12 days of eggs popping in your shit fucking everywhere

>12 days of eggs popping in your shit fucking everywhere
>only rewards of this dumb events are some ugly furniture that nobody will even consider keeping
Is this an April fool's joke? Also the whole event is fucking creepy

Attached: file.png (940x532, 770.11K)

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You get a "special reward" if you manage to craft all the recipes. I don't know what that is though and it's probably another cringey egg-based furniture.

Here's your wallpaper bro :)
Also I'm moving into your house

I expect the wallpaper to be a recipe, rather than the final reward. The final reward is probably a giant egg furniture or something.

Jesus christ weed your island the game's been out for almost 2 weeks already

his name is Zipper?
is it because its just an outfit?

this is promotional picture you nigger

why don't my villagers actually use all the fucking benches and shit i'm putting around town?

Yeah I bet, you lazy sack of shit.

post dodo code and say that to my face you retard

Isabelle is inside the costume

Wallpaper was a recipe, I just built it. Yeah, this challenge sucks. I just want to go fishing.

>want to go catch april fish
>cucked for a third of the month by zipper

How do I put inclines sideways?
pls respond!

I talked to some people on desserted islands a couple of days ago and now tom nook want me to help them to move in, can i prevent this?

did you tell them to move to your island?
if not then you will still get 3 randoms

the part where you craft things for their houses is absolutely mandatory to progress, yeah

how’s the stonks coming along?

i always disliked the easter bunny

>'E bought?
>Crash et

Attached: He bought.png 1x1.png (440x270, 15.34K)

Mondey: 95/90
Tuesday: 85/80

Attached: 1569548464079.png (250x382, 154.37K)


Can you get him to show up even if she hasn't arrived?

You'll have to wait until you get the terrain tools and then you can chip a bit out of the side of a cliff. Then you can place them sideways the way you want. For now it's gonna stick out like a bitch


once my village is full will i still be able to invite dudes on mystery islands to my campground
and if so will i be allowed to invite the dudes in my campground to live in my village even if all houses are taken

If they like the island enough they might stay, but you need a vacancy.

guess that means i'm going to have to force a vacancy at all times in case i run in to audie on a nook island

>buy as many turnips as I can
>wait a couple days
>go to /acg/
>wait for someone to post dodo code/turnip exchange code to island with 500+ buying price
Pretty good.

Use the opportunity to max out the slingshot rewards, there's enough of the things flying about.

The other day someone posted that there's a critical bug with the game and that it stops spawning balloons the moment you claim your 300 balloons reward.

I hate having to be mean to them though, even the ugly ones.

Attached: Ozzie sad.jpg (1280x720, 71.48K)

I will have no qualms about gtting rid of that abomination Paolo

Attached: file.png (603x672, 279.15K)

Do you know how many people would kill for Ankha?

my turnip prices have been fluxing all week thus far it's kinda weird.


Damn those are some nice villagers.

Mine have been in a steady pattern, after buying they dropped to nearly half the Sunday value, but have been gaining. This morning they jumped nearly 60 points.

>Audie moving in today
>Zucker tomorrow
I just want Kabuki, bros

There are 6 eggs? I only got four, Sky, earth, leaf, and stone. What are the other two? Also is there any point to the cherry blossoms?

After looking through all of the furniture sets I've concluded that Pears are the absolute worst fruit to start with. But what is the best? Apples and Oranges are both really good...

Water from fishing, haven't gotten the sixth one yet.

Wood and water

Water from fishing, and wood from taking an axe to coconut trees.

Are there still anons looking for male kimonos? I got hakama with crest on my shop

Attached: images.jpg (189x267, 7.37K)

>Eggs look exactly the same as normal fish
>They also eat through your rod durability just like normal fish
This shit is aids

And the Blossoms?

cant you just hack an nfc card

They drop petals for recipes and look pretty

Petals recipes. Haven't gotten anything to make with them yet though.

oh jesus, they actually say this to you?
i can't handle that, these animals dont deserve to be treated badly

>Into April now
>Not a single tree looks Autumnal at all
Why the fuck do they still look like basic-ass trees? I want some brown leaves and shit.

why the fuck wont my bamboo grow!? I planted the bamboo shoots 4 days ago and still nothing.

Attached: 1584738706883.png (496x403, 219.45K)

How could anyone hurt poor, sweet Ozzie?

Did you plant shoots or sticks?
I don't know man, he was my first recruited villager and he always gives me nice things and calls me 'ol bear.

Is there enough space in between them?

what the fuck did you do to him you monster?

yes, there is enough space between them

Well it was a multi-step process. First you have to ignore him completely, when he tries to talk to you just run away. Then when he's minding his own business, run up and hit him with the net. Report him to Isabella for being rude and then file a separate complaint about his attire being inappropriate. And if possible, find out what he hates and give it to him constantly.

Strange, they should be visible as soon as you plant them and at least one stage on by the next day, got any pics?

I got the Cherry-blossom Bonsai recipe from a balloon.

Attached: 20200401_133146.jpg (3264x1836, 2.07M)

Ooh that's nice, I got a mini cactus set and a room full of small plants is something I'd love. I'm finally starting to get the gist of the heart of this game: making themed miniature dioramas and showing them off. And of course making hybrid flowers.

Oh fuck, based. I got a blossom-watching lantern or something like that. Looks really nice.
I wonder how many there are.

The event and every event coming has always been like this. Grindy and boring

Because the game is soulless. What they really need is multiple tree types. Maybe ten or twenty or so.

Flooring and wallpaper to be sure, probably a pile of blossoms too since you can make a pile of leaves.

What would you want other than pine, palm, hardwood and fruit trees? Personally I'd have liked more fruit options like grapes and bananas.

I am! That shit is fucking tight

no, nothing changed... do they need to be near water to grow?

Scroll down brah.


Cedars and maples would be nice, I'll grant you.

Bit of a headache to get a hold of nfc cards thanks to the pandemic. Wouldn't be surprised if more folks had her in the next few weeks once everything begins to mellow out.

jesus that's cruel, im impressed you can do this to him without a bit of guilt

talk about excessive


Times like this I wish the amiibo line had been more successful so you could move in specific villagers you wanted to.

>You will never have this

Attached: Ankha.jpg (221x240, 8.56K)

why the fuck live

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