Yas Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

>Quarantine requesters don't get art, it's not safe to contaminate drawfags

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: 1585723222194.png (2000x1523, 1.41M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anchor deliveries here please!

Attached: IMG_29875.jpg (1024x959, 109.82K)

Requesting all Neptunia Goddesses fused into a Super Goddess.

Attached: Neptunia Super Goddess fusion 1.png (4140x1258, 3.31M)

Requesting Enterprise from Azur Lane with short bob cut hair and looking cool and cute. No ship parts required.

Attached: Enterprise full ref.png (3028x1088, 2.35M)

Requesting Dorothy Haze from VA-11 HALL-A getting a bust upgrade to appeal to her customers. Possibly a permanent one or her flipping a switch on herself that inflates her breasts to various cup sizes to match her client's needs/fetishes.

Attached: DFC-72.png (1580x1164, 909.64K)

Requesting Elora taking a bubble bath

Attached: 1583632524993m.jpg (768x1024, 48.69K)

OR. Couldn't reply on time but thanks a lot!

Requesting Sunny posing like this

Attached: 1585722684451.jpg (959x667, 128.36K)

Requesting Yukiko Amagi but delicious brown

Attached: image.jpg (475x750, 113.01K)

Requesting my maid OC getting groped by infected chinese futa

Attached: image.jpg (1024x636, 96.78K)

Requesting Sunny wearing an hazmat suit instead

Solid Snake and Raiden didn't give away their bodies and lives so she could die thanks to some super evolved Spanish flu

Attached: __franka_arknights_drawn_by_saber_01__539ab943d537bb6eb0bd306133ff4620.jpg (1000x1366, 611.31K)

Requesting a cute yet creepy Tonberry cook like in the reference.

Attached: SInister Tonberry cook.jpg (3381x2301, 450.52K)

Requesting Red-Mage Ringabel unleashing his stand: "「Love's Vagrant」!"

Attached: Red Mage & STAND.png (2752x2536, 1.66M)

Requesting Kleptette. SKWOK! SKWOK!

Attached: Look at this smug bird.jpg (800x559, 100.54K)

Requesting Twintelle smashing Min-min in her face with her butt and stealing her smash invitation.
Please don't hijack my request fatfag
Please kill yourself instead

Attached: Smashfag rosterfaggotry.png (512x565, 239.7K)

Requesting Justin, Lilly, and Sue spending a day at the beach together

Attached: B93813CE-8D3E-4771-9242-B19EED9DB6AA.png (1704x1170, 1.4M)

Akasha with shorter hair, like a bob-cut or just cut to shoulder or mid-back length

Attached: Akasha.png (1024x1024, 791.53K)

Can I get a drawin of Breath of Fire III's Ryu and Nina sitting on a dock, the former fishing and the latter just sitting and watching

Requesting Lucas from Mother 3 smashing a TV (or happy box) with a metal stick

Requesting Haruka from Senran Kagura wearing a cool gas mask please! I've put two examples in the image for reference, but any gas mask will do really!

Attached: harukacoolgasmask.png (1690x988, 802.02K)

Requesting Tiffany from Animal Crossing standing near a street lamp and asking a human villager if they're looking for a good time. Bonus if it cuts to them back at her house playing video games.

Attached: b40cb339200235bfe48b067204676665.png (699x1100, 275.49K)

Requesting comfy monkey because she is immune

Attached: Monkey-tae.jpg (800x800, 35.92K)

I thought you hated lewds

Requesting Banchō Ike.

Attached: Bancho Ike.jpg (2455x1598, 506.14K)

Looking for a drawfags doing commissions for Steam vidya. Here is an approximate list of that I have:

Alternatively, you can link your Steam wishlist and a booru-tag, so I can make sure I wont ask for something you cant/wont draw or be comfortable with (lewd, furry, etc). I'm not looking for a full-fledged illustration with complex backgrounds with 999 things.

/r/ing Mini princess as Corona-chan

Attached: mini corona.png (1497x990, 567.28K)

Requesting Juri using her symbiote to make a bunny costume - either sexy or cute - but with sharp teeth included.

Attached: 1583187745873.png (1236x1536, 455.6K)

Requesting your waifu safe and sound in New Zealand

Reminder: Do NOT engage or draw for the infected. We must stop the spread.

Attached: bang bang.jpg (320x320, 9.39K)

Requesting Wii Fit Trainer dressed as a belly dancer showing off her moves.

Attached: 1558665678550.jpg (850x1393, 173.12K)

Taihou winding her gramophone like cranky kong, Albacore coming in like DK with the ghetto blaster

Attached: TaihouKong.jpg (1632x1010, 350.45K)

Requesting Mona and Missy in playboy bunny outfits with Mona coming up from behind Missy and pulling her top down showing that she has Easter egg themed pasties covering her nipples.

Attached: 1584469436087.jpg (1269x899, 178.39K)

Requesting Soma Cruz as some kind of cool biker dude.

Attached: Somacruz.jpg (2685x1730, 457.53K)

Requesting a tied up Thief Arthur

Attached: 1585652584203.png (1356x1156, 848.45K)

I have created a commemorative work

Attached: april 1 2020.jpg (1080x1484, 804.74K)

Annoying bird! I am the Great Leon!

Attached: learnwords.png (664x650, 58.05K)

No user please, see... My requests are *AHK* *AHK* all good. Wholly reputable requests from safe anons.
100% wholesome top tier and safe requests right here yess-COF.. yessir
See it's a ... It's Pokemon! Pokegirls!
Everyone loves that yeah ... Even Gen II, the one that has the least *HACCK* controversy.
And you know what? We're going to make it a star of a request, a real *UNNH* beauty, a dazzeler. Now listen closely -
Big tits, that's right you heard me let me say it again - premium, wholesome, not-sick-at-all Big B-I-G tits.
And what's next - I'll *COUGH* I'll tell ya. A sexy Nurse outfit! Yeah isn't that great! Works wonders, practically *HRRK HUHG* uh ... Practically canon too what with the Ampharos.
So y'see, there's nothing bad with my requests - why they're top dog, top notch, top *COUGH* *COUGH* dollar! And all you gotta do is shake my hand, make a deal and we'll be rolling in it.
So whaddya say user?

Attached: image.png (563x1087, 269.67K)

Whatever, man

Requesting Khan Maykr in a Wedding Dress, her hand being held by Hayden and she is blushing

Attached: 1577442375351.jpg (1920x2160, 726.45K)

Requesting fun times with Minori!

Attached: Kitty_Minori.png (1773x2535, 2M)

Any non green draw chads?
How are you hanging

Requesting amelias from sd g gen wearing red bra and panties in this pose

Attached: amelias2.jpg (1416x512, 72.84K)

Please infect me
Infect me

Requesting Duvalie with a bob cut

Attached: E24F6CE8-17F5-4AF9-952B-0EC6D2B873F8.jpg (1480x1480, 458.72K)

Requesting Marina taking care of infected Pearl

Attached: __iida_and_hime_splatoon_and_2_more_drawn_by_hinana37__64e676cae30ead46dacf82de44474c10.png (1626x1000, 973.95K)

Requesting someone make a cure for all this.

Requesting Painyan getting pounded.

Attached: 1584369667844.jpg (1000x1415, 621.43K)

Do not use my references without my permission, much less for lame fetish faggotry.

Thank you.

Requesting Nana, Saki, and Mio in the showers together, discussing on what humiliating stunt they’ll have Leen do.

Nana: “That Leen gets to be the aide-de-camp instead of us. We should do something about her. I know, let’s put a whoopie cushion on her chair?”
Saki: “Nah! We should put laxatives in her food so she’ll crap her pants in public.”
Mio: “How about a drug that’ll make you laugh for a full 24 hours if you drink it?”

Attached: 4C2E331D-63AA-481D-BA17-97BA8CD74CEE.png (1280x1280, 1.63M)

Requesting the Security Officer from Marathon looking annoyed as the Guardians from Destiny pester him about their new loot.

Attached: 1584630068566.png (1024x1669, 2.57M)

I bet you can’t infect me, I’ve already been infected by green once before.

Attached: 0CCBFCC8-3A06-4452-9821-B5C35BBC1C67.jpg (340x419, 22.38K)

Requesting Kyle from Dead Trigger doing the Doom box art pose, but with zombies in a ruined city instead of demons on Mars.

And he's holding an M4

Attached: Screenshot_(267).png (271x390, 208.18K)

Requesting the Silencer from Crusader: No Remorse having just slaughtered a ton of Imperial Inquisitors and about to finish off the Second Sister like he's doing in the picture

I mean the Imperial Inquisitors from Star Wars, just so we're clear.

Attached: 1564009746543.jpg (774x1032, 192.33K)

Requesting Prisoner 849 from Unreal wasting some Fortnite characters in a fight

Attached: bruno-sa-de-araujo-gina-unreal.jpg (1920x2715, 959.3K)


Attached: Kuriko-The-Bully.jpg (532x614, 147.05K)

It's getting sad seeing you copy me.
I'm already done with you fetish degenerates anyways.

Infect yourself

Requesting Carmelita Fox's clothes getting stolen off her body and she's unaware

Attached: slidepooper.jpg (1500x1140, 373.06K)

Oh so it was you, funny how that guy's delivery hurt you so much you had to go and copy one of my sketches to pretend to be me.

Attached: sketch(96).jpg (800x600, 112.39K)




Requesting buttjob

Attached: Umbrella_00_neutral_50percent.png (640x720, 132.88K)

Shut the fuck up, tranny avatarfag

Is Mariel being a faggot again?

Requesting Sierra lewds

Attached: 1580022429138.png (1200x1200, 475.89K)


>names/trips are disabled
>mariel isn't filtered anymore
Gee, thanks mods. Very funny.