it. Get angry, send emails, complain your fucking lungs out that this shit is not okay.

>Implying based ResetChads won't take over muslims and gooks too
After all, weren't white people supposed to be the strongest? If we've taken over whites already, everyone else is gonna be even easier.

The point is GG isn't isolated either, it's just an expression of the racism and sexism and assorted bigotry that permeates certain parts of society. The fact that it happened made people a lot more aware of that in all areas.

white people had the most empathy

you won't find the same thing with soullesss dog-eating gooks and child fucking wife beating muslims

They're just the most visible audiance because they are screaming and complaining the most while everyone else is "ignoring" it. The moment people start sending the emails telling devs to cut this cancer out, it's over.

Right here officer, here are the antisemites!

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First of all: You're retarded. Your incel complaints only make more people side with ResetEra.
Secondly: The OP is obviously being ironic, you utter retard.

Tick tock, reseteratrannie.

>The moment people start sending the emails telling devs to cut this cancer out, it's over
lol keep telling yourself that
You've been at that line of reasoning since 2014 and we've only grown stronger since then
Your copes are impotent

But it is okay.

Kill yourself, trannie.

Let's face it, all that actually happened was a bunch of retards decided to start being offended by everything, and I'm not talking about SJWs.

There are people now who are 15 years old and watching "skeptics" and right wing vloggers and who read OAG clickbait and subscribe to CENSORED GAMING and they're going to spend their ENTIRE LIVES fuming about this shit which 99 times out of 100 is just retards looking for something else to complain about. This "war" of theirs was never going to be won because even if they did "win" they still rely on the battle to always be raging. Truth is, over the past year I've seen very few actual shitty SJW gaming articles, but every single day OAG is seething over absolutely fucking nothing.

There's money to be made by making mountains out of molehills. And the obsessed retards who need to fuel their persecution complex will never let go. They're signed up for a life of misery and obsession.


You clearly literally can't, as seen from the fact we've been dominating you for over half a decade at this point

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>ignores the entire point of my posts
Bless your useless little brain.

What's the business reasoning behind making women less attractive? Wouldn't that hurt your sales? Nier Automata sold pretty much only on 2b's ass.

lol, sure. They win 60% of the cases and live. Most of us win 100% of the cases.
Corona chan is set to increase the 40% suicide rate to 50% and more.

It's bluepilled, jesus christ at least learn how words work you worthless trash.

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This. the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

>What's the business reasoning behind making women less attractive?
Threats from """activists""" i.e fat goblinas with danger hair pretending they'll ever get up off their fat asses to do anything, for some reason devs are scared of them though. Then there's also the """ethics""" departments which are 100% filled by feminist she-jews demanding that games only appeal to women.

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I just wont buy those games, easy as that.

If I really wanted to play those I would just pirate them.

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If we have to give up our waifus in our video games can we make girls give up their husbandos in their romance novels?


You do that, AND you let them know why. You make damn sure they know that you don't support this fucking cancer, otherwise the faggots will just pretend it was because "X competitor game took the spotlight" or something fucking retarded reason, and nothing will change.

So? Basically all of the games in the OP are gonna sell like hotcakes. Except maybe Trials of Mana.
And let's not get started on the Western successes for ResetEra like Cyberpunk 2077 and The Last of Us 2

>Threats from """activists""" i.e fat goblinas with danger hair pretending they'll ever get up off their fat asses to do anything, for some reason devs are scared of them though.
Shouldn't the fact that it doesn't make sense clue you in that maybe you're just entirely wrong about this? There are no threats and no one is scared.

Gasp, how did you know?

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gg was literally against racism though lmao


sorry Yas Forums but Yas Forums is a pozzed board uwu

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>The point is GG isn't isolated either, it's just an expression of the racism and sexism and assorted bigotry that permeates certain parts of society.

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I don't get it. I thought retardera hated white men. So why avatarpost with this guy?

>Tranny trying to downplay their influence on the industry

Come on, we both know that's not true. It was still Yas Forums at heart.

Don't worry guys, everyone knows if you go woke you go broke :^)

Only for as long as your genuine evil is allowed to continue existing, which isn't actually much longer.

GG is ALWAYS at fault. For everything. It's their eternal boogeyman because it pulled down their masks for once for everyone to see and even 6 fucking years later you still see articles published by them crying about it since they've been relegated to nothing more than a laughing stock thanks to it.

remember chud

lmao no

>since they've been relegated to nothing more than a laughing stock thanks to it.
Uh-uh... Might want to check the OP of this thread, bro. Not much of a laughing stock, if you ask me.

>Come on, we both know that's not true. It was still Yas Forums at heart.

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pozzed board uwu
now bow down and let me fuck your boihole

>remember chud

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Literally nothing wrong with this.

Fuck coomers

Fuck the jews who enable them

And most importantly, fuck degeneracy

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>now bow down

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GG was inclusive, and will rise again.
Remember, it's an endurance run, not a sprint.

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cope as much as you want but Yas Forums will always be a gay pozzed board uwuu

>Pedophiles pose as good people to pass in normal society
>This means good people are actually pedophiles by association
Ya know I don't think that's a moral high ground Yas Forums is ever going to be able to take

silly Yas ForumsFags just doing fallacies instead of facing the true

Jill has some nice gazongas and I want to sniff her sweaty and dirty body.

Holy fucking based
ResetEra were our heroes against degeneracy all along

I'm surprised that my tiny penis that i posted in one of those threads didnt get put in the screenshot. Kinda sad 2bh

Imagine being the porn capital of the world on one hand and be home of an insane amount of video game censorship on the other

>cope as much as you want
>cope continues

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Who gives a shit, lol. mods and drawfags fix anything
Sucks to be you, I guess :^)

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reminder fash and commie are two sides of the same coin that needs to be melted down and made into bullets.

If someone who criticized GG turned out to be a pedophile, that proves GG was right all along. That's just how it works.

If someone who supported GG turned out to be a pedophile, like say... Milo, well... that doesn't mean GG was wrong. In fact it doesn't mean anything.

uwu dont forget to seethee on your way out!!!

I didn't. That was a joke too.

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